Is there any point in lifting if you don't have a good face?
Will people just look at you and laugh because you tried to compensate for a bad face by getting jacked?
Is there any point in lifting if you don't have a good face?
Will people just look at you and laugh because you tried to compensate for a bad face by getting jacked?
There is a point in having an okay body.
Trying to get huge is comical anyway, but especially for ugly people it's obvious that they're overcompensating.
Of course there is point in lifting.
Would you rather be ridiculed by those weaker then you or pitied by those stronger than you?
If you think this way you're seriously not gonna make it
Because ugly muscular fit dude is still superior to ugly skinnyfat dweeb, all things equal.
If this is an honest question OP then I can only tell you that lifting has all around made me achieve things I didnt think were possible for me and completely changed my personality even. from being a chronic underachiever who was going nowhere to a guy that aced his classes and got a really good job he is actually pretty good at. from someone who always does things tomorrow to someone who does them right now. from someone who thinks ok is good enough to someone who has higher standards for himself and the people around him.
Even if it wouldnt have changed my appearance at all I would still do it if I had to choose all over again. It builds character.
>healthy, strong, and ugly
>weak, fat, and ugly
Which sounds better to you?
Just be born with great bone structure bro.
Pic unrelated obviously.
I know you're not talking about that twinky low-T looking yid you posted.
I think I'm gonna get a sliding genioplasty for face gains
No reason for me to not be working out now though, the face will come
You can't deny these bones.
fame halo is real
I can. He looks low-T
Explain how this is a bad bone structrure.
cant be low t with that jaw and bows
aww, look at that widdle chinny chin-chin and glass jaw.
Seriously, I could dig out my school photos from when I was 10 years old in 4th grade and this is why my face looked like. He looks like a eunuch
unironically post jaw
Bro you are embarrassing yourself
>have weak chin and look feminine
>lookism stuff constantly caught in my head
>get gf by "being myself :)"
>cant get hard in intimate situations because I keep thinking I'm too ugly for her and it ruins the mood
Fuck everyone of you fags who posts this shit I was going to make it goddam you
>faking with beard
just mew
Your jaw is not defined at all, man. Your body fat is 5-10% too high.
What gave you the idea that you had anywhere near this level of jaw definition?
The lookism shit really isn't mentally healthy. It causes people to over-analyze themselves and obsess over little things here and there. Then it leads to this self-fulfilling prophecy where "holy shit my canthial tilt is a degree off perfection I'm going to die foreveralone SO HORNY AND LONELY"
I trim it to an eight of an inch with a buzzer. If you honestly think that's capable of hiding a chin, I don't know what to tell you. BRB, gonna go shave because user asked me to.
>talking shit after a dude does what u asked him for and mogs you with his jaw, lmaoo nice cope retard
Cro magnon
I never said anything about definition. I thought we were talking about bone structure. I find his narrow chin to look neotenous
The guy in your pictures looks like a weak little faggot.
>If you honestly think that's capable of hiding a chin
well it is very well capable of hiding your non existent chin
i didn't ask for shit
now you post yours
Post jaw
>your non existent chin
Oh come on now, bb. Don't be like that.
>That ugly powerlifter with a buzzcut that wears gym shorts and boot cut jeans everywhere who calls everyone under 20% BF@200lbs a "twink"
lmfao. It's funny because these guys get so aggressive towards handsome prettyboys because they know deep inside that they're getting way more and higher quality pussy than them. Fat cowboy farmers and tub tub powerlifter rugby frat boys always try to bully me at the club when they see me grinding and making out with hot girls. They always talk shit but I just laugh and ignore them, they never swing. At the end of the night i'm the one hitting that pussy while """Bearmode""" big boys are busting nuts on themselves.
I guess i'd be bitter and jealous too if I wasn't so handsome and shredded. Can't win em all tho I guess.
you should have posted this first bb
No, this kid isn't pretty, he's just weird looking and well known from movies. Same reason women fawn over Cumberbatch and Hiddleston while they're ugly as shit.
I was a pretty boy and got me nowhere with women because a) I was shy when it matters, at 13-16 b) women hate pretty boys after that age.
Looking like an average adult male bodyweight wise and having a masculine face is ideal.
Looking like a twink and having a weird face is not a blessing unless you want to be an actor or model, then these weird features might help you fill a niche.
who are you quoting?
Eh, in my experience, women have an automatic compensator for skinny guys. I've had about the same amount of compliments for my face and about the same amount of girls coming up to me despite going from Auschwitz to almost otter. My face has changed quite a lot, with my jaw popping and the whole thing generally getting looking a lot leaner due to it.
Cumberbatch and Hiddleston look weird, but the kid from this thread is good, no homo.
>women hate pretty boys after 16
You just ain't that pretty, son.
Colour the dude on the right brown to bring the meme into the current year
Being a skinny kid with weird hair stops being attractive to females after they're 16 is my point.
At that point, they stop fantasizing about Bieber or young Leo or whatever and start liking more grown up looking men.
Cope harder fag. That’s just a bit of stubble, it’s not like he is covering his face with the beard
>Being a skinny kid with weird hair stops being attractive to females after they're 16
Not really, considering I am ottermode with weird hair and I fuck girls age 18-30 on the regular. If you look good, you look good.
Waaaah incel scared of black people waaaah
By the way, it is better to stop worrying much about looks and becoming something good in life because of diligence and intelligence. Who needs women anyway. If you need to fuck get a hooker.
What am I doing wrong?
You just look like an autist virgin with emotional issues and no personality issues. Work on that
>Is there any point in lifting if you don't have a good face?
I"m just being totally real, dude. No. Just be low bodyfat % and that's all you need, no additional muscle will help.
you're trying too hard
maxilla too flat, weak bottom lip and bad haircut. weird ear angle too
You look good dude maybe get a better haircut and talk to girls like you’re interested in what they have to say
just have a tall personality bro!
there's valid reasons to be scared of black people
also Jow Forums
he looks like a twink and his chin and jaw look too weak and frail, its also not helping that he has negative canthal tilt and is pale as fuck
every fucking day you retards post this same fucking thread. the answer is yes. now go lift or don't, but stop posting here
no. there's no point in living either if you don't have a good face. spread the word to all your r9k buds then kill yourself
>tfw discovered just a day ago that I have no chin afterall from the side thanks to the new webcam that is kind of awide lens
Never saw myself from the before since from the front, I do have a chin.
But boy, from the side, I look like a mongoloid.
Redpill image
Like Jow Forums vs instagram
Get mewing bitch
>tfw all your friends have admitted you're ugly when you pressed them
Honestly what is the fucking point
the same thread
every single fucking day
Nah, my confidence was destroyed many years bfefore yesterday.
Yesterday was just the chery on top.
Get money and surgerymaxx my man.
once you take the lookism black pill there is no going back, you can forget about the Jow Forums redpills but once you realize what's fucked up with your face/body there is no going back to the blissful ignorance
You have a nice skull my friend. thank your parents
Looksmax to your absolute potential.
That's why I'm against the lookism stuff. It's not that the concepts are wrong, but it's opening up pandora's box and is just going to cause people to develop body dysmorphia and give up on life. I guarantee you there are probably average or even above-average guys who stumbled on this blackpill shit and it ended up ruining them forever.
lifiting always helps.It helps you reach your maximum attractiveness potential.But there's a point where you'll start looking really like you're compensating.This applies to all guys under 180cm who get swole but still look like dwarfs next to taller guys who are leaner
Don't reply for me nigga I wouldn't stoop low enough to fuck 18 year olds. I have standard and only fuck girls who have standards. Anything less than 22 is just easy mode and it's borderline pedo because these girls have fucking kid faces at that age and it's just weird.
Of course there is, any advantage is still an advantage.
No one is going to laugh at you, most people don't give a fuck unless they are insecure themselves.
This is complete cope