If a guy came here and posted this body and said this is how he looks after a decade of training (Momoa has surely been...

If a guy came here and posted this body and said this is how he looks after a decade of training (Momoa has surely been training for over 10 years by now) you'd say it looks like shit.

"Bro what the fuck have you been doing in the gym for years to look like that", "I looked like that after a year bro wtf you're NOT WORKING HARD ENOUGH"

And yet I have not heard a single person on here criticize Momoa's body. It's generally accepted that he is jacked and looks like he lifts. It's universally accepted that Jason Momoa has a damn good physique.

So why are you not holding him and other celebrities to the same standards that you hold the average guy on Jow Forums or misc or r/nattyornot or whatever?

By anyone's standards, Momoa looks like he lifts and has a "lifting physique" yet on here for the average guy training for years it's not good enough.

Why are the standards for a good physique so high for the regular guy but not for celebrities? If anything, the celebrities have it easier (unlimited budget, time, personal chef, etc) so they should look better than anyone here yet they get called good no matter how they look while the average fitfag would be challenged for not having a better body after 10 years at the gym.

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I only read the first paragraph. The only pictures of Momoa that get posted on Jow Forums are the ones where he looks good for Aquaman, because those are the only pictures of him that are Jow Forums related. Are you just mad that you posted your body and got shit on or something?

It's advised that autists stay off this website. It's for your own good

What u on about he looks like shit and I rarely see pics of him here.

You missed my point. A celebrity can get a pass just for looking big but aesthetically it doesn't matter if he looks good or not. You will all accept him as having a good body by default just because he looked great in a single role years ago. Same thing with Tom Hardy. Looked pretty good in one film years back so you generally accept Hardy as having a great physique and being jacked and the time frame of his gym work and how he looks is irrelevant. Have a regular guy come here and post Tom Hardy's physique after 10 years training and he will be told it's not good enough. Why is years and years of training to look like that good enough for Hardy but not good enough for the regular guy?

>yet on here for the average guy training for years it's not good enough.
most people here have body dysmoprhia and self esteem issues thats why

The painfull facts are that people reach their genetic max potential after training for 1-1.5 years ( if they train right). after that, all gains are placevo/changes in bodyfat%.

>holding him to account
Jason Momoa doesn't post pictures of himself. Other people post pictures of him looking his best because that's what they want to look like

You say he looks like shit yet he is considered all over the world (including on here and bodybuilding forums) to have a great physique. How many untrained normies you see who say "Momoa is goals what diet and routine need to look like him"

So how does he look like shit?

slightly wrong
after 1-2 years people have reached ~90-95% of their genetic max potential in the muscles they trained. After that, gains are extremely slow, think few percents towards the max for the following years and essentially none after the ~5-7 year total range

>he looks different without a pump, gear, god tier lighting, photoshop, higher carbs/sodium
What a surprise

hes samoan you idiot, thats pretty much top tier bodyfat % for them.

stop being a fuckin racist

There are memes on fit making fun of celebrities bodies, like the brad pitt in fight club meme or the "you look like youre photoshopped" ryan gosling meme.

He is considered to have a good physique since most of the pictures going around of him topless show he at least has had a good physique. it’s irrelevant if he has been in a shittier shape at times, most of us don’t spend our days searching for topless images of celebrities where they look as bad as possible.

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roids vs no roids. t he nigger is like 6'4" there no way ur that lean 24/7 at that height

a specific physique is part of the role actors play? and not all roles need to be jacked muscular physique. They dont need to be fit offcamera either

>the only french comment is calling him "a bit fatty"

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Judging from the beard it's from before he took the Aquaman role and before he started training

>How many untrained normies you see who say "Momoa is goals what diet and routine need to look like him"
Ive literally seen zero who have said this, never even read it. Only seen couple compliments about him, he is not impressive in the realm of bodybuilding by any stretch.

yeah, probably. that doesn’t really have anything to do with my point though

the point is, why is his results acceptable for years of training but not acceptable for an average man who has all the stresses of life to contend with on top of his gym routine? Even with this pic you've posted here, if that was posted here or on r/nattyornot from a normal guy they'd be told "if you're roiding you're doing it wrong", "not enough delts for 10 years" "bro i looked liked that after 2-3 years hard work wtf have you been doing in the gym"

Yet this physique is considered perfectly fine even with the added roids bonus in for the time frame he's been working out for. Nobody looks at this pic and says "hmm he should look better for 10 years and having all meals prepared for him on unlimited resources".

A lot of people have body dysmorphia and think that non-roiders can get close to roiding physique. Most people also think that celebrities/youtube-profiles/bodybuilders are natty.

looks good to me

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OP clearly doesn't even browse fit and is complaining about standards. Literally no one talks about mamoa, and if they do post pics, it's the heavily edited aquaman version. Now get your dumbass out of here.

Didn't read lol

No clue who the fuck this is but he looks like shit here.

So in other words, what you're saying to me is that Momoa does not have a good body outside of edited shots? And yet every woman on the planet would regard him as big and jacked and muscular. Not a single woman would say "Momoa should look better than that for the timeline he's been lifting", yet here men are obsessively analyzed and fitted into neat little boxes; "8 years should get you this", "you should look like me after 5 years hard work if not you're doing it wrong" etc

The standards for a good body are too harsh for normal men in my opinion. The bar is too high. Yet celebrities can look however they want and people will by default will always say "he's a big guy", "look how muscly he is", even if the guy hasn't touched a gym in years. See Tom Hardy

If all you care about is getting women you don't have to be that jacked (especially if you're rich and famous), there have been MANY threads about this exact subject you fucking nigger. But yes if you come to Jow Forums posting a body pic like OP we will rightfully say you look like shit because we aren't dumb roasties hypnotized by celebrity status.

he looks like shit. look at boogie, he literally started like a year ago and he's almost good looking

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>Momoa should look better than that for the timeline he's been lifting
Not a single woman on the planet would say this about anyone you dumb faggot. Also I'm completely unsurprised that a group of closet-homos with no hobbies other than lifting have higher standards for the male physique than your average thot does.

didn't read your wall of nerd text, get lost dyel scum.

This picture

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it's mainly because people like to feel superior by putting others down, but it's a lot more diffcult to insult an actual celebrity because they are already so rich/successful/famous than any insults are futile.
Your observation is accurate. Essentially anyone who posts their body on Jow Forums (except in cbt, where they tend to me a lot cooler for some reason), will be completely shit on despite having had very good progress and looking damn fine. It's essentially a meme at this point.

You just sound like a loser who doesn't lift and is trying to lower the bar so your failure isn't as bad

Yeah because you don't have a brain in your head that allows you to read more than one sentence without getting aggravated and bored like a normie at the movies. Low IQ faggot

got me nerd, keep typing up those projections of your shit physique

It's called shitposting OP, and it's a viral disease that infects people turning them into assholes.
>oh OP asks a question about his physique
>immediately answer saying it's shit and OP is a faggot
>haha another one bites the dust thank you shitpost gods
>based and redpilled aclaim to the would-be shitposter

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The last comment literally says "fat" though. Next time cherrypick better.

Honestly thought that was DiCaprio for a moment. Facially speaking.

He's tall and broad framed, that's all you need.

Unironically doesn't look great. People agree he has a good physique when he's on set with make up, lighting, a routine and a pump.

This is fine by normie standards. Momoa is paid to impress normies, it doesn't mean he has any good lifts, any good longevity, athleticism, or that he's near the natty limit.

Those are the goals. Set them high or don't set them at all

He hasn't been diddling enough kiddies and drinking their blood, his power is waning.

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Is this nigger serious?

Who the fuck are complaining to and what the fuck are complaining about??? You're telling an anonymous fitness board that they are too mean and have too high standards? how new are you?

based жиpны poster

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>And yet every woman on the planet would regard him as big and jacked and muscular. Not a single woman would say "Momoa should look better than that for the timeline he's been lifting"
Big fucking surprise, women have lower standards for guys who are tall, rich and famous, especially if the media tell them to think of him as sexy.

Every woman would regard him as big and jacked because they've seen him in shots designed to emphasize his muscularity.

Also remember height is a huge component of "being big" so if he shows up in a shirt with wide shoulders and decent arms, everyone continues to think of him as mega jacked. And if you're a 6'5" multimillionaire actor you don't need any more.

From the perspective of absolute development though, yeah, he's kinda a lazy roider. Not to say that HE should devote the time to being much more jacked.

But yeah if you're a manlet without money that doesn't have Hollywood to help you're going to need to be way bigger for attention.

Any place where bodybuilding is the focus of the forum, are gonna ha e a different perspective and be more critical. Do you ever see those "people you used to think were huge" threads? You get more adapted to this perspective and your opinion changes. The only people I see gushing over momoa are normies who dont realize how easy it is. While hes still in a good place in his career, the only image the (((media))) is going to portray is when hes looking his best/camera ready, on cycle if its roids or in fashionable clothes.


Because nobody posts pictures of him when he looks like shit. It's always photos of him in peak condition. Yeah, he looks like shit here, but I'm pretty sure this was before he trained for Aquaman, so who cares?

Did you really take all that time and effort to describe body dysmorphia? Yeah, we know everyone here has it. They have a whole general dedicated to ruining your body because of it with dangerous hormone imbalancing.

It's because Jow Forums does not feel threatened by celebs. They are far above the average man, and certainly above this hellhole. Simply out of reach. But when another guy from Jow Forums, their presumed equal, posts his body? That's when the crabs in a bucket syndrome kicks in. Fuck that guy, he isnt better than me. Lmao I bet I can squat more lololol nice zipper abs faggot

Why is he always fondling his children?

D... Daddy

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Where the fuck are you getting this from? There are "people you used to think were jacked" threads all the time where people make fun of how dyel "jacked" celebrities are. Did you get made fun of for looking dyel after years in the gym and felt the need to write literally 6 paragraphs of cope to justify it in your mind? Fuck off you sensitive fucking fairy.

Lmao. Yeah i kind of figured that would be it

All that bulking finally payed off, right boogie?

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>Embark on such an epic bulk that society has to pay you to stay alive while you RAKE in money by spluttering about it on youtube between spoonfuls of mayo, emerging shredded, solid and rich after cutting

He played us all

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>capeshit nigger

The Marat guy in your pic literally calls him fat

it offseasoning bro

Who cares, stop coping and go lift instead of worrying about these pointless things

just so you guys know, the russian and french comments are roasting him for being pudgy

Wtf nigga


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long con ruse master

>most of us don’t spend our days searching for topless images of celebrities where they look as bad as possible.

Speak for yourself.

(No homo)