So Jow Forums...

So Jow Forums, im at a party with a bunch of chicks and i asked them to rate pic related on a scale of 1 - 10 for attractiveness, and he consistently scored 6-7. Now for my money this guy seems like a 9 body wise but many girls said things like
>he seems boring
>hes too serious
>he looks old
>hes not smiling

What do you think Jow Forums? Fair assessment?

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He gets a 6 at best you fucking homo


That dude is the literal definition of bear mode.
Don't ask roasties, roasties want Calvum Monger or Jeff Seid.

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>that guy is a 6
Holy shit. I must be a -3.

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They were probably wondering why you were showing them a picture of a shirtless guy in the first place.
Fucking autists I swear.

A 7 is an accurate score. Rest is cope.

kek only Jow Forums

Women don't grade attractiveness on a normal curve.

girls leach off you emotionlly so their main concern is how your personality stimulates theirs, not a jacked body

That dude is tall as fuck. He'd score a lot higher if they saw him IRL. And also it's a small low-res picture and you can't really see his face very well to tell if he's attractive or not.

>hes not smiling

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This. Female scoring of men doesn't work out because they fundamentally don't understand concepts like averages and bell curves.

IIRC women rate 80% of men as being below-average in looks. Obviously that doesn't make logical sense, but that's your brain on estrogen.

>he seems boring
>hes too serious
>he looks old
>hes not smiling
These are all bullshit and give a hint toward how nonsensical the whole "he's got a great personality" thing really is. "Great personality" and all variants are, subconsciously, just a code for "attractive". After all, how can you logically figure a man's personality just from a still image? You can't. Any rationalization that you can is bullshit, and a byproduct of the halo effect.

>listening to anything a woman SAYS about what she likes

No wonder you losers are virgins

post his gay porn and shop a smile onto it

That's exactly my point. Lrn2read

No. You said women don’t care about personality. Which is a virgin meme. Women ramble about dumb shit constantly.

I said that in the context of looking at a picture, retard.

Most women don't prefer guys with huge muscles. They want tall guys with that V-shaped, sleek, shredded look. The women who prefer skinny twinks and the ones who prefer dudes with huge muscles are on the extreme ends of the scale.

The only people who care about how big you are are other dudes. If you're lifting for women then you're lifting for entirely the wrong reason.

You're a drooling retard if you listen to rejects on what women like; women like all kinds of men. The only thing they don't like is if you're fat or if you're short. That's literally it. You can have any face you want and still be able to pull SOME girl out there that likes it, provided you're not a burns victim or something.

Relax Just relax and go outside.

>or if you're short

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Thats why i was asking women what they thought was most important
Other data i got back was
>he has to have a good smile
>arms and shoulders are important

>caring and asking what a bitch thinks

they can probably tell that theres something off about him instinctually and theyd be right. hes fucked in the head.

Caring is different than asking
I may ask how your day was, that doesnt mean i actually care how it was

As long as your BMI is between 23-27 and your body fat percentage is 10-14% they’ll think you have a nice body

So basically if he smiled and wasn't autistic like you he'd be a 10? Good to know.

bigger = better. But I go for the high test girls

>but that's your brain on estrogen

ohhhh lawdy

>bunch of chicks and i asked them
Found your problem, my dear friend.

Oh my god. That's awful.

>After all, how can you logically figure a man's personality just from a still image? You can't.

Yes you can. How someone chooses to present themselves says a lot about their personality. Where is the picture? How is he standing? What is he wearing? How does his attitude fit into his surroundings? He made the conscious decision to share this image of himself in this grungy back alley basketball court/gym. If you can't glean the kind of person from all that you need to get better at reading between the lines.

Quick reminder that girls want aesthetic guys with good hair, not fat bearded powerlifters with shitty blonde slightly grown out buzzcuts and shit ab insertions