/fraud/ - steroids general

Welcome to /fraud/, the steroids and blogposting general.

Can't afford to eat but can afford to juice edition.

Before asking your stupid beginner questions (yes, they are stupid), make sure to read the r/steroids wiki:


Yes, it's reddit, but it's a good resource.

Don't ask us to help you dose your AI. It's very individual.

Oral-only cycles put strain on the liver and cause a shutdown of natural testosterone production for not a lot of benefit. Just pin and thank us later.

No source talk allowed.

This isn't a medical forum. Stop asking for medical advice and go to a doctor.

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PSA, if anyone knows testify irl, reach out. After the last thread who could really use a friend

posted my gf in last thread then deleted. if you missed it, sucks for you.

Haha I fucking knew it he was a subhuman, the round face and nose always gives away a Slav , you’ve got Bydlo blood in you m8. Congrats hahah

Imagine being so insecure that not only do you AGGRESSIVELY declare your superiority to a literal retard (who unironically has better calves and legs than you) but you also steal another tripfag's violent homosexual bit

oh no you don't

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If that's really his gf fucking mirin'

Injected growth straight into my knee for two months and now there's no more clicking or pain. Thanks Rich Piana.

She looks like a pretty girl.

she is

The pianoman watches over us all.

Huh, he doesn't look gay at all. I wonder why he projects it so much. Maybe he is gay.

>MSFT goes down 7 points in the span of 2 pictures

I'm happy for you and envious of your love for each other.

You’re a Slav pfhahahahahah I fucking knew it you subhuman piece of shut , thank god for int your face has Slav written all over it

lolol it’s gone up you retard

it’s a choice. so go get your girl and stop fucking around

Slavs are cool. Except Albanians.

Doesn't work like that. Girl is 16. A 22 year old asking a 16 year old on a date. Even if she did want to, she would say no because it's sketchy as fuck.

then wait it out or find someone else.

i’m 25 gf is 20

Albanians aren't slavs you buffoon.


Aren't you in the UK? I thought it's legal?

Not like you got any other choice.

So what are Albanians then?

You have been fucked up over your last gf for that long anyway. You are halfway there

He's an Ausfag like me.

I'm Australian.

16 is 100% legal in my state.

Albanians are not Slavs dumbo don’t get me wrong they considered bigger tier just like Slavs by whites but they’re a whole different bigger tier criminal race than Slav , test has all the characteristics of a bydlo slav hahahhaha cant believe I got it on first try thank god for int

then go for it.

worth it imo if you can deal with any immaturity

I turned down an 18 year old at 21 because it was too weird. A 16 year old probably isn't worth the social suicide UNLESS, extrapolating from the fact you're here on Jow Forums, you have no friends anyway. Then frankly, I'd probably do it.

whatever. still better looking and hotter gf than you.

she wants to get married and have kids already

Niggers just like Slavs white niggers we call them

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They're their own ethnic group and not a part of any larger ethnic group.

>she wants to get married and have kids already
>age 20


Then just got for it.
Tbf it's crusader. (no offense crucy)
But I mean unless his friends always peek into his romantic life I don't see why not. The older he gets the worse off it is for him to try and find a legal teen without it looking even worse. Obviously don't go looking for jailbait but still.

I met with a couple fresh 18 yr/olds when I turned 21. As long as I wasn't dating any seriously, no one gave a shit.

I'm really not that bothered by her. I live like 5 minutes from where she works but I don't really care.

Not worth it given the chances she says no are way, way higher than yes.

A 3 year age gap with a legal adult, you're just a weirdo for thinking that's too much. I've discussed it with some people at work and nobody has given me a negative reaction. Most conversations go

>Do you like her?
>Then what's the problem?

someone explain to me what a bydlo slav is. i’m american and don’t speak european terminology

I fucking knew it the way you carry yourself and then your bydlo face , the Slav flag went up in immediately

Nuke them.

If it helps too. My dad started talking to my stepmom when she was like 19. He was mid 30's.

They got married in the same church they met.
So literally no one cares as long as you don't act like a pedophile.

I really have no idea what this means

You’re basically a subhuman I suggest staying away from Jow Forums and Jow Forums you’re gonna have a pretty bad time if you visit those places

It's like lowest of the social rankings in Russia I believe

It’s an Eastern European race.

>as long as you don't act like a pedophile.

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People always tell me I look like John Cena in person. Then they ask if i’m a cop or something. Went out multiple times last month for dinner and every time they asked if I were in the military or a veteran.

Half of my team at work says I should go be a SEAL and call me the pit bull of our team.

so idk what the fuck you guys are spewing about

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Also responsible for the el goblino meme it was inspired by American mutts

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Pol and int make fit look well adjusted. Both are cesspools

He just got the same sort of mental illness mast has.
Weird insecurity stuff.

What do you even do for work? I just assumed you were on disability benefits.

Go wherever you want just not Jow Forums or Jow Forums they’re gonna year you apart with that face and the American flag


just caught up on the last 200 posts of the previous thread and this one, amazing posts by everyone. thank god for testify bullying.

>People always tell me I look like John Cena in person
I don't see it.
>cop in the military or a veteran
I get this question a lot too. Shits weird.

Also my boyband babyface helps it. I don't look like a 22 year old man. Most people guess my age at 18-19. Maybe 20 if I grow out my stubble.

They’re golden boards you subhuman shitskin

Then just ask her
If she says no then move on.

OR you can waste 2 years of your life on some random chick who probably has terrible metal maturity.

OR she finds someone to make a move on her.

teens are weird dude so just go for it

nah they're awful boards for socially maladjusted people slightly too old for /b/ (so like 18-year-old virgins instead of 13-year-old virgins)

Fuck you man, between my voice and my face people assume I'm nearly 30. Gets old real quick.

Soz boyo. The Third Reich failed. You are not remotely special for your imaginary heritage, you are retarded for even considering it.

They’re great for racial studies, for example I immitiately realized test is a subhuman by his behavioral pattern and face.

That's not how it works in my head. I don't feel people are immediately binary like that, especially not emotional creatures like females. If I do certain things, that increases the likelihood she will say yes. At least that's what I believe. I'd rather set myself up so I know that if she says no, then oh well, I did everything I could. If I didn't do that and she said no, then I'd beat myself up about because my mind will go apeshit with "Maybe it was this? Was it this? No, I definitely did this wrong. She didn't like this. I could have done so much more."

I don't like failure at all. Failure at peek is fine because it's an absolute, failure at sub-optimal is not fine because it could have possibly been avoided.

I have one (1) picture of myself on my IG which is our only form of communication. So again, it's sketchy for her. She's not a complete retard, she knows that it's dangerous for her to go unaccompanied with a stranger on the context of a date.

It's a love-hate relationship. Sometimes I like it because I'm going to look youthful forever and some girls like the boyband aesthetic but then at times I feel like such a little bitch and not a real man.

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nice blog

Welcome to /fraud/

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How long have you been talking to her?

Not very long. Maybe less than a month. We hardly ever talk. I just make a comment on some of her stories, we have a small chat then either her or I stop responding.

Last conversation was from like Monday where I bullied her for having a Christmas tree up in January and I complimented the blouse she was wearing (because it was a nice blouse) and she said she got it from Japan. That was it.

>I stop responding.

Usually after she tells him that he's such a good friend.

I wouldn't even call us friends.

Explain to me then how that is showing the maximal amount of effort on your end?

Might as well just ask her out and get to know her in person if you're going to talk to her over IG and then stop responding randomly.

I do that to my female friends on Snapchat and even I don't consider myself to be interested with them until I actively try to flirt or get to know them. Otherwise it's seen as just a platonic response or bantering.

Быдлo directly translates to cattle and is used as a common russian insult for the hoi polloi and their ilk.

I'm not. If I was exerting maximal effort I'd have asked her out already.

>Might as well just ask her out and get to know her in person if you're going to talk to her over IG and then stop responding randomly.

What don't you understand about how sketchy it is for a 16 year old girl to meet up with a 22 year old stranger?

You're in Aus so 16 is legal ADULT right?

Similarly it's like one of us U.S.fags picking up an 18 year old.

I mean I guess for me it'd be weird as fuck seeing a 22 year old and some chick who should be in high school but I digress.

Take her to a bowling alley or something so she feels more comfortable.

So whats the plan. Develope a repiore then ask?

How many calories are there in 1.2ml of test e? It's in oil right, and you absorb it, so you must get some calories through injecting gear, right?

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She's legal to date and have sex with but she's not an adult in some respects. She can't vote or drink.

Develop rapport and build my instagram with better things so that feels safer and gets a better look at who I am.

I think in my state 16 is only legal if you are under 18. Atleast thats how it was when i was in highschool

Sounds like a good plan. Be quick though. If highschool hasnt changed in 5 years she is gonna be getting dicked soon

Neither can 18 year olds but lots of them turn to porn.
What are you trying to gain from her? A serious relationship would be ill advised.

Wait are you Aus too? I don't know how the politics work there.

Anything under 18 here in US is illegal obviously unless you're BARELY 18 dating like a 17 year old or something. Even then some people here will get you for it.

State laws can be quite different. Crucy is qld and im nsw

>Anything under 18 here in US is illegal obviously
you don't even know the laws in your own country m8.

age of consent is states law, not federal

>A serious relationship would be ill advised.

That's my goal.

Nvm i was wrong

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Most are 16 - 18 regardless.
I've only been in CA so can't know much we're all retards here.
I remember when I was like 13 in middle school and some chick and I got caught sexting each other they tried to get us both for "child porn."

Californians are fucking weird.

You should have an actual conversation with her for once then dude. Not bantering or teasing.

How does the fbi know you were texting when if they looked at the sexts they'd be viewing child pron? They'd have to take themselves to jail.

That's difficult to do. She's a very busy girl it seems like it. I don't believe I have enough immediate value to be able to hold her attention long enough.


is a first cycle (test e + AI) a big increase in terms of size or is it more strength? Will it be obvious I was roiding?

That was exactly what I thought. Kind of stupid now that I look back but jesus. They only brought it up cause I called her a bitch for making fun of me and so she deleted the texts and told them I was harassing her with Dick pics and mean words. I guess they found her deleted texts or something.

I wasn't very smart around crazy cunts.

Maybe start off slow or relevant to some of the stuff she posts on ig?

throw every expectation you have w/r/t to steroids out of the window. you won't even notice you were on after your first cycle when you compare the pics.


i'm a dumbass what does this mean

He doesn’t want to talk to her right now, he thinks if he builds up a Instagram persona she will be more into him when he finally decides to stop shit posting into her DMs and talk to her

met a 15 year old while on a heavy wet blast caught the feels now im in a relationship with her im 22 now, shes almost 17
her family lets me stay all the time we get along great
at first i got anxious walking around in public but then i realised yeah there's a big gap but everyone over 30 see's us as a young couple
a few friends know, parents know, but i dont go around telling everyone she's 16, i just say she's in year 12 (which implies 17-18)

kinda salty because i got catfished by her, she sent a picture of her in her year 12 jersey (australian thing) so i assumed she was 17-18, turns out the spastic school was giving them to year 11's?? and she ended up being 15 at the time being from another country she got put in grade above

if 16 is legal go for it, the immaturity is annoying but the sex is good, you'll mog any guy her age if you /fraud/, and going to parties with them is great, i still look young because tren hasnt taken my baby face away fully just yet, but im 6'1 95kg lean, went to a pool party with her and taking my shirt off infront of all her 16-18 year old friends and the skinny guys there made my cock hard (cialis and proviron played a part) because i could see them eye fucking me

tldr; dating 16 year old is huge ego boost, but it is kinda social suicide, but so is being a bodybuilder, so just fucking do it

It's fetal alcohol syndrome: The Girl.

Where did this fetal alcohol syndrome as an insult come from? Fetal alcohol syndrome has a very specific look and I’ve never seen a single person who was called fetal alcohol syndrome that was even close to looking like they had it. This is coming from someone who’s mom did hella drugs while pregnant w me lol

cloud security architect.
nah bud I pay my taxes

This is Jow Forums. Most of us arent very smart and hurl the first insult that comes to mind..... fag

>social suicide
Like I have a social life to care about.

user understands it.

this is gonna be good, now that you're a confirmed slav subhuman we're gonna be having extra fun from now on, you silly subhuman mutt.

mate have you even BEEN in the uk?

im living here and there are tons of em, absolutely tons.

it’s a coping mechanism by DYEL mirers who not only have never touched a 5+/10 girl but also secretly hate themselves when they look in the mirror.

nothing can save them. just had some really good sex finished in her mouth hope you boys had fun with your hands tonight

id rather fuck those skinnybois desu

doesn’t matter what you think I am lol. I make more money and am better looking than you.

no body = dyel
no face = ugly

let’s see those posts