>tfw gf mires your arms when you're hugging her after sex
We are all gonna make it, bros
>tfw gf mires your arms when you're hugging her after sex
We are all gonna make it, bros
I want a boyfriend
>hugging after sex
What kind of faggot hugs a girl after sex
Everything a chick does after sex like saying "I love you"; "mirin" your body, hugging, cuddling, etc...is just to make you more emotionally attached so you will continue to provide for her financially. They don't actually feel anything.
the kind of faggot that actually cares about the mental bond between him and his woman
unless you're that kind of brainlet that only cares about the material shit, then it's ok, keep listening to the raido
I feel sorry for you man, I really do. Having your gf lay on your chest after you fucked her sore is the best.
Im also the poor one in this relationship so that cant be why
I really love reading this r9k stuff. Amazing people actually feel and live this way.
>hotdogging your gf whilst spooning and she presses back against you
God dammit..
>we are all gonna make it
You already did, brother. You already did.
Has anyone ever thought that their hatred for women stems from borderline personality disorder? I feel like I’ll always be abandoned and no one will ever love me. Even though this has not been the case.
If you laid some good pipe then she will automatically try to to embrace you for as long as possible.
It's part of our programming.
>Having your gf lay on your chest after you fucked her sore is the best.
Few things are better.
No, but from my avoidant personality disorder yeah.
>i started lifting recently
>i dont notice gains but my gf does
>says im filling out, arms getting bigger, all that
>asks me to flex for her during making fuck
thats my biggest motivation desu
nice digits bro, have you inspired her to join you in the battle against unhealthy lifestyles?
I don't want a gf. To be honest, I just want to fuck tons of girls
it's sad to think there are people who actually live life believing this
yes i have, told her to start small
we started going on 1-2 mile walks together about 2 or 3 times a week.
shes nervous about working out because shes never really done it before but i tell her thats okay and to just start out small (stretches, treadmill, jumping jacks, crunches) and to progress at her own rate
>fuck on the first date
>feeling my torso afterwards
>tfw she says "ohhh you have a nice body"
My gyno is finally going away. I finally don't feel self conscious about it anymore. I'm ready to make it