>not picking up climbing

It's like you want to be a bloated useless piece of fat

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Climbing isnt godtier because you can only became great if you are a twink, and it doesn't require athleticism. Sprinting or real sports are far better, along with lifting ofc.

no gyms around me sadly looks fun af

I think if you do it once a week along with lifting its great. It's exciting too. The really good guys are twinks yes but u see fairly big lads in there too,

Did that problem ever get sent? I know Ondra tried a couple of times and failed. I think there was a $3000 prize pot.

>Calling a boulding route a "problem"
Climbing has the dumbest lingo ever. The people who climb are like 50% of the reason I dont


2:40 & 4:40 are kino moments

That might also be the reason niggers don't climb, they don't like solving problems
Are you a nigger?

It's called bouldering you stupid IDIOT. Also I went once with a friend of mine and it fucked up my hands so bad I had to skip lifting for an entire week NO THANKS

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Oh yeah the infamous bouldering harness and bouldering rope yeah my bad dude

These places are way too fucking expensive

No when you call a route a problem it makes it seem like it's this super creative cunundrum that you are trying to understand and figure out like it's some complicated equation or some real issue in your life. It's some fucking holds that some dipshit employee threw up.

Also every rock climbing gym I've been to has smelled like stale sweat and has had the worst maintenance/cleaning because the employees are all studid climbers who don't shower themselves.

It can be some impressive displays of fitness I'll give you that, but I really don't appreciate the culture.

Tfw can´t properly dyno because of shitty shoulders and too fat for my grip strength. Used to love that shit but had to abstain for a year and just now getting back into it.

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First off, namaste brother.

That wasn't a bouldering route Ondra was on hence why he is wearing a harness and has a rope attached to it.
Also I called it a problem because there was a choke point on the climb (in OP's pic)that everyone was getting stuck at.

I'm not a fan of the lingo either but I wouldn't let what other people do/say stop me from doing something that I enjoy.

You faggot.

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B-but I do boulder every other day. Being "ottermode/athletic" feels much better than being really heavy with big muscles. You're just constantly heated and get easily out of breath. You'll lose your shit if you miss your meal and can't have a normal social life.

Bouldering is dope, but you can't get into it if you have insecurities that need to be treated with lifting

>went bouldering once
>paid 11,50€ to get my jacket stolen from the changing room and fucked up my left shoulder and ellbow tendon, ellbow tendon needed good two weeks to heal, shoulder still hasn't fully healed after a month
I fucking hate you climb shills so fucking much.

Nice get Satan. I have other reasons not to climb, but I certainly don't look down on any specific person who does. There are similar folk in skiing, but I similarly choose to ignore them as well


t.jackass who tried to to pull up everyhold

anyone want to climb at the circuit with me tomorrow? t. fatman who struggles with V0s

climbing gyms are too expensive

No, it's still up tho, or at least was very recently and Black Diamond was saying it will stay up until it gets sent
I do user, sent a V8 and some new V7s in my gym the other day, stoked to try and proj an outdoor 7 soon.

Thanks for the info user

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My gym has a wall ama

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How often do you scratch your arse and have a secret sniff of your finger?

I got a climber gf and have been going for about 6 months. Got my first red card last week. I've never seen so little chest strength on shredded guys in my life.

weak fingers is frustrating as fuck i can barely go 2 days a week even after 3 months of bouldering

I climbed for 4 years straight at a high level. Rock climbing is completely dependent on a really low weight and a small amount of muscles for that small body. It is almost completely a forearm workout (a really good one though) with some core and footwork here and there. Its good to do every now and then but every decent climber is either a skinny lanklet or a twink (i was the former) and being strong makes it way harder as the muscle mass of any decently strong person makes it hard to climb. Overall its better just to lift and maybe bring your gf there for fun at most. It's not cheap either as a year membership cost 500 on top of decent shoes and chalk and thats just for bouldering. Harness climbing cost way more with ropes and harnesses. at best its a supplementary workout but if its your main exercise dont expect to gain muscle in anywhere besides the forearm

This. I go bouldering at least once a week and I've seen a couple of big juicy dudes with really good physiques
No homo tho

Tapped walls are fucking disgusting

color code those routes AAAAAH THAT FUCKING MESS

imo someone like Jan Hojer looks better than average amateur bodybuilder. You don't have to be a twink to climb good. It's just a bullshit excuse people keep making when they don't want to get stronger and better at climbing. Even if you cut all the weight, you wouldn't make it to the elite levels.

Every now and then

The routes are color coded. They just use the same holds for multiple routes.

>imo someone like Jan Hojer looks better than average amateur bodybuilder

ok lol

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>posts worst pic he could find

literally the first full body shirtless pic on google

Yeah I'm not seeing the color coding. Unless perhaps arrete is in on all the climbs. But also, chalk quantity's adding to the noise.

If I was physically present perhaps I'd not join that anons issues, just give me more rest time as I'd try to read wth is going on with what's in and what's not there.

If he trained his chest he'd look juicy. And he's world class, just goes to show that any non fat ass lifter can get pretty good.

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if you say so

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Absolutely love it. Grew up in a town famous for climbs and a mecca for climbers and only got into it the past year, really missed out, but making up for it. Out most days in the summer and our climbing gym is really nice, maintained, clean, bright, etc.
Have a buddy who's 220, overweight and absolutely KILLS climbing, it's unbelievable, he'll be a monster when/if he gets lean.
I feel more generally fit and athletic since I've taken up climbing and calisthenics than the previous 7 years worth of just standard gym/bodybuilder type working out
One year in and I still don't like 90% of climbers. The "culture" of it is horrendous and I want to gas almost all the people who come here to live in their vans, eat vegan garbage, and shit all over the place.

post body, fatty

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Most apt term for something which requires a non-obvious solution. Which combination of hand position, grip, applied power, body shape, weight positioning, distribution, and Clarkson POWAAAH is required to get past a particular sticking point?

Non-obvious for the interesting, yes, problems.

ladies first

What is this, the end of the Cretaceous?
'Cause they were murdering those dynos there.


t. fat fuck

There is no single sport or activity that's more efficient than lifting to build muscle and burn calories.

>build muscle
But why? Are you just building muscle to build muscle? Are you planning on using that strength, like, ever?

>burn calories
Fat people problems. Don't care.

rock climbing has become a new "outdoorsey, cool, take pictures of myself doing noob shit for instagram" thing for leftists, fat cunts, orbiters, soys, etc. it's ruined

t. rock climbing since ~2002, thinking about giving it up because the demographics have changed

> Are you planning on using that strength, like, ever?
Yes to feel and look better.
Building muscle to climb an artificial wall is pretty dumb.

Mirin quads

why are you climbing rocks, what is the function?

Y'know, there are 2 tools humans carry around everywhere. Mind, and hands.
Climbing's the best all-round strength trainer going for those latter tools.

>Yes to feel and look better.
Sounds more like you're using it to cover for insecurities than actually enhancing anything y'know.

what are you enhancing by climbing things?

Sounds like you're projecting and also imagining scenarios in your life where your useless sport will come in handy

Hands, nibba.
Also enjoy the power/weight bit and the need to figure things out with kinesthetic sense but it's mainly the strength/dexterity combination for hands that's the payoff.

Use it every day, actually. Maybe I'm a dirty wageslave but I work manual handling; using my hands is what I get paid to do.

>>Hands, nibba.

cool weights do that too

You're wrong on two points.

1) The best climber in the world, by quite a margin, Adam Ondra, is over 6' tall.

2) Lead climbing (not bouldering) is a really good endurance exercise. Most people here probably boulder since they have no friends

What kind of blue collar work requires fake rock climbing ?

Not with the combination of strength and dexterity m80. Lifting, only problems presented are "hands open" and "hands closed".
If I wanted that I could just strap a pair of powered pincers to the ends of my arms.

Requires? No. Enhances? Yeah sure; warehouse and supply chain, for one.
Further, gym strength has not the greatest applicability in places where OH&S are seeing to it you can't actually make use of the fact you can port 100 pounds. Hands (OTOH) are always a benefit.

Don't generally keep up with who's who in climbing but damn.
>those delts
>those extensors

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>all these people arguing over whether climbing is as efficient as building muscle as lifitng
It's a good workout and it's fun as fuck
As long as it's not unviable financially what's the fucking problem?

>Just start climbing rocks bro like its so easy

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>good goy just climb that big fucking rock over there for no reason. yes while you climb that rock I'll take good care of your country while you are away. Here buy these overpriced little slippers

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Really this.

Climbing is like surfing 2.0 only surfing is actually cool where as climbing is a bunch of kids that were lame back in high school.

It's good exercise but the people who take it seriously with all the lingo make me want to leave.

>picking up climbing
are you a 15?

I’m moving to within half an hour of a great beach this summer. I’m thinking of taking a surf class and trying it out. I’m kind of worried it’s like very insular like if I show up as a pretty shitty newb the locals will poop all over me

>t. rainbows every wall
Eh, keep at it. One day you might get what's being talked about.

Are you literally retarded?
>good goy. Lift all those weights at the gym. Yes Ill take good care of your country. Oh, dont forget to buy those overpriced supplements goy!

good goy