>boogie will never lose the wei-


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No one cares boogie you weigh as much as an african ostrich you fat fuck. A shitehole bird that could kill someone and chase others down weigh as much as your gelatinous blob.

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good for him, he's making it, giving us fatties some hope.

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I can't stand these threads. Boogie is a faggot and so are you, OP.

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t. no fun allowed

He should just fast, but it'd work to fast and he wouldnt be able to keep making stupid attention seeking progress posts. These are the threads I despise the most on this board. Not the greentext "hey user" larping as a girl, which are a in second place but these. God I hate boogie.

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t. Kill yourself

Trips and boogie suffers a heart attack tommorow night

Dubs and he slips in his shower and dies there.

nice dubs
fuck boogie, but if the fat fucker keeps the weight off he might actually make some good content in his lifetime

Hypothetically speaking what would happen if you tied a morbidly obese person to a bed and only fed them 500kcal worth of food for a couple of months?

>Weighs more than the largest mountain gorilla.

theyd probably die from complications related to being stuck in one position for months

congrats boogs, you're still morbidly obese and stagnating even with your fucking surgery you "so desperately needed".

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>autistic enough to believe its boogie making these threads and not some shitposters baiting you morons

He used surgery and then is currently eating himself back to where he started. Look up to other fatties who actually made it, many have gotten back to less than 2 hundred in less time than boogie has even with surgery

Remember to sage and report shill (boogie) threads

damn,he has lost so much weight.He looks healthy.

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They'd lose weight but you'd cause long term, possibly permanent damage to the metabolism. Fatties have to be careful in the way they diet because their bodyweight set points are so high and take a long time to come down to normal levels, and if they rapidly lose weight like that then as soon as they stop their deficit their body is going to make any excuse to put calories provided straight back to storing fat

hes never gonna look good skinny, why doesnt he just bloatmaxx?

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They would lose weight like any normal person.

t. medfag that has seen similar things happen and studies about such cases

Because that'd take work.

He really made it ! Wow !


With the amount of fat he has he could easily achieve a 300 pound bench without ever being on a surplus, why doesn't this fat fuck just start lifting?

how do you even let yourself get that big

i was 280lb 5'9 at my heaviest and i ate like complete shit for most dinners, eating loads of sweets.

120lb less later and I still eat like shit sometimes like a whole pizza when im too lazy to cook but it fills me up.

how the fuck do you bloat upto 500+lb

I dont understand what you are implying here. how exactly would fat help him bench 300lbs ?

He doesn't need to be on a surplus to get to a 300 pound bench because he is such a fat fuck