What gym gear do you own...

What gym gear do you own? I see a lot of people at my gym with knee sleeves and wrist wraps and stuff and I wanted to know how much of Jow Forums uses.

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Other urls found in this thread:


>wrist wraps
>knee sleeves
>knee wraps
>bench slingshot
>Lifting shoes
>elbow sleeves

Things I actually use often:
>lifting shoes

Most things were gifts.

I have a lifting belt and straps for deadlifts and pulling. Only other thing I bring with me is my water bottle and wireless headphones

I use nothing but chalk

Just a belt, no point dealing with sleeves until youre xbawks huje

Also it tilts to the right from the ping pong pulling up

But steel is heavier than feathers

It wont move because the upward buoyant force of the ping pong ball is counteracted by the downward force of the water.

It tips slightly, almost imperceptibly left. The pingpong ball is merely bouyant and that buoyancy exerts no force on the scale, but the ball does add to the mass on the left, the same as if it were simply floating there. However, the steel ball is held up by outside structure and its weight is exerted solely on the crane, ultimately putting no extra weight whatsoever on the right side. The left side is one pingpong ball heavier.

These are the dumbest posts I've ever seen.

Don't have any, will buy chalk, thinking about shoes but I don't really have problems with ankle mobility so I don't know if they will improve anything. I'll get straps when I won't be able to do my diddlies with just chalk.

>squat rack
>plates (including micro plates; can make .5lb jumps)
>deadlift straps
>resistance bands
>ab roller
>single 52lb kettlebell
>foam roller
>squat shoes

when i go to the gym with friends or w/e i'll bring my squat shoes, belt, microplates, and straps

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Medical Tape
Small towel
Steel water bottle
150 lbs hand grip
Lifting shoes
Gloves, although I'm thinking of ditching them and buying some chalk

the pingpong ball is trying to float up, so there is a tension in the string pulling up on the scale, so it will tip to the right


Is completely correct, given the string weighs as much or more than water.

Nah. Rousted pigeons in semitrailer problem; upward force is counteracted by fact that it's pushing down on the water. Cancels out.

the ping pong ball does exert an upward force on the scale though. its connected to the scale by string. The string is holding it in place by force.


In fact the right side gets a bit lighter also because water wicks up the string

I have a belt, straps, and squat shoes.
Use the belt once a week on heavy day, use straps for top set diddly, and shrugs, use shoes every time I squat (3x a week)

fuck your balance.The force from the steel ball onto the water would greatly exceed that of the ping pong ball. Even with the string holding 99% of the steel balls "weight". Total downward force on the cup with the steel ball > total downward force on cup with ping pong ball.

Also straps and sleeves are for cunts

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I was under the impression it was secured to the bottom of the beaker.

ah, i suppose it is. in that case the ball exerts an upward force on the beaker, which partly negates the downward force exerted on the scale by the beaker

In what world does a tiny piece of string weigh more than a beaker of water?

Tips to the left, just simply looking at the two beakers as mass bodies, the one on the left has more mass as it is supporting the string and the ping pong ball, and it is stupid to assume that the buoyancy force would make it tip to the left.
Furthermore, the steel ball on the right is supported by a body outside of the water, and since we can assume the ball has always been there (there is no implication that the ball was dropped from a height above the water) it doesnt apply any force downwards and it doesnt add mass to the right beaker.

*its stupid to assume the buoyancy force would make it tip to the right

Gloves, towel, water bottle

I’m Disregard, am idiot


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read the image carefully
>a steel ball of the same volume
steel is denser than a hollow ball, so even though they have the same VOLUME, the steel is heavier

Based retard

Except this has actually been tested experimentally, and it tips to the right.

the steel ball is applying downward force on the water, the water is taking some of the strain off of the string. the left side only has the weight of the ping pong ball added to it. the scale tips right

More brain teasers?

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easy, 0%, as none of the answers listed are correct

I don't feel like drawing the vectors but it tips to the left

50%, I'm either right or I'm wrong.

Doctor says I should get wrist straps. Any recommendations Jow Forums? Things I should avoid? The idea is to stop my wrist bending back too far and stop my thumb hyper extending.

Nope. Come back after undergrad.

i think this guy is right

Based. I’m using the answer from now on.

It tips to the left since both the weight of the water and the ball push down on the scale while on the right only the water effectively pushes the scale down

My lifts aren't good enough to justify shoes, a belt and other shit.

steel is obviously heavier than pingpong so it tips to the right

Flossing bands.
Weight bands are also moderate use.
Gymboss is great
Tfw no gym buddy

Tips to the left unless there is a vacuum in ping pong in which case neutral.

Shoo shoo tumblr

I got flat shoes, heeled shoes, straps, and knee sleeves. Probably use the flat shoes the most, for squats and deadlifts. The knee sleeves and heeled shoes are likely about tied for second most used, the knee sleeves for all squats (including front squats) and cleans/snatches, and the heeled shoes for bench press, cleans/snatches, and front squats. The straps are only used for snatch grip deadlifts.

Just straps. Only use them when my grip fails on Deadlift at 200kg+ and I'm conflicted about that really.

Everything is just a cheat.

What's the point in getting used to having your knees strapped and a weightlifting belt on? All you're doing is hiding your weaknesses.