is weed the secret to bulking? I just ate so much food and easily after my first time getting high.
Is weed the secret to bulking? I just ate so much food and easily after my first time getting high
you need to be at least 18 to be on this website.
It's the secret to brain damage.
You don't get the munchies as much with tolerance
>dude weed xD
it definitely helps with bulking but smoking weed is retarded in general. costs outweigh the benefits. only delusional stoners will disagree with me.
OP here, I don't smoke period so you can fuck off with that. I take it in the form of edibles.
still makes you dumber. probably makes you dumber than just smoking it.
>calling other people dumb
>posts with a name
>couldn't even trip fag
that's the pot calling the kettle fat there buddy
It’s like anything else, just don’t use it in excess. Taking a 10mg edible once a day or on cheat days to help you eat as many calories as possible isn’t going to hurt you.
A lot of the guys on this board take some neon colored powder with shitloads of caffeine and Christ knows what else in it before every workout and then they get on Jow Forums and berate others for eating things that are unhealthy. And let’s not even get into the Monster energy drinks that have an actual body count.
That's why I'm a Rockstar man myself.
If you use weed to bulk harder are you still natty?
>amen clinics
See ya on quackwatch
>mfw stonerfags destroy their brain with weed
t. braindead stoner
Edibles are worse, it stays in your system far longer.
Arghhh fucking stop stealing my name you stoner brainlet.
post net worth
15k. i'm still in college.
It's about good food.
I'm an edit fag
Absolutely. I can gain way faster when weed is a part of my life.
Too much fixed cost in my practice.
Appetite subject to progressive overload?
Smoking raises your metabolism.
If you just use it for that reason sure. However don’t smoke before working out and smoking a lot in general over a long period of time will mess with your sleep pattern. So as long you got your diet, sleep and motivation in check you’ll be fine. Again I wouldn’t take something that RELAXES your muscles before lifting weights. But it’s great for recovery after the damage is done.
Id say try it before lifting just like once. It's interesting you're very in tune with your body and every movement. I found it beneficial in learning how to squat and deadlift correctly. Neither had been very natural movements for me in the past but after that my form is like spot on.
Good to know it's making you retarded either way you consume it.
don't do this, the only time I ever got a hemorrhoid squatting I was baked
now I smoke after I lift like an adult
How many calories did you eat on your "bulk" meal?
dude weed
Uhh do you mean hernia because I hardly see how you shitting too hard is weed related? Even so how do you not engage your core in that movement?
>9k kcal
The fuck did you eat, a bag of sugar?
>still only 2.8 years
Doesn't sound so bad.
>coke and meth is better, it leaves your system far faster