Reminder that life is all about being a high school jock.
You'll never experience sitting in class knowing that every girl is looking at you (including the teacher) and girls behind you miring your 24inch bideltoid.
You'll never bully incels, be an asshole to everyone and still get all the girls because they're primitive and want to breed with your superior genetics.
You will never experience this no matter how much you gymcel. How does it feel knowing that 15yo guys are enjoying life you never had simply because they have better genetics?
Reminder that life is all about being a high school jock
Lmao there's nearly no one on this earth I feel more sorry for than people who legitimately believe that high school was/is the best time in a person's life.
>wanna know how I know you didn't go to college?
>wanna know how I know you aren't a successful adult?
OP is a faggot
>mao there's nearly no one on this earth I feel more sorry for than people who legitimately believe that high school was/is the best time in a person's life.
OP is very correct. Socially repressed fit-cels will ride into this thread by the dozens trying to jab at OP citing anything but the truth, that being that life as a high school jock beats anything else the universe has to offer
I've got to be honest, I was one of the captains of the football team in my high school. I was super popular, had a hot girlfriend, and was up to all sorts of fun shit. It was a good time, but mainly because I was so young and everything I was experiencing in life was novel. Now that I'm older and more accomplished, it's patently obvious that even the jocks were pretty cringy.
As I whole, I work a job where I make a lot of money, have a few close friends, am in the best shape of my life, and have a serious girlfriend who is hot, crazy in bed, and I can genuinely trust her. Having the autonomy of adulthood and reaping the fruit of hard work and good decisions is a lot better than being in a glorified nursery for 8 hours a day.
>he posts it again
I’m 24, take classes and at least 2/3rds of girls and the teacher are mirin
Feels good man
I’m still a dyel autist though
>highschool didn't have a handegg team, only a soccer one which is glorified cardioshit
>all soccer "chads" were skinnyfat lanklets beaten up by me at least once
>almost no girls in class, there were 3 and they were ugly as fuck
>i spent all of highschool autistically lifting and never going out when invited because i wanted good rest
>going to Japan in 2 weeks to meet my e-gf
Take on me motherfucker
This website is not for you, go away
How did you get this picture of me and my gf?
>tfw only 22inch bideltoid
so i was destined not to make it ?
how tall are you
Lmao youre so weird bro u got a picture of these 2 kissing bro saved into your computer bro imagine your dad looks through your computer and finds this folder full of couples kissing bro. Bro iimagine posting this weird shit on Jow Forums imagine being you. You are a weirdo bro. This is not normal. You are elliot roger bro. You need to get a life bro. Leave the housem fuck youre weird bro.
fake and gey, i was a nerd throught my entire middleschool even tho i had really good genetics i just hated games like soccer and basketball and had 0 social interaction skills
By the way, why don't people in europe play american football, like at all?
Only fuckhuge cities seem to have teams
>fake and gey, i was a nerd throught my entire middleschool even tho i had really good genetics i just hated games like soccer and basketball and had 0 social interaction skills
They're busy playing rugby you git
True. I went to an all boys' school and sports people weren't the cool kids, because that's rarely true in the UK.
To be fair I missed out on that at university, but I could in fact go back to uni and do rugby and then it would apply. But that seems like a step back.
Even less rugby 'round in eastern europe man
I don't even think that stuff has a league in my country
Soccer sucks massive dong
they're too tiny to play
>high school
Try college you projecting faggot
fuck. I would've been such a jock if I was born in america. Fuck europe, being good at sports is unpopular here.
Delusional incel kys.
Girls are horny in Europe and they start having sex at 14. You missed out on this because you are genetic trash.
retard, did I say i'm an incel? I'm just mad I never got to experience that kind of sport culture.
Is it my fucking fault i didn't want to fuck ms. Fucking Frankenstein and prefered to chat with abroad girls?
Ugly incel detected. Stop excusing your pathetic life you disgusting neckbeard.
This is how girls look in Eastern Europe and they would never want to fuck with such genetic trash like you.
That fucking nose, ew
And the way that subhuman dresses, jesus
Is this thing even adult?
Were you incels homeschooled or some shit? What the fuck is wrong with you?
>actually thinking being an athlete was like the movies
>actually championing high school like a middle aged divorced mechanic
Remember to sage and report all non-fitness related threads brahs
>every girl is looking at you
Meh, didn't care much
>including the teacher
Now that's my fetish. We had a thicc milf math teacher. She had a big ass and some nice tits. I would occasionally and "accidentally" bump into her ass. She always apologized because she thought it was her fault. Had the most intense faps thinking about her.
absolute autist. I'm 6ft4 and above average looks, I have no problem with fucking girls. I'm just salty i never got to experience that midwestern high school life.
5‘10 manlet
Imagine getting photographed while you're kissing some dude in public
these girls have no inhibitions whatsoever.
good times, there's no better feeling than being wanted by every single girl at school
Actually it's all about being a sucessful business owner. A self made man who by his craft improves the world and enjoys limitless riches, total freedom as well as meaningful, satisfying work. Nobody cares what you did in highschool, and you'll recieve nothing but pity when people discover you are still stuck there mentally. And please be aware, there are no "genetics" making you a loser and other people winners. That's all on you.
i'm 30 and going to college and i deal with this shit every day in every class
i've had girls wink at me while hugging their boyfriends
i've had girls' jaws drop when they see me
i've been stalked and harassed
last summer i had nine women trying to fuck
even my therapist tried taking my virginity. i rejected her and then turned her in to the licensing authority and she will probably lose her license because of me
the best part is i'm a fucking virgin haha
i refuse to fuck easy women. i have no problem waiting. there is nothing wrong with being a virgin. in fact, these days, being a virgin is like being a unicorn; women thirst to be your first.
I unironically agree.
t. peaked in high scholl and current NEET
>t. 25 yo boomer that peaked in HS
>Reminder that life is all about being a high school jock.
obsessed and mentally illpilled
Theyre both fat as fucj look at thise rinos dude
Someone post that greentext
You know what greentext I mean, cmon guys
Because its a dumb sport for retarded mutts.