/TFG/ - Toronto Fitness General: Snow Saturday Edition

Welcome to TFG, home of squats, oats, crackheads and weaponized autism.
Come by for some comfy times, an invite to the discord and complaining about NYR still appearing in the gym
Happy Shitposting!

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Other urls found in this thread:


Enjoy it while you can. Lifting will be illegal soon in Canada

election's in less than a year, hoepfully cucktin trudeau gets voted out

They cant stop an armed man if they have no weapons themselves, user

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You have your crackheads thrivin, whiles our dyin

Our crackheads are dying though, it's just that other provinces literally bus their crackheads to the downtown east side

Peak gloomycore

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>people in toronto live in that

Attached: dayoftherakeplease.png (1200x791, 1.92M)

Shit sucks man
We have literal garbage trucks and police men murderin them

Anyone go to fortis?

Sorry sweetie that dirty Pajeet isn’t winning for NDP and I don’t think anyone even knows who the current PC leader is

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Are guys in the general Greater Toronto Area but not in Toronto itself allowed herE?

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Yes sir, any part of the GTA is allowed really
Oh and before I forget, everyone here can join our discord: discord.gg/92BKEw

Cool, thanks user.

Attached: [HorribleSubs] Houseki no Kuni - 02 [1080p].mkv_snapshot_08.17_[2018.06.15_23.03.42].png (468x408, 282K)

well we're fucked then

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Could any of you guys translate a couple Chinese words for me? No memes, being serious here.

daily reminder anons

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>tfw can't afford my own place, live with parents
what do?

Is this just chicken scratch or does it actually say anything?

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it says "where are yours abs?", serious

Dominate your parents and become the alpha, you know youre doing it right when they suck each of your nuts before bedtime

It says to show whoever wrote that note your abs on January 12th?

please be true

It was a screenshot direct from huffpo, so probably

Please do not meme me, friendos

Sounds like youre gonna fuck a chink user, CHEERS!

>took the time to actually write this and thought it was funny
unironically Yikes

If you want legitimate advice user, Id suggest lowering your standards and trying for a shit neighbourhood around etobicoke, or waiting for the crash and buying a property you otherwise wouldnt be able to afford for cheap

Tbh if PC doesn’t win this time they 100% will beat Trudeau next time. Just like Harper he was generally liked in the beginning, then just shit the bed. We’re just gonna yo-yo back and forth between Lib and PC

Why have none of you cancucks assassinated him yet?

Just like theresa may was voted out

He fought against the trade war shit

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Imagine the smell..

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Toronto should be nuked. You fit bros can crash in my house to stay out of the fallout (aslong as you're white)

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ehh he's hated overall so i guess he won't win, hopefully the NDP commies don''t either

If you fuck the chink you go to hell

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he barely did anything, canadian economy is still getting bent over backwards and assfucked

t. ameriFAG

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Don't, I have a few qt fwb's there I met at the pride parade last year.

Attached: [HorribleSubs] Houseki no Kuni - 01 [1080p].mkv_snapshot_01.26_[2018.06.15_22.12.32].png (491x637, 472K)

I am in the GTA
Nuclear fallout cannot kill me
homosexuals will boil in excrement

>Grew up in Toronto
>Have been living in Vancouver for five years now
>Currently in Etobicoke rn though
The snow is comfy, I missed it in Vancouver

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I legitimately can’t tell if I’m being memed or not.

Vancouver here, I am never going to make it bros.

we're all gonna make it bro

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Chinks are satanic. They have sex with white men so that their larvae are almost human. Watch out bro.

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Why bro

>Jow Forums
definitely being meme'd fren

Come back bro it's so much warmer here look how beautiful it is

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Are you unironically implying Vancouver is grayer than Etobicoke? Because that is the most retarded thing I've ever heard

hey anons can you check my diddley form?

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I cant seem to view your image, friend. Could you check mine please?

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Shut up you cunt. I’m asian

just posting to say that justin trudeau is hot af. would let him do unholy things to me desu

Attached: trudeau.jpg (718x539, 58K)

Its true, watch out anons, they are coming for your seed

Attached: I+just+wanna+cuddle+with+her+_1d8e3a001cd571729e7ef28c868abf47.jpg (603x883, 122K)

You can check my prostate snytime you want ba-


spoil it fren
pic is to see my form

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toronto needs to do what is right and leave canada go join the usa. immigrant landfill filled with the shittiest people in the country.

who here is /uoft/?

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Because it benefits the majority population of canada: chinks

Anything that fucks china benefits canada

Im thinking of transferring from mac, is it less normie there user?
Kek as much as Id love being able to open carry rifles downtown Id doubt more people than actual anons would want that to happen
Impressive form user, you should really coach me! My diddley is shit

and he's simping on geting the convicted guy in china released. shameon trudeau

>less normie

Attached: [HorribleSubs] Houseki no Kuni - 10 [1080p].mkv_snapshot_02.30_[2018.06.16_22.21.15].png (468x620, 350K)

least normie school is waterloo probably

Have you ever been to mcmaster user? There are unironically 15 different leftie/sjw/commie clubs

I did my BA at U of T and my MA at Mac. I preferred Mac after a year when I stopped comparing everything to Toronto. Like Hamilton is a shithole by all accounts, but the campus is and neighborhood around it is nice and generally separate from the scum occupying the rest of the city.

Mac doesn't have a genderfluid prof doing string theory sweetums.

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figures that the thread about canada would have all the fags posting in it

>tfw you watched this shitty anime and don't remember a single thing from it
except green girl was weak but became stronger after absorbing other crystals

Please tell me this is true

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t. amerifag

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well it's straght from huffpo homepage

Wrong board


the end is near anons.

So then it isn’t... damn...

>>people in toronto live in that

They've completely fucked Toronto with those fuck awful condos. I wouldn't have a problem if they didn't all look the same!!!FACT!!!

It says "Stupid white cocksucker, I riced your wide eyed whore mother up her shitter and then she sucked my nut!"!!!FACT!!!

based and redpilled

he will, but I think it will take a Canadian Bolsonaro for 2 decades here so people are willing to fight for the non white already here to be expelled

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b-but we need big glass windows so we can escape from winter short days induced depression, reeeeee

and it's overpriced as fuck for basic things,plus there are lots that are under construction and not selling

nonwhites as in all nonwhites or shitty people that are useless to society

What do yous guys think of canadianprotein.com?

using if for a couple months for whey, creatine and pre-workout compounds, really enjoying so far

>and it's overpriced as fuck for basic things,plus there are lots that are under construction and not selling

Most of them are being bought by foreign Chinese investors creating a housing bubble. Off topic, I honestly wouldn't be surprised if Ford became PM next year!!!FACT!!!

as in non whites, also under 100 iq whites could be sterilized for all that I care, it was them who made the country go hard left to start with...

the fatman has no solid action plan for ontario, let alone for canada

>b-but we need big glass windows so we can escape from winter short days induced depression, reeeeee

I LOVE the short dark winter days. I'm off this weekend and the snowstorm here in Hamilton has been soo fucking comfy. Played Max Payne 1 earlier and it was great!!!FACT!!! youtu.be/lYIYYUSrwQs

there are many a low iq whites and high iq foreigners. get rid of liberals and their terrible immigration plans for syrians. thats it

I just read they/their whole page and it was honestly pretty interesting

I've always thought string theory was quack desu, but what the fuck do I know. So if this person is making valid intellectual contributions, great.

Having said that, their writing style is overly, even distractingly, self-reflexive, It's interesting to watch STEM people try to engage with sociology; uncanny, really.

>Asperger strikes again

>the fatman has no solid action plan for ontario, let alone for canada

I know but after seeing Trump win in the states I wouldn't discount anything. Also, the Chinese HATE Trudeau and are planning to vote Conservative next year because he sucks up to Muslims who do fuck all for Canada, breed like cockroaches and drain the system while trying to turn this country into a replica of whatever shithole they came from!!!FACT!!!

Yeah man, I don't love it but I don't see anything bad about it, sun until and after 22:00 on the other hand becomes annoying really fast

based !!!FACT!!! man lmao

in all seriousness donald trump had the semblance of a plan, and dougie won on dollar beer promise. long shot, and probably gonna shit up the economy either ways.seems like we're fucked


oops sorry for allcaps


do you really think THEP faculty go outside enough for this to matter