Why aren't you taking vitamin D?

>0.02 bong bucks a day for more than double what any medical authority says is the minimum
>0.2 brit bucks a day for the maximum safe dose, even if you're not getting a good bulk discount
>raises test
>means you don't have to drag your NEET ass outside
>probably reduces depression, pain, ashma attacks, risk of some cancers, and flu risk
>good evidence of it increasing fat loss
>improves your muscle function during old age and reduces bone fracture risk, which leads to a VASTLY reduced chance of falling over, this is to such a high degree that it noticeably reduces your probability of death
>indisputably lowers cardiovascular disease risk

Attached: Screenshot from 2019-01-20 13-13-03.png (795x655, 63K)

Other urls found in this thread:


>maximum safe dose
and what dose is that?

An upper limit has been placed at 10,000 IU, or about 250 microgrammes if my maths is right. Of course, that could just be the medical community playing it safe, but it's the number that they've come out with.

What site is this?

>he didn't read the sticky
It's examine.com

Max dose is definitely higher, but could be dependent on who much you weigh etc.
Vertical diet recommends 8000-10000iu, but Stan himself took/takes 12,000iu and it lowered his A1C when 10,000 didn't.
Also I have a friend who did a blood test and was D deficient (as many people are and don't know it), and his doctor told him to take 20,000iu daily.

>and his doctor told him to take 20,000iu daily.
That's fucking insane. 400iu should be enough to cover a deficiency.

He is either misquoting his doctor, or if he's right it's probably because he's a vegan.
If you don't have dairy supplementing D then I guess that's what it takes.

>my piss is green-ish after taking over 6000iu of vit d

what do Jow Forums

You sure it's the vitamin D?

d3+k2, and i tested that its that that is the problem there

is that you tyvd? haven’t you done enough?


Why wouldn’t you just get 20 minutes in the sun everyday without sunscreen. Natural sources of Vitamin D > Vitamin D

>we all live in cuba

>going outside
If you saw what laundry costs at some universities, you wouldn't do it either.

I am poor, would 35 ug be enough to gain benefits?

>20 minutes of sun will give you all the vitamin d you need


It's cold. Have you ever felt your nose hairs freeze together?

Yeah, 1400 IU's pretty good.

My doctor prescribed me 100 000 IU vitamin D capsule.
you drink it once every year, called cholecalciferol.
Worked perfectly in reducing my depression and fatigue

>once every year,
Does vitamin D even stay in your system for that long? Regardless, you could be on 25 microgrammes a day (which'll cost you like 0.02 brit bucks/day) and you'd get that much in a third of a year.

Well that's what doctor told me, it's a high dose that it suffice my body for a year

Vitamin D is fat soluble, so the body is able to store it. To which extend, idk.

What did he mean by this??

Is 10uq equal to 1000iu?

Google a calculator.. But 10 is 400 iu

My supplements are 5uq shit I'd need to take 5a day to get 1000

tight quads you got there

Hes wrong. 10mins between 10am and 3pm (lowest amount of harmful UVs) will get you all you need.

White skin makes massive amounts of vitamin d.


I take 5k daily and was up at 97

>up at 97

Yeah go argue with someone that actually looks at his bloodwork. I'm sure you know better from posting on Jow Forums.

Because I will die If I do that. Wasted quads.

You mean D3, right?
The daily recommended dose by the govt is around 800 IU, why the fuck do I see people eat a 5000 IU pill per day?

How do you pick what supplements to buy? Are there good and bad brands or can you just buy any old shit?

Wasted quads, and also, it's difficult during the winter around here. Not even talking about cloudy days, etc.

I don't play to take D3 supplements during the summer, sure, but the rest of the time...

I got some dick last night so I'm good op,
But thanks .

Covering a deficiency is not the same thing as peak performance.

In reality there's such an individual variability as to how you absorb and metabolize vitamin D it's worth monitoring your own levels. 10k a day for a few MONTHS had me up to 60 ng/dl, which is in the good zone but not insane

>How do you pick what supplements to buy? Are there good and bad brands or can you just buy any old shit?
I'm not an expert, but I use websites like iherb and look at user reviews, I also google the brand and don't buy if it's make in a second/third world country like China.

Wasted quads
If you were to work all day out in the fields of Cuba, you'd get around 5000IU of vitamin D
Imagine how little you get, even if you're outside all day, in a country like the UK where it's always fucking raining

>Covering a deficiency is not the same thing as peak performance.
Sure, that's why when I was dangerously low on D3 in my blood works, my doc gave me huge amount, but now when I don't go out in the sun, I just take 1 000 IU (25 mcg) a day, it's 130% the daily recommended amount.

implying i don't

Attached: vitd.jpg (1200x1200, 107K)

I was still awake at 97pm

you have no idea I took 2000IU and was still deficient

because I live in Scotland and the sun doesn't exist for 50 weeks of the year

Don't lie, you get it on Christmas day.

I do take vitamin D, but apparently it might not be the true cause of those benefits but a merely incidental effect of sun exposure, (therefore appearing to be associated with those other health benefits, but not actually providing them)


Go on?