Worst book ive ever bought

worst book ive ever bought

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>still reading in 2k19

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Post body

Well you bought it in German, that's why

Drink your milch Fritz

already at it

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Jo heile, schüa das do o mol vorarlberga san uf deam bilderbrettle. Vo wu kusch?

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why not read book online free

Jo gibts ned! kum us egg goma mol zlingenau zemat ind kraftkamma?

GOSMAD, freund. Gallon of Sheep Milk a Day

post body

Aber schicks keinem...

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How can you take anyone seriously when they suggest low bar squats for people who aren't 6'9"

I mean fucking honestly.

Es ist eine toll Buch, du bist ein spatz

Should have picked English, then you'd be able to read it properly

what kinda hacker code is this i dont understand

>Starting Strength
>Auf Deutsch
Ich hoffe ernsthaft ihr Leute macht sowas nicht

Attached: ishygddt.jpg (200x200, 12K)

i dont speak anything besides german

zeig körper

>Meinung zu tim gabel
>wohnst noch bei mutti?

>Komplett für den Arsch
>Keine Ahnung wer das ist

>Titel ist nicht "Startende Kraft"
Was ein Scheiß

>actually reading the book

yeah it was bs but i really recommend you a guy on jewtube called sv3rige


What the fuck does that have to do with SS


you should just pirate the book and read the sections on form and setting up and then go do a good program instead.

eat my ass

Thx m8 not a virus already checked also no same fagging trust me!!!

u r retard you can read online in browser on pc or phone holy shit dont ever fucking comment on my fucking post ever fucking again or i will come over to your house and tongue punch that tight fartbox of yours jesus christ u sound so fucking sad that i have pity on you and your faggot mother who had to raise a pathetic excuse for a man like you dont ever fucking talk to me again because you sound very tough online but arent in real life you will not be so tough the moment we meet face to face you son of a whore i will fuck every single male and female that has ever played an important part in your sad little life right in front of your face until you beg for me to stop problem is however i will not want to stop untill you raise your behind up to me so i can ravage your little ass hope you think twice the next time you try to make fun of another person online asshole

this is a Deutschland thread, pls do not post here anymore

War bei FitX
Nee, hab sogar ein homegym

Offensichtlich Neuschwuchtel

What is bad about it faggot?

read it

>Buying books
>actual age

Seriously Volker streng di an

Rippetoe confirmed a Nazi

>not browsing/posting on Jow Forums telepathically

I already did, it's fucking great

S Leben is hart
Aber die Semmeln vom Spar sind härter

Really? I found it to be quite the fascinating work of fiction.

SS the book is pretty much irrelevant nowadays. Youtube is a much better medium when learning how to lift properly. When it comes to novice programming, stronglifts is not really any different from SS the program in the grand scheme of things.

Only buy SS the book if you want a geologist's autismal analysis of the big lifts. Almost anything that is useful to a beginner can be watched or listened to on youtube for free.

mark rippetoe is a hack. I understand the importance of lower body, minimalist program and compound exercises however lot of muscle groups left untrained with this program. where are the arm execises, why squat all exercise days, why not 1 squat + 1 deadlift day?

>Does a strength program
>Wonders why there isn't any arm work

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You mean incline bench

because strength and arms are noncorrelated right?

Read the book, several sections on accessory work

>SS the book is pretty much irrelevant nowadays. Youtube is a much better
Dumbest shit I've read all day.
Jow Forums would be a much better bord if people actually read the fucking books instead of just getting watered down shitty versions out of youtube. Most people doing SS don't even know about the acessory work

ITT: weak new fags

Attached: austin squat.webm (1080x1920, 2.01M)

i dont this is whats outlined in ss

Because your biceps and triceps are weak in comparison to the muscles in your posterior chain and are therefore not worth the time in a strength program?

bayrisch/oestereichisch sounds so disgusting desu...

Why are there so many words for milk?

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All the germans in this thread

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I learned German several months ago and I have no idea about 1 word of this sentence. what kind of German hillbilly bullshit is this?

Ungewaschene Rattengestalten

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Do people really need to read in-depth biomechanical analysis of the lifts in order to perform them correctly?

What most people need are simple and clear instructions and cues, which the book does provide. But videos are infinitely better due to the fact that they actually show you have to do, in "real time."

And you do realize that SS has a youtube channel, right?

No, but it helps you know what the fuck you're doing to your body.

Wouldn't you want to know how to maximize gains by knowing the workout routines that worked, but also the scientific analysis behind the movements and growth patterns?

Or just
>hur lift heavy get big

No, what most people need is proper education. What you get with your methods are a bunch of retards that follow the program poorly, aren't even aware of all the variants it offers, then curse at it when it inevitably goes wrong because they have no fucking clue what they are doing.

Videos are great as an accessory source of information, but you're delusional if you think they cover the 400 pages of the book. If all you got out of reading SS was "how to perform lift" you should read it again.

Basically you're advocating for the style of coaching where students never learn fucking shit other than the absolute basics and keep coming back to the "professional personal trainer™" for advice. A good PT should be teaching you enough so you won't need him.

Not German dipshit

Dann was für eine Sprache ist das?

kraftkammer, ich lach mich kaputt

>Schreibt nicht 'Startende Stärke'


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I'm fkn confused too.

>where are the arm exercises

In the book, under accessory work. You'd know if you actually took the time to read the book before criticizing the material.

Ah the ol standing bench press. A classic.

This cannot be good for the spine, still very impressive though

Yeah. It's way too verbose and has gotten worse with each edition. The first was pretty okay. The latest editions of the "3rd Edition" aren't great. Rip needs a real editor to cut out about 300 pages.

"The program" is also not great, because it's portrayed as some static thing, when reality is to run it you're changing shit every 2-4 weeks. Honestly, it's too aggressive for someone without a coach to run. You need too much experience to select appropriate weights to begin with and then make changes to programming on the fly to keep progress rolling. And this on top of teaching yourself how to lift.

I buy these all the time. Blend it with my gomad. I'll become the rip ascended

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Jesus, I was waiting for him to snap in half

Dei fotsn hoitst du zipfi. Hab eng boomer pack sowas von satt.

Only half a squat

Not part of the program though, faggot. Rip actively diacourages accessory work outside of chins and back extensions.

Absolut haram

You should subscribe to their channel. The barbell medicine.