That guy that tracks his progress on a fucking phone app

>that guy that tracks his progress on a fucking phone app

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Why was he chilling by the casserole

Who gives a fuck how you track as long as you track, stop being a faggot OP

Because his mom took the picture

handsome guy i bet he slays pussy

>Giving a shit what other people do at the gym and not minding your own business.

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That bone structure that low body fat that thick wallet, he was kinds of right why wasn't he drowning in pussy?

Phonlet spotted.

Autism and spite

Because he was a brown eyed manlet mutt. Look where he lived. The place was full of blonde chads who were slaying pussy since age 13

Why does this trigger Jow Forums so badly?

Why not

It's convenient and it's in my pocket all the time, what's the issue my dude?

Genuinely though, I want to hear your thoughts on the matter.

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>that guy that tracks his progress in a notebook

desu I'll switch from excel to pen and paper soon I think. Screens just fuck my shit up. Maybe I should leave Jow Forums then too...

Brainlet. You dont pose for pictures beside a casserole, it takes away from the picture. Listen brainlet. When you take a picture you want that picture to focus on what you are taking a picture of, just because you take a picture of a bear beside 1000 dog turds doesnt make it a good picture of a bear. Keep this in mind next time you take a selfie in the washroom, you want a girl to see your sweet dick picture without her wondering why there is a toilet in the back ground you see it steals atrention rom your dick pic.. now she will be wondering if your bath room is clean and if you just took a big fat dick. This is why you will never beel a photographer or director. Dont worry greeny you will soon know with practice

Shit* not dick a big fat shit

Women only want the top 10% of guys.

Imagine how happy his mother was at that moment, snapping a picture of her baby boy who was now a man. Despite what he was, she looked at him with pride, expecting him to carry on the family legacy and make a name for himself in the future.
They sat down, had a nice family dinner, shared a few laughs and went to bed. How fufilled she must have felt that day.

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fucking based and photopilled, there's rambled knowledge here.

He was a hapa manlet. Jow Forums hapas spam all NSFW boards with interracial cuckold porn. Do you think those guys ever get laid?

Have you ever heard him talk? Also he was like 5’6 or something.

He was 5'11 which is midget tier where he lived.

>thinking this unironicaly

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>tfw google says elliot was a 175cm manlet
>tfw im 180cm with shoes

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Elliot was a fucking pussy-ass faggot. For a guy that talked a lot of shit about punishing Chads and Stacys, he couldn't even bring himself to kill any.

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Yikes, i guess chads are protected by god himself

>recording your progress
>not just remembering your lifts
Lmao next you losers are gonna tell me you write down what you eat every day too

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>killing the same person 3 times

They were Chads and Stacies relative to him. Really sad.

I use a pad of lined post-it notes. Each "page" has enough lines for me to write down my M/W/F workouts and I put checkmarks/X's for each working set completed/failed

But that's where my workout cube is located

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you say that, but you havent heard him. he was too far gone.

There is no way he was 5’11

the only people who spam cuckold porn are Jow Forumstards

he really didn’t like him

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