How did you stop drinking alcohol? I believe I am starting to become an alcoholic. No meme replies please

How did you stop drinking alcohol? I believe I am starting to become an alcoholic. No meme replies please.

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I ran out of money

I never fully stopped but I definately tapered off. By having like one or two less drinks and drinking one or two less days every now and again. You can make incrimental changes and they eventually add up. If you believe you are starting to become an alcoholic then trying hard to stop or control it now is better than waiting until it becomes a neccessity. Good luck man.

Dont drink during the week.
Make plans for the weekend.
don't drink when you lift.

Also get a stable gf

Watch as the opportunities stop presenting themselves and you just start doing it rarely.

Stopped smoking. Didnt feel like drinking anymore

lol just stop buying alcohol

replace the drank with dank

I became a workaholic instead

I went to AA and did 90 meetings in 90 days. I quit AA but still gave up the sauce. I drink maybe 3 or 4 times last year. Big improvement from the daily blackout drinking.

I didnt want to go out anymore, that took away 90% of my drinking. After a few years I just stopped cause it was boring. I've never drank for the flaviour tho, only to get drunk.

Just pick a couple of days in the week to drink and plan rewards for yourself in the days you don't drink. I drank a litre of cola today for instance.
>Inb4 a million fags tell me that drinking soda is somehow going to kill me but their alcoholism is totally fine.

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How much are you drinking weekly

Take something for sleep for the first week then stop.

Never started. But the moment I do I fear OP.

never have alcohol at home.
if receiving, give leftover to guests when they leave
don't drink more than once per week

t. only casual drinker in 100% alcoholic family (either full blown or had to stop completely)

Almost killed myself in a DUI. Went cold turkey for 4 months and now I don't go to the bar anymore I just prefer to hang out at home if I do drink.

Yeah just take drugs bro!

>Just pick a couple of days in the week to drink and plan rewards for yourself in the days you don't drink. I drank a litre of cola today for instance.
>>Inb4 a million fags tell me that drinking soda is somehow going to kill me but their alcoholism is totally fine.

That's is because drinking alcohol is cool and makes you a chad. Drinking soda makes you a fatty.

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I am an alcohol. I get withdrawals if I don't drink after a few hours. I taper down to a couple of drinks a day over the course of a week of shitting myself, vomiting everything that touches my stomach and sweating like a madman, but then this little voice in my head comes along at the end of a taper and reminds me of how nice being buzzed feels and I fall back into drinking heavily.

It fucking sucks because I know I'm ruining my life and by repeating the taper/withdrawals I am increasing the alcohol kindling which can cause brain damage if severe enough. Not to mention the 20% chance of dying from delirium tremens if I was to quit cold turkey, which scares me into drinking more.

If you aren't this bad then please stop now, it's a very slippery slope and it will fuck you up. I'm 25 btw, been like this since I was around 23.

>ah just take drugs bro!

Absolute fucking retard. Recovering from chronic alcohol abuse makes sleep and living the first week a torture. Most doctors either prescribe something or people have to pound dipenhydramine

The moment I realized I only drank to hit on chicks.

>brain damage from ethanol

Just stop drinking it, how do you even cope with the constant hangovers?

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Treated my depression and mental health issues. Never wanted to get shit housed after that.

After enough time regularly drinking it becomes quite the opposite. After about 2-3 years of regular drinking, 4-5 days a week, maybe 6-8 beers a day, you start not having hangovers, but feel just generally run down during the days. If you pick up drinking from there you feel terrible. You start drinking maybe 1-2 drinks in the morning and you feel fucking great afterwards. Emotional events can start to spiral this more and more until you start drinking regularly throughout the day.

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Jesus christ, how can you even afford spending money on 7 beers a day every day, even if it's the cheap type?

If you think you may have a problem, you probably do. I used to drink a shitton. It's tapered off over the past few months and I'm probably quitting (almost) entirely.

What's helping me:
-read up on the terrible effects high alcohol consumption has on your health
-think of how it slows your gains
-think of how much money you're spending on this shit
-think of the hangovers and overall time and productivity loss
-accept that one drink will never be one drink for you
Think of all the above when you're about to drink. You'll come up with reasons why this time it's ok - consider then that you're just rationalizing starting drinking again.

It's not easy but you'll get there and it's worth it. Good luck bro.

>Get off toxic chemicals by taking more! That's not why you got in this mess to begin with. Lmao.
What drugs are you on now bruh

Alcoholics start of functional. Most people buy the cheapest/malt liquor if you choose beer. Where I live you can easily get 4 Natty Daddys which equates to 8 8% alcohol beer, translating to about 11 5% beers. It costs $6.66 for that.

Dumbass. The liver process of medication to help you sleep vast outweighs the ensuing damage of continued drinking and not sleeping.

He isn't a NEET

>almost alcoholic
>not a NEET

>Just take (((medication))) everyday bruh that's better then that bad drugs you have been taking goy.

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>Workaholic alcoholics don't exist

can confirm.

You would be absolutely surprised how many people at jobs are chronic alcoholics drinking about 70-90 drinks a week and seem completely normal. It's teetering off that edge and losing control every once in a while on benders that causes job loss, family loss, etc. where the downward spiral begins.

I physically couldn't stop drinking on my own. DTs and seizures are a bitch. Had to go to a hospital to detox for a few days. I'm guessing your not at the point yet, but trust me when I say this, you really dont want to get to that point. Try tapering off of alcohol slowly or smoking cannabis instead for a few days. Go to AA meetings in the meantime and talk to people there.

At that point they don't even get drunk they need a drink not to fall apart at work. Now that's sad

>mfw I never took up drinking

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my liver hurts, brehs

>Cola has the same calories in it as the amount of booze you take to get drunk.
Nigger you need to learn what calories are. Or at the very least stop COPEing this hard you are not a fucking Chad if you drink heavily all the time.
Taper off user

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it's taxed pretty high and I'm quite greedy, and therefore I feel that I lose more happiness than I gain by drinking on weekends.

take some TUDCA or acetylcysteine (NAC)

How is it even possible to become an alcoholic? It tastes fucking disgusting and is awful for your health

t. shit taste and/or underage

Pls leave thanks

never saw the apeal of drinking alone
Only drink like 1 time per month when going out with friends
Why would I get drunk sitting at home?

It's your pancreas. You probably have a bout of acute pancreatitis. Don't drink for a few days, at least. Shit can kill you.

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Got a DUI, quit altogether aside from occasional social events I have a designated driver for.

If you find an answer to that your life will just get worse.

This, why would you ever drink that shit for the taste. You drink it to get drunk.

Normalfag millenials get out

>Nigger you need to learn what calories are. Or at the very least stop COPEing this hard you are not a fucking Chad if you drink heavily all the time

I'm talking about sterotypes not fact you fucking faggot. If you drink soda people are going to assume you're a disgusting faggot, if you make a cocktail you look fancy af.

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Don’t scare me user pls

I used to drink everyday after work because I was stressed. Turns out I was stressed because I wasn’t getting enough sleep. Now I go to bed early and don’t feel the urge anymore.

>I ingest poision in public so people will respect me
You realize Stacey drinks cola right? It's not exactly stigmatized

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Underage or not, that poster has a point. Alcohol tastes awful until you get used to it. No one enjoys their first drink unless it's mixed with enough shit to hide the flavour of the alcohol.

People will assume you are a faggot if you get peer pressured into whatever
If you say you only drink cola because you like it that way and you can have a good time without being drunk and you dont get insecure about it the only people who will mock you for it are the ones who are insecure themselfs. Because suddenly you take away their method of validating themselfs by alcohol

Empty calories. When I started autistically tracking everything I ate or drank, I realized it was not going to help me hit my goals. Because I measured it, it got managed.

There’s a myriad of choices to make when it comes to alcohol. Saying that you don’t like the taste of it is like saying you don’t like food because you had an ickey brussel sprout once

You have shit taste and you’re a faggot. Leave the hall.

I did this but then realized I can drink below my TDEE if I just don’t have any food all day

So yea that’s not a foolproof plan

This. When I started getting serious about my diet and exercise I finally looked up how many kj were in my precious beers, and it's shocking. Solved the mystery of how I was getting fatter despite eating fuck all though.

Hey user, I’m an alcoholic, I couldn’t quit until I went to AA and worked the steps

Alcohol being broken down falsely creates a signal in your body that you're fed and causes all sorts of down stream issues as a result of that. It's not like eating regular food or soda.

>You realize Stacey drinks cola right?

You boomers need to live in (((current year))). Stacy only consumes Chad's cum and Kale shakes in 2019.

>>I ingest poision in public so people will respect me
>If you say you only drink cola because you like it that way and you can have a good time without being drunk and you dont get insecure about it the only people who will mock you for it are the ones who are insecure themselfs. Because suddenly you take away their method of validating themselfs by alcohol

Yes, welcome to society. You conform to social norms/expectations everyday unless you're an autismo.

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I'm talking about the taste of alcohol itself, not whatever sickly sweet alcopops you're into. Frankly I love beer and rum, flavour and effects, but I won't pretend neither took any getting used to.

Drank for two years straight. Got alcohol poisoning and had by far the worst hangover ive ever had couldnt move from the head pain. Havent drank in months. Smoked some pot to overcome the DTs. Had a swimmy head and time warps for 2 or 3 days but thats it. I dont want to drink anymore.

A lot of people have really shitty lives (or a lot of trauma and emotional baggage) they cant escape from, or dont know how. Alcohol provides a temporary reprieve from their lives/trauma for a couple of years. After a while the alcohol stops helping you escape and just starts making shit worse, but at that point your body has adjusted to the constant stream of alcohol pumping through your body and starts to need alcohol to function, at which point it is really fucking hard to quit drinking because your body will freak the fuck out when you put down the bottle. Withdrawal sets in, you start shaking and having panic attacks for no reason. After a day or two of sobriety the DTs and seizures start to hit, which can literally kill you. Even if the DTs dont kill you, you feel like your living in a nightmare and are already have dead.So you start drinking again to take away both the pain of your life and to stop the pain of withdrawal and thus the cycle continues.

im 32, and i've drunk about 3-4 beers a night, for 12+ years.... more on weekends, but not much more (party days are behind me)... all my blood tests and liver function tests are healthy.... never really been into liquor or wine.

just put the fucking bottle down goddamn

im 32, and i've drunk about 3-4 beers a night, for 12+ years.... more on weekends, but not much more (party days are behind me)... all my blood tests and liver function tests are healthy.... never really been into liquor or wine. not really intending to change at this point - its part of my life and my routine

That gave me a good chuckle. Thanks, user.

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got jumped and my ass beaten

>check bank account / credit card
>cntf f "lcbo" and "beer store"
>$93/a month on booze for the past 6 months not including going out.

Havent drank in 2 weeks and a bit.

Because I had to cut, any I realised I couldn't moderate myself. It was either all in drinking or none.

Used to drink 3-5 times a week and sometimes by myself.

Find a reason to quit user.

Your 1rm

>A plastic tube costs 10s to 100s of millions of dollars to produce

Sounds weird but is valid. I recall reading about heroin addicts being given some kind of replacement-substance during the first two weeks because quitting hard stuff like that clean turkey might end up killing you.
Not a fan of popping pills at all but it has to be better than alcoholism, right?

I got a DUI. I legit blacked out on the drive and only came to when the cop pulled me over. I quit drinking cold turkey when I went on probation because I'm scared shitless of getting my hair tested and going back to jail. Plus the judge force me to go to therapy for 12 weeks too. 3 months sober now. It took 3 weeks to stop dreaming about alcohol, now my dreams are mostly about women and sex. Really, when you start day drinking, you're beginning a road down a slippery slope.