Why do you attack milk as unhealthy but have no problem with steroids?

You always scream about avoiding full fat milk, "milk is just a bunch of artificial hormones it's poison", "do you really want to drink a glass of fake growth hormones and all sorts of other shit they pump into the cows", "milk is disgusting poison get your calories elsewhere"

Yet the same people who post this are all for men using steroids and pinning themselves with test and halving their life cycles? dropping dead from heart attacks in their 50s? getting erectile dysfunction and fucking your natural t levels up for life?

I am not shilling for GOMAD here btw, I agree that as a plan GOMAD sucks, but wtf is your problem with milk? I drink at least 2-3 glasses of full fat whole milk daily even when i am not in the gym just because i like the taste. And almond milk is not a good substitute either. Unsweetened Almond milk tastes like shit and how the fuck can you gain on Almond Milk.

Even conspiracy theorists are like "Oh no no no throw the milk out it's terrible for your body", yet the same people will advise to juice up and pin your ass with needles.

Why will you tell a guy to avoid milk but at the same time cosign steroid use?

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I don't. Milk is fucking great, as long you're white.

>not white
>can still drink milk

Should I get my DNA checked?

Milk is the best

Milk is okay

Consider yourself one of the lucky ones

Attached: Global-Lactose-Intolerance.png (754x420, 142K)

lurking in the thread while drinking a cold glass of milk =)

holy fuck, only the cream of the crop whites went to australia


Milk and steroids are awesome

Once you start getting into hardcore "conspiracy theories" literally EVERYTHING is unhealthy. Don't eat this, don't eat that, avoid this, avoid that, just live on nuts, oats, and beans and seeds, etc. I mean does anyone seriously believe that Alex Jones, David Icke, or Michael Tsarion never dive into a huge grease-dripping cheesy pizza?

That's not to say all conspiracy stuff is nuts and false cause a lot of it has truth, but when it comes to food, just do things in moderation.

because milk has female steroids and most steroids guys here take are androgenic and anabolic not estrogenic you fucking dumbass.

>milk is just a bunch of artificial hormones it's poison
But it is tho. Steroids aren't paraded around as healthy. Milk is.

Milk is the whore at the glory hole saying she loves your cock and you're dumb enough to believe her.

Gomad doesn't suck op. There's literally almost no better way to gain weight as a skelly. If you know otherwise please tell us, I need more bulk gains.

>gain weight as a skelly
>there's literally almost no better way
>if you know any please tell us

Fucking literally anything else that is edible and has protein and plenty of calories.
Peanut butter, tahini, meat and fish sandwiches.

Conventional milk tastes like shit, imagine having to drink a whole gallon everyday, that's fucking terrible.
Plus all the shady shit on milk is just not worth the trouble.

Who cares? You're literally taking years of your lifespan by fucking with roids. There's no evidence that milk that destroys your body while there's evidence of men dropping dead from heart attacks in their 40s, 50s and 60s from roid use

Is raw milk guaranteed gains?

>love milk
>start keto because fat fuck
>realize normal milk is full of added sugar
>now just drinking coconut and almond milks for the next month or more
At the very least I love coconuts and almonds so it isn't that bad but still, fuck. Even if dairy milk does have such a short fucking shelf life.

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Because this board is full of idiots that pretend to know about health.

What the fuck happened in niger

No one even disputes how unhealthy steroid abuse is... NO ONE. People blast steroids, know it's unhealthy and are willing. People who drink milk imagine that it's this healthy substance that they can use to gain weight or whatever.

A couple of the major tribes there independently evolved the ability to tolerate lactose into adulthood.

And with steroids, if you're referring to people dying in their 50s it'd be from having a terrible diet mixed with anything above a true TRT dosage. No one's dying in their 50s from TRT... I've never even heard of people dying young on 200-500mg a week except for genetic anomalies. They're usually pro bodybuilders or steroid meme dummies who think grams of gear with Tren mast orals etc won't kill them with eating junk food.

That's fucking wild

>japan: 98%
Then why the fuck are they drinking milk in anime so often?
Would stores even sell a product that 98% of people can't consume?

Milk's a part of their school lunches, lactose intolerance usually doesn't develop until adulthood, anime usually focuses on improbably young people.

lactose free milk also exist, anyone ever confirmed what kinda milk they're drinking? onions milk?

Been doing some looking, real milk is what is served in schools and it seems that limited consumption - 1 cup/day - is common in adults. Limited consumption seems to cause only minor symptoms in most of them.