How do i fix this frame Jow Forums was obese all my life,at 16 started losing weight became anorexic by the time i was 18,i have been eating a lot and going to the gym 4 times a week for a few months and i've gotten back to a healthy bmi,the problem is that my hips are gigantic compared to my waist and my shoulders and its been giving me some really big issues,i hate them so fucking much,i know i cant make my bones smaller,but is there any way of making it seem less obvious? Also,i should keep bulking even if i dont have my abs anymore? As you can see i have some fat laying on my mid section now and it drives me mad,but i fear that if i start cutting now i will just go back to being a literall skeleton
How do i fix this frame Jow Forums was obese all my life...
Do you drink a lot of onions?
yikes, the fuck is wrong with your rib cage op?
birthing hips of peace
just cut bro
Become a trap.
Do a lot of exercises for back and obliques
So you went from one eating disorder to another? The only way to fix your frame is to eat more. Fuck abs. I'd rather be strong as fuck and built like a brick shit house.
Bing bobg bing. oo. kroo. joe asia. i keel. anod wan beeg. my grandmas cat ate watr and dobe me same ting mam. and thhen i say i kep ma phone in mr brah. and then i ha bress cancer. mang
unironically this
unlucky man
in terms of doing what you can with that shape, as other anons have said, a lot of back/shoulder exercises to make your upper body appear as wide as possible, and a lot of core/oblique work to try and balance out the waist/hip ratio. thankfully for you your shoulders dont look super narrow, so imo, it's still salvageable to a degree.
Do your diet consist of hourglass'?
Holy shit those hips
Are you the faggot that was bragging about his "Viking genes" in that other thread?
Unironically I would try eating taco salads every day for a month and see if you have any noticeable gains.
Women don’t care lol.
Get an ass/legs, bench a lot as well. Also do deadlifts/rows/chins to get a decent back/lats.
You won’t look good until you can deadlift 405 for 1-5 reps, bench 225x5 squat 315 for 3-5 and chin 45lbs for 5-8 reps.
You obviously don’t want to be a fat fuck, hence the chins with 45lbs.
Also women just don’t give a fuck. Women only care that your built with some muscle if they care about looks. Most just care about how you carry yourself. If it bothers you, it’s going to bother them.
If you want women;
>stop all porn
>makes friends
>go to parties
>drink alcohol
>talk to women
>meet women in class
>after getting to know them ask to hang out
>don’t be needy/execessive text/call them
>let them chase you
Lat pulldowns
i would probably get into some powerlifting and deadlift a lot. i think bringing up your lower back could really help optimise the ratio between your hips and waist. remember everyone is dealt different cards in terms of body structure. do the best you can with what you are given. hope this helps :)
>drink alcohol
Tfw you are a ruski and you dislike being drunk.
there is really only one thing to do, and that is:
>lift heavy
>do a lot of compound exercises
>eat a lot
>reach bear mode.
pic related has fucking wide hips, way wider than yours, but it looks pretty good because he is very muscular and the rest of him is wide as well.
You have to add a lot of mass to your chest, back, midsection and shoulders to pull of wide hips. But once you do, you look beastly. The wide, square, fridge mode is extremely manly and intimidating.
Low bodyfat isn't your friend. You're gonna wanna work on your lats, chest and shoulder a good bit
honestly, just start frauding and work on obliques shoulder back chest arms.
you got a shit hand dealt only option is to cheat or lose
>Tfw you are a ruski and you dislike being drunk
Got some bad news for ya, "ruski"
Keep lifting man. Your main focus should be obliques and back(lats).
Your hips aren't the problem, your rib cage/core is. I'm built similarly but it's less noticeable on me. If your draw a straight line from the outside of your shoulders down to your hips you will see it's quite far out.
I recommend breathing exercises (and learning to breathe correctly) and don't focus only on your core like some broskies out here are saying. You have a muscle imbalance from head to toe, so lifting weights alone won't help much. Look through Elliott Hulse's older videos and you'll learn a lot about your body and how to make it function correctly.