Tfw sunday morning run at 06:00

>tfw sunday morning run at 06:00
>It's minus 6 degrees C outside
>come home with ice in your hair half an hour later

why is running the most Chad exercise there is?

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apparently because you're too dumb to put a hat on

I did, actually meant to say hat not hair.

Do you really consider this to be something special?
I do it everyday and you don't even feel the cold.

do you post this in every thread on Jow Forums ?

Sounds great OP, you are the top percentage

Im going for a 25k now in the cold now, have a nice day, thanks for the inspiration

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>Im going for a 25k now
maybe im just a bad runner but 4k+ a half marathon seems pretty ridiculous for a random training session

Running is for women and soibois

You run 20 miles once a week training for a marathon

I did a 10K run in this weather at 3 AM. We're all gonna make it, bruh.

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how long does the 25k usually take you?

enjoy your heart attack and weak bed performance

I come home with salt on my head and wrists. Tfw running makes me salty

How do you run in the cold reeeeeee.
Gib clothing tips pls.

>tfw late night run through the empty streets with my dog
feels good man
taking him to the park for a jog once my bowl of pesto pasta and ham and cream cheese sandwich digests

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man up

Based and truth pilled. Apex predators run from nothing

>Apex predators run from nothing

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>why is running the most Chad exercise there is?
Because it's exercise/training that requires actual mental toughness.

Jow Forums is full of lazy robots who can drag themselves to lift heavyweights and endure a couple seconds of being uncomfortable and think it's actually hard work.

But ask them to do some cardio and 95% say no because it "sucks" is "boring" or is "too hard", honestly it's like telling a child that they need to eat non-candy.

>sporting goods
Top kek

What temperature is that in burger?


imagine being a bipedal animal where all of your movement is dependent upon your two legs and you don't actually train the highest mode of that movement that has been an integral part of hunting and survival for hundreds of millions of years and also rationalizing that you're actually a fit human being.

Yeah bros, let's make a dog it's peak physical condition...! By making it squat up and down


when I ran every day, I approximated you could only ever reach 70% of your bodies potential if you never ran and just lifted. The shit literally alters your mitochondrion to produce more energy. like c'mon. clearly the peak of the human condition is you running a full head above everyone else at speeds they could literally never replicate in their entire life meaning they would die to you 100 times to 0 for distances they couldn't even fathom at a shit pace. Clearly the peak of human condition. but stay a curlbro you fucking fags.

running is pretty based.
i live in the country so i get to view glorious midwestern aesthetics during the summer, I would also sometimes run late at night to get a better run time, hearing a rustle in a nearby bush while 2 miles away from home in the country really gets the glands pumping into primal speed.

>Apex predators run for nothing.
>Humans are both apex predators and the best distance running animals in existence.
And yet some of us still manage to be as stupid as you.

Different cardiofag here pick related is pretty standard for me
Training for a half marathon gonna be doing 18 - 24 k runs pretty much every week till may so these are done at comfy pace

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literally the only thing annoying about running in the cold is your finger freezing

otherwise you're running with AC on

>Not waking up at 4 30
>Not running as warmup to go to your calisthenics workout spot
>Not getting home by the time you're still running
Never gonna make it.

this. the cold makes my runs 10x easier. I'll always go out with shorts and a t shirt on and maybe gloves if its really cold

Based and redpilled

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Do your lungs burn when you run in the cold?

Tfw have to wake at 4am to get my run before getting in the wage cage tfw its gonna be -16c tomorrow

no, but my cold runs don't go below -5°C and i don't pace like a speedster

R8 my stats
95% of my runs are during lunch break at work which is why I don't run for more than an hour.
Also, how much does heat affect you? Heat and humidity make me slow down and I usually make 2 stops to drink water and wet my hair.
When it's not hot I just run uninterruptedly.

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>tfw had to go jog in a -35 snowstorm

No wonder your economy sucks. Everyones on break all day and no work gets done.

as in, running away from problems

Try firefighting, as in walking briskly INTO a burning building carrying 100lbs of gear/tools. Much chadlier

Where the fuck do you work where you can't run for an hour at lunch?

Nigga I work a bit more to make up for the time lost if it took me more than an hour.
Plus, my job is result oriented so my boss doesn't give a fuck as long as I get shit done.

what this please?

alright blaha

nigger its -15c here midday
-6c is fucking sweltering hot
youre not as hardcore as youthink

Zombies run. It's a running app and its gimmick is telling a story you listen to while you run and in which you're the main character.
Basically you're situated in a zombie apocalypse and have to run to, say, a hospital to get supplies for the community and other chores. Every once in a while a zombie starts to chase you and you have to run away from him.

that's pretty fucking gay

>-11°C outside
>North born wind makes it feel like -19°
>Still want to run outside because it's sunny and hate the treadmill
The only two problems I would have is that the shoulders on the roads aren't paved and most drivers won't give me any room nor will they slow down for me. Even if I did manage to get to the paved trail I run on I'm sure it's still iced over at least. Not worth slipping and breaking something today.

Yeah I only used it once and got tired of it.

Not memeing. If you arent a city cuck, you can join your volunteer FD and get paid to be in shape, and do it in your spare time

>no good places to run

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