Alright Jow Forums, red pill me on breathing, how much should i breathe a day?
Alright Jow Forums, red pill me on breathing, how much should i breathe a day?
>Not doing nobreathe
You probably shouldn't breathe at all
You need to stress your lungs to force adapatation so they improve their efficiency. Best way to do this is put a plastic bag over your head and seal it around your neck with duct tape. Don't rip the bag off until you start to pass out (that's the lifting equivalent of '''lifting to failure''') or you won't get any lung gains. Start with 3 sets to failure and work your way up to 5.
amazing stuff OP. great thread. monitoring.
>I didn't get a kek :-(
OBAD is best for gains
3 sets of 5 breathes every other day. Don't want to overbreathe.
Op here, if youre stress lungs guy, i give you my seal of approval, dedication and hard work is more important than keks
Anyone know how a lung pops? I have had a few friends who had their lungs pop and I want to know if there is a way to make sure that never happens to me
I wear a gas mask at the gym and when I go on walks.
You have to follow this protocol especially to prevent lung pops: Don't worry it's FDA approved
On it, thanks anons
You retard cuck, heavy breathing will kill you. Pic related used to breathe all the time, look what it did you him. You don't need to breathe, just blink regularly and you'll be lean and toned.
Yeah, its pretty intuitive when you think about it, it analogous to a ballon, when you inflate it too much, it pops and goes all over the place, thats why you gotta make sure not to overinflate it before you tie the knot and hang it from the ceiling for a party.
It’s the same way with your lungs, you gotta take a deep breath, tie the knot and hang yourself.
hey user i read about this in an NIH whitepaper been doing it for 6 months now the effects are incredible it's like doing HIIT without all the running thanks for posting it again
Depends, is your form good?
I hope you aren't some sort of autoshitter
You are now manually breathing.
I dont know, i used to do stomach breathing but it started fucking with my back due to poor form, my abs are too weak for that variation and my spine overcompensated.
Now i do chest breaths 3x8 and while I’m seeing lesser gains in the abdomen area my chest is getting way bigger, its weird how it oscillates though.
>You are now manually breathing.
See, that's the trick to the whole thing.
Autonomic breathing is shit-tier, it's just survival-level breathing. If you really want to leave humanity behind and really amp up your breathing game, you have to stop breathing automatically all the time and breathe manually for maximum efficiency. The hard part is teaching yourself to breathe manually when sleeping. If you can't master than part of it then you lose all your breathing gains. :-(
>Now i do chest breaths 3x8
That's good, but remember that nothing happens if you do 8 reps, it's either 7 or 9.
Also remember to not breathe on non-breathe days. You don't want to get ROBS (Respiratory Over-Breathing Syndrome). That shit will set you back *months*, then you'll have to start over from scratch.
>this is what happens if you lapse into ROBS