Looking for advice

Looking for advice

>be me, about 6'1 and 210 lbs (not a huge amount of muscle, a small gut)
>new semester in college
>accidentally pay for $500 of on campus "dining dollars" that are not refundable
>they do not carry over to next year
Basically, I'm going to have to eat a lot for the dollars to not be wasted, but I also want to get in shape. What do you guys recommend? Should I try to bulk up?

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Just bee yourslef bro

go to the dining hall, find their tub of dry cold chicken breast strips somewhere in the salad bar, and eat all of it every day for lean gains and to royally piss off the hordes of FotB shitskins your uni has presumably hired as its food service staff

I force feed myself giant bowls of raw spinach at uni. People are kinda horrified. I do this frequently enough that people know me as the spinach guy

>For the whole year of meals
What's the problem? Isn't that actually quite low for 340 days of lunch+dinner?

Freshmen at my uni are forced to buy meal plans like that but there’s stores on campus where you can also buy other junk with the dollars on the plan, like a skateboard or bike or school branded clothes. Maybe look into that rather than let them expire.

Believe it or not, it's much more than I need

Pls explain, I'm new

Sounds like you aren't bulking hard enough.
You do lift, right?

You might get kidney stones doing that

Haven't lifted in a while. Should I just go for maximum muscle and eat a ton, like football player-lite?

Also keep in mind I have to use the dollars by May. Someone in this thread thought the dollars last for the whole year.

>Blessed with ridiculous amounts of food
>Not seizing this incredible opportunity
It's like you don't even want to make it

Use it on other people to make friends/bang chicks.

Why are you encouraging an overweight person to bulk

Ok, what do you suggest

>Under 200kg
>Adult male

So if I'm 199 kg I'm not overweight? Lol

No you're just not a man

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Take the food with you and leave it in your fridge. Thus you dont have to go shoppijg for food or etc. Make sure you vount the calories tho

>much more than I need
>210 lbs

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To give you an idea of how much that is, I'll basically have to eat twice as much as last semester, and last semester my weight stayed in the 210-220 range the entire time. I didn't even exercise that much.

So you're supplementing this with a diet that is based on other foods? Nothing we can do to help if you don't cut the rest of the unhealthy crap out as well. Start by not shoveling the rest of the food that you are buying off campus into your maw in great quantities, and then increase protein and vegetables while decreasing calories overall

You don't HAVE to use them. Sunk cost fallacy.