Redpill me on creatine with your own experience
Redpill me on creatine with your own experience
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It's one of extremely few supplements worth a shit. Drink an ass ton of water while taking it.
It made me roid rage and commit a double homicide in 1994. Never again
Shit works. No reason not to take it really. Unless you have some problems with it. Personally I plan on taking it 4ever and 5ever.
7 years on/off here, mostly on.
1. Muscle are fuller, due to more intramuscular water volume.
2. Strength stamina increases, you can do more reps per set.
3. Its so cheap it might as well be free.
Hairloss aspect of it is a meme I think, my hairline hasn't changed, and im 30, and all men on my mothers side were bald by 30, so Im predisposed to balding, and yet i haven't balded yet, even with creatine consumption through all my 20s
I sometimes do a cycle of creatine but not often because I don't want to ge to big
>Its so cheap it might as well be free.
What are you talking about? 240g costs around 30$ and you need like 150g in a week.
tf? 500 g is like 10 jewros where In live and I basically live in joocentral
don't take creatine - it's a gateway PED
before you know you'll be injecting horse testicle hormones into your nuts
Checked the first link
>150g of creatine a week
Ur gonna od bro
Lol, "since one company sells some shiny bullshit brand at a ridiculous price the thing must cost some ridiculous price
Braindead consumers.
Buy Creatine Monohydrate. It's the cheapest, and what all the Literature is based on.
Been taking 5g a day for 2 years. It added a few kilos of water weight. You will get 1-2 more reps per set. I take creatine in my shakes and it makes me very thirsty afterwards (you don't need to start chugging water, just have water at your desk and you will find yourself drinking it).
I have been very slowly receeding since 16. 23 now and my hairloss has continued but no faster on creatine. My older brother was completely bald at my age so I wont let anybody tell me that creatine causes or accelerates hairloss because it simply isnt true in my case.
The only bad part is that if I stop taking it, I feel like i'm shrivelling up like a raisin.
I 1200g of creatine and when my mother was cleaning my room, she found it and threw it away. When I came back from school, she said that she won't tolerate steroid usage in her house. I tried to explain what creatine, but she didn't listen and threatened to stop giving me money.
What do?
It's the best, you kind of feel like a drug addict because there's like 10 pills per packet but it's better than just taking creatine.
lenny is that you
Your gonna die taking this everyday
Be an adult and don't live with Mommy. How old are you?
Based and truth pilled. Creatine costs about as much as sand to make.
Manufacturers try to gin up their profits by pretending their creatine is special or telling people to take more.
seems to give me more endurance and explosiveness so i can get more reps in on my last couple of sets. obviously this makes your workouts more effective.
need to keep ramping up the dose as my muscles grow. i just started off at 1/2 teaspoon per day now i need a teaspoon a few weeks later
take a bunch of creatine and farmer's walk her out of the house
You'll end up like Eliot Rodger if you take creatine.
Made me gay and retarded, would not advise
If you eat a healthy amount of red meat every day, you get all the creatine your body is capable of using. Any more than that is retarded. Eat red meat.
It makes me feel like my face is bloated
Good for short energy sports if you are playing sports, if you’re not it’s a waste of time pro/con wise.
What an absolute madlad
5 grams a day. don't even think about it.
creatine is the one supplement I will recommend. its so damn cheap and it works. I guess if you're an idiot you'll get the expensive ones that are adulterated with sugar, but I guess you can do that yourself by getting a sack of sugar and a kg of creatine. actually that seems like a good idea now
there's a professional version in the market that is 10$ more expensive than the one I buy.Is my creatine impure or is the other one with additional stuff?
Rape her
Noticed no difference after a month or two of taking it everyday
>150g a week
go on amazon and purchase "creatine monohydrate." that's what you'd call the active ingredient. that's all you need and that's what any study on creatine is based on. anything else with sugar (ingredient ends in -ose) is just scamming you. you don't need creatine after a workout as its a maintenance thing. not eating immediately after a workout isn't that bad, but some easy calories wouldn't hurt either. I'd load on 20g/day for a week and then maintain at 5-8g/day. be sure to hydrate well, as creatine is hygroscopic