>day 40 nofap
>no longer have urges to do things for women
>no longer have urges to talk to women
>porn looks disgusting
>living life for myself and what I want
daily reminder nofap is the true redpill
Day 40 nofap
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that's nothing, get to 90 user. night and day
how to get past day 1?
even if I get past that, sure day 2 is always easy, then 3 is torture.
Based and red pilled
I just get hornier and hornier until I break down around day 10 and fap to some really disgusting shit I immediately regret afterwards.
Keep yourself occupied and stop exposing yourself to so much softcore porn
>day whatever the fuck i don't fall for memes
>living life for myself and what i want
daily reminder not everybody shares your mental illness
>day 20
>no urges at all
>porn does nothing
>i'm dead inside
is this normal?
Dopamine withdrawal + you never once, not ever, understood what your normal sexuality was or your normal sexual urges.
Porn, media, circumcisions, environmental toxins, bad food, sloth, drugs...
All conspired to destroy you from the inside out.
No, I'm not kidding.
You don't know what normal sexuality or your normal sexual urges truly are.
welcome to being normal.
The enlightened man always seems ordinary to the delusional one
The enlightened man doesn't think he's enlightened.
>The enlightened man doesn't think he's enlightened.
Every prophet ever thought he was enlightened in their own way
Last time i made 150 days and it gave me literally nothing.
Now my goal is 365 days nofap & celibacy
Just don't think about it
If you catch yourself wanting to beat your meat, just think of something else
Do you have sex?
#1 tip, don't have your phone where you sleep.
Yea buddy celebrating abstinence from keeping your hands off your cock is prophet-tier enlightenment haha
>nofap kills your sex drive if you stick with it too long
good to know
you can't go a day without touching your penis? damn, and i thought my self control was lacking
man you really are deludud, show me any religous or philisophical text that advocates self-pleasure i.e. masturbation
Can someone please dump me their folder of images such as these?
The post's gonna be a long one so if you want a tl;dr version - go fuck yourself
To anyone who is interested if nofap works, that topic is debatable. Personally for me it had a positive effect for the first 5 days on having more confidence and more balls to go pick up girls if that makes sense. However upon day 6 for instance I hit severe depression levels. This is where it comes to play not watching porn at all because that's really what cripples your mind. I never as a kid did any drugs or smoked, jacking off 4-5 times a day was good enough.However quiting watching porn is harder than it sounds, I have finally gotten laid and have a girlfriend for more than 1,5 years now however still occasionally watch the fucked up shit I was in to when single, it's like a drug, believe me.I fully understand that this is considered degenerate and am trying to quit doing it.
The most important thing is to not "let loose" when you achieve your target. I started working out as I was afraid I would die as a fucking loser and dodged a bullet there, found a really nice girl that I'd even like to call my wife soon however started to "ease up" changed jobs and sure more money comes but I stopped going to the gym, got a bit of fat on the ABS area and I can feel that I have no motivation to go to the gym, this is what happens anons when your goal is to find a gf and you find one, then you hit a brick wall, have bigger ambitions, I am also struggling to be a normie as all my childhood was spent on playing video games and believe me, it's really hard for someone like me to adapt and become an extrovert from an introvert but I am fucking trying. My gf also has no idea I was such a sperglord back in the day. That being said, you may be a nolifer now, however can change your life for a few years. Keep it up, user signing out...
>day 21
I need a fucking gf sooo bad
man the fuck up
user, listen to me closely; never let your guard down around women
>thinking you can shut off powerful emotions without consequences
>day 40 nofap
>penis and balls are broken
anyone have this pic minus goku?
Go ahead and jerk off, there are no benefits from abstaining from cumming past a week or some shit.
That's not true, the semen reabsorption raises free testosterone in the blood for the long term. Although, you're right in a way, because it is assumed, not necessarily studied.
Jerk it then shlomo, it makes no difference to me, but I read an effort post on it, and it convinced me.
it's called withdrawal, it passes.
I never understood why fappers get so defensive in the fap of nofap, like why do you care so much that I don't masturbate?
Masturbation is nothing but a time waste, what do I have to gain by continuing to masturbate?
>if youre right: you have higher test and you saved time
>if youre wrong: nothing happens
which side is more dumb?
yes truly this is the living embodiment of androgen right here
enjoy your broke dick
Same reason landwhales do the it's genetics tirade. They believe the presented solution might work on some level but the easiest solution is still denial. Much easier than actually trying to change your behavior.
Pls I want to break the simulation too, don't leave us behind.
I'm on day 6 and I feel like fapping only because it's a habit but not because I am actually horny. It's a weird feel.
Your test levels drop back to the same levels as regular fapping after 7 days. You should fap once a week if higher test is what you're after.
you faggots are the ones making all these threads filled with pseudo juck science
goldjacketluke is actually a pretty cool guy user no need for roast
>so what do you do for fun user?
>i dont masturbate
I can go a week at most. I wish I had the self-control to go longer.
source on this girl?
>so what do you do for fun user?
>I masturbate
You can achieve the same by fapping 8-10 times a day in a short period of time.
You don't even have to wait X days for the benefit.
Aaaaaand he’s wrong. Your body can’t decide if it has enough of a hormone if it’s simply running through your bloodstream. Your body’s preferred amount has to attach to receptors to be considered adequate, which is when it compensates if something is off. He said that your body’s test dives back down to baseline because it has attached to the receptors and is no longer in the bloodstream. What is really happening is your body was previously realizing that it was producing too many androgens because it was adapted to producing more in response to the prolactin spike after ejaculation. The body doesn’t begin producing more LH and FSH unless your receptors are not receiving enough androgens, which they are hence the dive back down to baseline. Additionally, blood tests would show your androgen levels being higher if your body was truly producing more LH and FSH... which isn’t the case in any study. Your body always seeks homeostasis and doing something like not masturbating really isn’t enough to throw it off.
Because you sound like born-again Christians. A lot of people make nofap out to be this miracle cure that solves all their problems. It's annoying
You guys are losers lol. "Wow I haven't jacked off in 40 days and I literally don't care about women now..... I swearrrr!!!!" Going to go stop my pawg girlfriend from vacuuming now and take her to pound town. Thanks for the laughs!
If you have to mark off how many days you've not touched your penis for you're doing it wrong, given that you're spending your newfound free time browsing Jow Forums something has gone completely wrong
>bragging about erectile dysfunction
the shanty town of nofappers
Building a folder please post more.
>updated to plague of strength links
good job user
What is the point in your life now? Your consciousness was plucked from the aether and imprisoned in a flesh body. In a few decades you'll disappear into oblivion and your body will return to the earth like it never left. And the universe will not have noticed you.
What are you talking about mate? All mammals basically live to fuck the shit out of the opposite sex. It is genuinely normal to want to do this. Porn exists to fulfil this urge, not the other way around.
If you do not have this urge you have low testosterone and would never have passed on your genes when natural selection still counted.
it's called evolving and stepping out of the biological box
there's more to life than the biological imperative.
Living life for women only leads to delusion and unhappiness.
What you think is stepping outside the biological box is just an extension of exactly that paradigm
that entire picture reads like massive jew propaganda
>its not porn's fault! you're the sick one! now come buy my mind-melt pills you dumb go- I mean, valued customer!
Your statement is simply the nature existance.
I say people live in a system where they live to fuck. I say there's more to life than that system and step out of it to live in the bigger system.
No matter what as long as i'm in this body I'm within a biological box, but at least i'm not in the biological box constrained with living to reproduce.
>semen reabsorption