I went into fucking Chipotle to get a burrito because I ran out of taco salad supplies and trying to bulk. First thing I check is the steak. It's old. It's old as fuck. It's been sitting there since before lunch and there's a single scoop left. I asked the cunt behind the counter when they're going to have fresh steak and she goes ummm I dunno teehee there's enough there for a burrito ;) teehee. K. So I order the motherfucker. She puts 1 half assed scoop of rice in the burrito. I ask her if she can put extra rice in. Same with the crusted over soggy black beans. Half a fucking scoop of Salsa and 10 shreds of cheese.
I get home, take two bites, the entire god damned thing falls apart and the meat is so salty it's inedible. It tastes like I'm eating handfuls of salt. Disgusting. Now I gotta drive all the way the fuck back there to get a refund.
Chipotle has some of the worst burrito making in US history. Out of the 5 in my area, there is one I go to and specifically for one employee who rolls burritos like his ancestors are watching. Get a pack of tortillas from the grocery and just order bowls from Chipotle because they load those mother fuckers up with twice as much food as the burritos.
Also no homo have you tried the tofu?
Zachary Cooper
Chipoltle is always trash and overpriced. But what did you expect from a McDonald's fast casual """Mexican""" restaurant founded by a white dude in Colorado. Just go to a mom and pop taqueria or truck and get yourself a $6 burrito suprema con lengua and you'll be a satisfied customer I guarantee it.
Ian Morgan
just get the bowls. double rice & double beans are free, the only double thing that costs extra is the meat, I get double brown rice, double brown beans, and double chicken every time for balkan, and i get some sour cream, cheese, and guac to make it taste nice.
Justin Adams
where do you live?
i live in socal and have never had a bad experience at chipotle. the foods great. albeit salty and overpriced, but what fast food place isnt?
Dominic Sullivan
I like it. Sorry for your experience OP, keep us posted on your blog, though and not Jow Forums thanks.
Elijah Sullivan
thanks for the diary entry my man
Cameron Robinson
you fucked up in several ways. let me tell you how to maximize your chipotle gains for free
1. smile at the person making your food. im serious. it primes them to like you and they are more likely to give you a healthy scoop. trust me it works. these people deal with assholes all day, a little niceness and they will want to reciprocate. 2. Ask for a bowl. Even if you want a burrito, you can get the tortilla on the side for free. The bowl makes the ingredients look smaller so they give you more. 3. Extra rice, both beans, and fajita vegetables. This is all free. 4. If you want double protein, don't say so until after they give you the first scoop. That way they think the first scoop is all you're gonna get and they don't stiff you with two smaller scoops.
Following this advice will easily get you 2 burritos worth of food for the price of one bowl.
Bentley Hall
I don’t know why people go to Chipotle.
It’s literally rice, chicken, beans, and salsa. You can make that at home in bulk in like 10 minutes
Leo Lopez
Unironically 10 miles from the original location in Denver.
Jaxson Diaz
You make it sound as if that's an item present in all small business Mexican food restaurants. The fuck are you on about retardo
Anthony Gray
Its ubiquitous where I live.
Jonathan Reyes
Fuck mexicans
Grayson Cook
I make it at home occasionally. It takes a long time, especially if you make homemade salsa and roast your own peppers.
That’s what pisses me off the most about it. They’re nickel and dining my burrito with the two cheapest ingredients. If you don’t have rough rice, beans, and cheese and a good roll the entire texture of the burrito is ruined. Maybe they wouldn’t need to cut corners so badly if they didn’t fucking suck and more people wanted to eat there.
Lincoln Murphy
chipotle was good back in 2011
nowadays the food isn't even good for compost
Sebastian Sullivan
Yep. I went psychotic on the manager when I returned my food. He was trying to offer me a remade burrito so I started screaming and threatened to jump the counter and make him into a burrito if he didn’t refund money. You should have seen the fear in that little faggots eyes.
James Jackson
>threatened to jump the counter and make him into a burrito Fucking kek
Juan Cruz
the tofu is str8 fire my dude. better than the meat and better macros too
Michael Baker
s o y
Josiah Lee
Brandon Martinez
just got back home from chipotle
smashed my steak burrito in record time, per usual
normally i'd describe my burrito as orgasmic, i don't get out much i suppose, i consider chipotle t1 and think it's fucking delicious
this time was good, but leaning more towards meh. probably because i only got 1 style hot sauce, felt a little dry, beans didn't taste great. could tell by the temperature it wasn't as fresh
still love chipotle though. 7 smackaroos for a stuffing like 2-3 lb nutritious burrito that keeps me full for hours. If i had a lifetime pass to anything, i'd probably make it there.
Levi Ramirez
> eating at a chain Paying more. For less. And it all goes to the Jews.
Matthew Cruz
11gr BROtien vs 8.9 for beef in 100kcal
>looks like we found the real cuck >spoiler it's you
Grayson Anderson
had my first one last week, was underwhelmed... not with the taste, but the size....
it just wasnt that filling...
why dont they offer a fucking big one, for greedy cunts ??
its all this post modernist bullshit - women get the same portions as men, how am i supposed to be full on the same size burrito as my 120lb wife?
Hunter Wright
fuck you i work at chipotle after classes and if i see you there bitching bout my steak ill fucking kill you
Henry Gray
They used to be giant before McDonalds bought them out. Now after all these food safety scandals they're losing money and cheating you out of ingredients. Not only that, but more people used to eat there, so the ingredients were always fresh. Now you're lucky if you get anything that isn't 2 or more hours old. Having to ask for extra ingredients is annoying.
Hunter Nguyen
hahahahahahahahaha your burrito is small because of postmodernisim? itsabout money u retard, if you dont like it dont buy it. people obviously do though because its a massively succesful business
Gavin Cox
just ask for double triple or quadruple meat you fucking beta dipshit postmodernism ruined your burrito? do you have fucking schizophrenia?
Lincoln Scott
>They used to be giant before McDonalds bought them out.
I guess that explains the sudden drop in quality.
Landon Adams
Honestly baffles me how fucking retarded some people are. I'm not but I just had to chip in here.
Caleb Wood
>bulking fuck aren't you cutting for the summer dumb cunt
Joseph Hughes
glad u liked my comment,
nah im just throwing out bullshit to be honest.... but the burrito was small. I went there with some friends and they were all talking about how much food you get - and I ate it and immediately wished that I'd ordered two.
but one size fits all catering is dumb, they should offer at least two sizes, like subway 6 inch vs 12 inch.
Logan Cook
>recognize that the food is old and you don't want to eat it >buy it anyway >IT'S THEIR FAULT >:( not gonna make it.
Jaxson Thompson
Blake Brooks
>1.4b fit lean Chinese >eat tofu >300m Amerifats >eat STEAK
How to you spell success in your universe, fgt?
Michael Torres
I'll kick your ass you little weasel.
Julian Lewis
Because I'm a beast.
Thomas Lewis
good fucking luck coming at me when ive got a fucking cleaver in my hand for all the steak im cutting bitch
Brody Murphy
Chipotle hasn’t been worth it for years. Bowls are smaller, constant lettuce aids, skimpy portions. Fuck chipotle
Julian Rodriguez
Yeah? Where do you work? I'll make sure to come find you.
Thomas Rogers
in the dildo shop on the high street in cleveland ohio, you cant miss it, im the black guy with a big dildo in my hand
Oliver Thompson
>not living on the coast You deserved this. Being away from where produce is grown is an ugodly sin, in of itself
Zachary Baker
I like guns too much to live in a cucked state.
Charles Bell
Produce is grown everywhere you narrow minded twat
tofu has much lower protein content than any variety of meat.
Leo Anderson
I work at Chipotle Do this and ask for tortilla on the side it's free. Ask.for extra anything except meat guac or queso it's free. Be a dick about it if you want. They're Instructed to put a little of stuff like cheese because it costs so much but just make them give you a lot they can't do anything.
Literally ask for extra anything and for that steak situation just straight up tell them you want fresh steak. Or double or whatever.
Honestly the steak is precooked now and it's trash it used be fresh. Just get chicken
Jackson Gomez
People are really dumb. And for some reason think it's a buffet. IDK if I'm being stereotypical but it seems younger people aren't taught how to cook
Jeremiah Gutierrez
Get off the Internet and go to bed, James.
Ryder Rivera
I know how to cook. Sometimes I just want to eat something relatively healthy when I don't feel like cooking for an hour and doing a bunch of dishes. I'm a single guy.
Camden Powell
What about barbacoa? Spill more secrets please
Kayden Mitchell
lie some more, lying liar
Ethan Torres
Steak is horrible because it's like Cooke din it's own blood and then shipped to the store to be seasoned and grilled but it tastes like the boiled bag of blood it comes in.
Barbacao carnitas the tofu and the queso all come already made in bags to be heated up. Still tastes good but it's easier for the staff to make so they don't mind going through it as much . The beans are premade too. Chicken is the freshest meat they have.
Everything else is made in store. Have to shred cheese, mixed salsas, make rice etc.
Anthony Taylor
oh gee would you look at that. Tofu may have higher calorie/protein ratio than ground beef, but you'd have to eat twice as much to make up for it. Additionally, it still pales in comparison to steak, and especially chicken(31g per 100g) and fish(20g per 100g).
Do you get charged more if you ask for half chicken half steak? I swear they don't know how to actually get a half scoop so you actually end up with more total meat by ordering that way.
Tyler Green
Freebirds >>> Chipotle
Eli Flores
They don't know because most of then are retarded you get charged for steak or whatever cost more