Who wears these and why are they so fucking stupid? Just admit that you like attention for having achieved nothing except for spending money on meme shoes.
Foot gloves?
look into forefoot running and why heel striking and normie running shoes are bad for you.
you're welcome
Blaha wears them.
Those are for crossfit cuck
Where can you safely run with these? Try running on concrete with them youre in for a bad time
Some dirty mexican indians ran wearing tire treads are gonna change the world!
idk but they look comfy
One of my roommates in college was a rock climber and had a pair he used for that. However, he said that rock climbing ones only had four toes on them so that you didn't break your little toe.
Has to be shopped.
Blaha is looking ripped
nah not really. you learn to be a lot lighter on your feet when you wear these. I've been on 15 mile hikes through the Rockies wearing barefoot running shoes and it's fine.
how is this not fitness related? it's about exercise apparel. half the threads on this board are losers complaining about not having a gf
My buddy uses em but I alwayd thought they fucked his sprint times. His endurance is pretty beastly now considering he's barefoot but damn his sprints are so shit.
I run on concrete with no padding shoes all the time (not toe shoes, toe shoes actually suck, look at something like a merell vapourglove). At first it hurts, but then you get them foot muscle gains, id never go back.
I love my barefoot merrells, those toe things are terrible however, they restrict your toebox, which can in turn cause infjry to the forefoot and increased strain on the joins.
No socks
Flat base
I bought these and ran/rock climbed with them when they first came out back in 2010. They were okay, but overall a waste. They do mandate that you have good running form or else you feel quite a bit of pain.
So just get 0 drop shoes
I have a pair for activities in Oceans, Rivers, and Lakes. Getting sand out of them sucks bad.
But for general use, no that shit would kill my feet