Thai Boxing vs Boxing

How does Muay Thai compare to regular boxing? What are even the differences? Wanted to do normal boxing but I can't find a good gym nearby.

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Muay thai uses hand, feet, elbow and knee striking techniques with some clinching.

a bad thai boxer will beat a bad boxer
a good boxer will beat a good thai boxer

Both are good. Kickboxers bring up boxers losing in their gyms but that's not surprising to anyone. Kickboxers lose in boxing matches too. Just go for what you like more and what's best available for you.

Not a chance. Boxers bladed stance invites vicious leg kicks. It would be over in 1 minute, after 4 or 5 solid chops.

So Muay Thai teaches pretty good defense against kicks then I imagine? That sounds mildly useful I guess

MT stance is shit and 90% of you can't punch for shit

From what I've seen it's mostly just condition yourself to take hits and outlast the other guy's hits. That's why they punch and kick heavy shit in real ass Muay Thai. Train for the sport, self defense situations are a meme. You should be able to fuck a drunk up with any of them.

Muay Thai includes legs, knees, elbows clinching and some throwing. It's a much more balanced art than boxing, but of course if your goal is to punch people, then boxing is superior.

If you can find a good Muay Thai gym, then go to that. The quality of the gym is probably going to matter more than the specifics of the form.

I have literally never seen anybody throw a standing kick in a street fight, either in real life or in webms posted here, most guys can't throw a decent punch either
Training for self-defense is a meme, the average joe doesn't train, doesn't lift, doesn't fight, doesn't run, doesn't do anything
You'll be able to easily fuck up 95%+ of guys after less than a year of training in either
Train for the sport of it

Boxing is limited and so are boxing rules. If you just want to learn to basically beat up most casuals in a fight, boxing is good enough.

If you dont want to be a meme and instead want to be a well rounded fighter, muay thai has less restrictions on rules and teaches you to use more of your body in a real practical way for fighting.

Look up trained vs untrained fights on youtube. There are some good ones of guys who know muay thai leg kicks deadlegging NPCs pretty fast.

Funny thing is these are both true, muey thai punches suck
( would say 99% of muey thai ONLY fighters can't punch) but thai boxer vs boxer in a fight where the thai can kick knee and elbow, the thai has a huge advantage.

Look with boxing you will get technically efficient, that is usefull and versatile.
Thai will give you basic/regular control over every aspect of fighting (less grapling). And may be good to find wich style you prefer.

I personally recomend boxing. So good mood and people. Its almost magic how intense a simple good old boxing match can get.
If its a matter of defense, just imagine that a normal fighting will end in grapling or in a couple of fast punches, even more if you are good at throwing them. Its dificult to start throwing kicks on a casual fight.
A normal person getting a full boxer's punch in the cheek has a 100% rate of KO.

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The one difference I never see pointed out in these threads is that muay thai is a lot slower. Using kicks in a fight is great but it tries up your legs in a stance where you can kick from. Boxers don't have that problem and can focus solely on footwork and movement.

>A normal person getting a full boxer's punch in the cheek has a 100% rate of KO.
What is it that makes boxers more resistant to it

Here is a better question than OPs, in MMA which is more effective, Kickboxing, Boxing, or Muay Thai?

Stronger neck, defensive posture, reaction time, endurance etc

Hands break super easy. I've always liked Muay Thai better because tying someone up in the clinch and kneeing them is much more realistic than being able to keep perfect striking distance without a referee to break you apart every time you start to grapple with the person you're boxing.

Boxing is just a beautiful sport to watch but dutch style muay thai is also a lot more athletically well rounded as a physical activity, too.

So doing boxing to get proficient then a little bit of muay thai on the side to learn other striking and clinch is the best option?

Seems a good option

how long is a piece of string?

People want simple answers where there are none. You'd be better off focusing on where you can get the best quality of training. The USA for example, is a mecca for boxing, but otoh, has some of the shittiest muay thai schools on the planet.

Just learn bare knuckle boxing, old school savate, and catch wrestling.

Elbows too. In close you can put as much force as you want into an elbow and it's very very low risk of comming of bad for you.

It might be easier to supplement muay thai with boxing. I imagine it would be super frustrating to get good at boxing and then go to a muay thai gym and try to break old habits getting your lead leg chopped round after round.

Thai is better than American. Thai has longer ranger, twice as many attacks (more than that really) and their conditioning is WAY better than standard boxing. If you are a skinnier dude go Thai, if you're thicker go boxing, just play to your strengths... And yes, the bladed stance in boxing makes their lead leg a massive target, but that can always be changed (Tyson had a more flat on stance). Imo if you're looking for a standup style, Dutch kickboxing is the way to go.

Why not just do Savate rather then MT.

You can get better at it faster then MT and it perfectly compliments Boxing.

>Dutch kickboxing
Yeah, Bas Rutten is an absolute fucking animal.

Most Legendary Thai fighters have had a strong history in Boxing that gives them really good evasion ability
But they're fairly equal sports to me

Good luck finding somewhere that teaches savate. Also, I'm not knocking it's effectiveness, but the frogs somehow managed to make fighting look gay as fuck.

Thai boxing is the superior in terms of tools
Thai boxing uses kicks,elbows,knees, and punches with an emphasis on conditioning the body
Boxing uses foot work,punches, and head movement

I was thinking that the fundamentals of boxing being more streamlined, and especially the focus on defence being footwork/evasion based rather than stand-and-deliver style conditioning, would be a better foundation for striking. Then yeah muay thai would feel awkward but the alternative is probably going from muay thai to boxing and being open for jabs or w/e.

>that sounds mildly useful
Not really, considering most guys that throw kicks don't throw them well. In MMA, thai box is great since people ACTUALLY learn how to fight, but if you're worried about Goober Gary trying to kick you at the bar or some shit, it's more likely that he'll do some bitchy weak shin kick which honestly does more to unbalance him than you.

MMA guy here. Boxed for a year, then made the switch to Thai boxing.

>A lot of skills transfer over, A LOT.

Less brain damage in Thai boxing, mite because coaches are more aware and or the head isn't always the main target with kicks and knees.

More weapons, you can chop down a boxer with leg kicks. Elbows and knees add close in fighting + clinch, makes it brutal art.

Thai Boxing is all around better. Trains all ranges of striking, well boxing only teaches one.
Boxing lets you develop fast, powerful bands that is it.

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100% of boxers can't kick for shit, retard

Boxing is all about doing one thing, and doing it very well... punching as hard as possible to the face and head. Muay Thai has too much fancy shit that's unreliable in a real fight, but provides a great show in a controlled environment. Boxing's power comes from its simplicity.

Dropping a nuclear redpill on martial arts...

It doesn't matter what style of combat you choose, but who teaches it to you... are you in Thailand? Muay Thai. Are you in the USA? Boxing. Are you in neither? A western nation choose boxing, a asian nation choose Muay Thai... in neither of those areas?

Touch of Death. My favorite style is Sambo, but good fucking luck finding a decent gym outside of Russia.

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is kickboxing any good asking for a friend

LOL Savate is fucking shit ya dingus

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Boxing is all about punching and punching combinations. In traditional Muay Thai you do punching, kicking, elbow and knee striking as well as clinching. Boxing and kickboxing emphasize combinations whereas Muay Thai favors power strikes.

Muay Thai was so efficient that the K-1 organization had to change the clinching rules in order to give kickboxers a chance. Boxing is perfect for streetfighting as it relies only on punching and is more economic in term of energy than kickboxing.

Note that most successful Muay Thai fighters started training as kids (4 or 5yo) and by the age of 18 they have already more pro-fights than many 30yo pro kickboxers. This is the reason why fighters like Buakaw, Saenchai and Yodsanklai are so level-headed during fights.

It’s so shit it arrived in the finals of UFC-1.

>muay thai