/plg/ - powerblogging general

British record edition

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>GDE (genetic dead end)
Exercise low-responder. High injury rate, no sports background, weak willed.

>ASS (arguing sport sperg)
Mediocre lifts. Argues for sport and attention because mommy didn't love him enough. Uses words like "optimal". Lifting for less than 5 years, so no real knowledge or experience.

>GAYS (gay aylien skull)
Weak bone structure, mouth breather. Wastes time trying to be strong. Jewey faced and mad, but harmless.

>CUCC (crying uninjured canadian cuckold)
Identify as injured, without medical diagnosis. Trans-herniated. Purposely do self-destructive programs like PH3, Smolov, etc. They wanted an excuse to quit.

>VOLEM (voluntary evermediate)
Late beginner, early intermediate. Panics when the bar gets heavy. Program hops, works on technique, or sabotages recovery as an excuse to not progress.

>BENIS (Bulking Enthusiast, Not In Shape)
Eats far beyond the maximal lean mass growth rate because Dave Tate did it at Westside.

>PANZR (pussy ass ncelibate zerg rapist}
Incelibate. Angry. Entitled. Weak bench. Should not be allowed to live near schools. High risk of joining isis or raping a dog.

>CHODE (communist homo of dick eating)
Angry, godless little postmodernists who secretly loathe strong, masculine men who won't fuck their boybutt. Some transition into ugly rat faced pedos, others defend said CHODES. Also known as PHAGs (projecting homo ass goblins)

>TCHAD (tries consistently hard all day)
The Isleys, MAs, and other guys with average genes who actually like competing and getting stronger.

>MOG (men of greatness)
When a man has the genes, the durability, the work ethic, the desire, and maybe the anabolics to fuck everything iron or flesh with his veiny, throbbing cockmeat. John Haack. Jessie Norris. Konstantin Konstantinov (rip). Blaine Sumner. Eddie Hall. Brian Shaw. Get mogged.

GDE reporting in.

I've noticed that you can deadlift in two different ways. One is like all hamstring/glutes, like bringing your back straight.

The other one is some black magic trick where you do something funny with your hips and you are suddenly upright. But I can't quite groove it.

On a scale from 1 to totally fucked, how bad does my deadlift look? Any tips?

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Please don’t encourage the autistic child forcing this meme

I will never continue my lineage, I'm an actual GDE.

Looks good dude, you’re ready for ph3

Run it and enjoy your gains


deadlifts are a great mass builde-

Fuck off and die


What are you talking about, my gut and tits are pretty massive

Why did you tell me to fuck off and die ?

how heavy is this? also it looks good.
you should be able to tell how good your form is by now and feel it what's with the "On a scale from 1 to totally fucked" cmon or are you a VOLEM?

Trying to git gud at bench. How's this look for the next block?

Current stats:
170/105/230 @103, 6'8

A “Heavy” bench day
- Comp bench 1@8, 4@85% rpe 9, followed by 4x4@80%
- Flies 4x15 rpe 7~
- Front squats 3x8 @8
- Bicep work 3x10 @7

Squat day
- Comp squat 1@8, 4@6, 4@7 x2,9 4@8 x2
- Seated military press 8@6, 8@7, 8@8 x2
- DB row 3x10 @7

B volume bench day
- Pin bench, pins at chest level 1@8, 6@79%, 5x6@70% these are easy sets rpe 6-7
- Incline Dumbell bench 3x12 @7
- RDLs 8@6, 8@7, 8@8 x2
- Chins

Deadlift day
- Comp deadlift 1@8, 4@6, 4@7 x2,9 4@8 x2
- 3 second pause bench 6@7 x2, 6@8 x2
- Tricep work 4x15 @7
- Abs

Stop forcing this stupid shit you embarrassing faggot

because i miss trape

despite having more lean everything is better? wtf I thought quads were everything and a bigger heel was better

Always doing that, maybe I just need wider stance, gonna try slightly wider than shoulder stance. With High bar I have much easier time, don't have to worry about depth and stance.

Shut up, CUCC.


>how heavy is this?
150, tested max is 180 (easy) about a month ago but I've got a fair bit of accumulated fatigue now, did 4 singles at 150 and the last one was pretty slow
>you should be able to tell how good your form is by now and feel it
Form looked ok to me, but it always feels uncomfortable, which is why I asked. Mind you, it doesn't hurt and it doesn't cause excessive soreness, but every time I deadlift it just feels wrong somehow.

Not me, I'm not ghey

Fuck you

Yep.. that’s a yikes from me

Fuck school, I will just lift weights and be a NEET for the rest of my life.


Is he GDE Alex ascended?

pls ask her to come back curiouscat.me/trappychan

> That fucking squat
> That fucking deadlift
> That barely-above-curlbro-bench

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how did george do yesterday i missed it

Mine became less uncomfortable when I switched to hex bar unironically felt good
i prob will never compete so

I don't know, he managed to push 150+ in training I think. For me, it's good weight if you're under 90 kg.
He won and became champ.

Deadlift eq. record and British Champion.

341.5kg eq dl


is this a joke


i would say sean btfo but then i realised isley actually ran ph3 and made massive gains so isley actually btfod himself lmaoooooo

Currently ASS, diggin my way out of VOLEM with hard work, tryna be TCHAD


>isley actually ran ph3 and made massive gains

Everyone who runs ph3 makes massive gains

The injury meme is a bad one and based all on lies

d-does anyone itt have gym crush

am i pathetic or what

It’s called lurk more you dumb fucking newfaggot

Another guy here (doesn’t post here anymore) went from a 430 wilks to a 450 wilks after 13 weeks with ph3

I made more gains running 1 cycle of ph3 than I did with two and a half years of sheiko and another 6 months of Hepburn

>being this new
he ran ph3 and didnt get injured and made massive gains now he became british champ because of it what else do you need to know

everybody in plg knows this

>bench 105 at 103
>all this silly shit
Nigger literally just
>bench 3x5, 3 times a week
>tricep and pec isolation of your choice, 3x10, 2-3 times a week each
>add 2.5 kg every week

Yeah you’re pathetic but it’s expected of for virgins like you

I would suggest asking her out and then when she laughs in your face you will be cured of your crush

Isley is indestructible, just look at his absolutely lit technique with his hunchback dl.

This is his record pull and my back would explode with this type of pull tech

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ok im rating everythnig
>>Current stats:
>170/105/230 @103, 6'8
firstly eat more
>A “Heavy” bench day
> - Comp bench 1@8, 4@85% rpe 9, followed by 4x4@80%
this is fine
> - Flies 4x15 rpe 7~
> - Front squats 3x8 @8
maybe a topset @8 would be better and 2 downsets(so -5%)
> - Bicep work 3x10 @7
would do higher reps tb h, like 15-20
>Squat day
> - Comp squat 1@8, 4@6, 4@7 x2,9 4@8 x2
> - Seated military press 8@6, 8@7, 8@8 x2
> - DB row 3x10 @7
for dumbell row i would again do higher reps bro
>B volume bench day
> - Pin bench, pins at chest level 1@8, 6@79%, 5x6@70% these are easy sets rpe 6-7
> - Incline Dumbell bench 3x12 @7
> - RDLs 8@6, 8@7, 8@8 x2
> - Chins
>Deadlift day
> - Comp deadlift 1@8, 4@6, 4@7 x2,9 4@8 x2
> - 3 second pause bench 6@7 x2, 6@8 x2
3 sec pause for 6 reps is a lot man
> - Tricep work 4x15 @7
> - Abs

its mostly good, good job skelly man

But that's boring.

His lower back actually looks flat. The positions he takes look very similar to Konstantinovs round upper style of deadlift

KK’s form was so shit that he literally died

Thank you. I agree with all your comments, will modify.

lol based

if tarpo dont come back i will literally die!!

>pec isolation

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These aren't even funny.

Is this the deadlift curse?

Look at Andy Bolton...

>Konstantinovs died because of DL form

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I hate my fucking overextension, session was good but every fucking time on top of lift, when I lockout I feel a little pinch beacuse of that. When I squeeze my glutes hard it dissapears, its my fucking weak glutes reeeeeeeeeee

Anyway I didnt pussy out and did everything as planned (even +5kg on DL)

autistic fat american neet raised on Jow Forums ""humor"" (see figjam)

dude just grab the bar and stand up straight its not hard

I hate how I can snatch grip my conventional DL max and lift it faster that way.

I may not be the strongest here, but I definitely have the most sexual prowess. Women want me; men also want me.

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Stop squatting the bar off the floor

literally did that but if your lower back is very strong and glutes are weak it likes to take over. Same in squats, I need to sort it out beacuse its common problem but one that doesnt stop you from lifting heavy.

Okay enjoy stalling at 95kg bench

positioning is your problem my guy

Well done brah

Lmao. Stop inhaling so much Alex.

Tfw went from 140 to 180kg in half a year with just benching high volume, no pushing isolation

Lmao. I literally have never done any pec iso and I bench 140kg @ 87. All that matters is triceps.

>that arm on hip to pretend you have any upper body muscle

how do fix this? I have the same issue

if i dont squat it off the floor its considerably harder

>with just benching high volume
and eating a lot right?

>literally did that but if your lower back is very strong and glutes are weak it likes to take over.
Wrong: the post

youre in a suboptimal position but youre retarded to figure it out or get someone who can spot details to look at you

if you can squat fine then you should be able to DL fine, and vice versa. Unless you have an anomaly of a build which isnt your case

Wow, it just happens that both of you bench more than pretty much everyone here!
Prove it

Glutes, hips and legs overally are tight, need to sort this out, than strenghten your glutes and hips. My leg assistance is just focused around this.

>if you can squat fine then you should be able to DL fine
I disagree, two completely different lifts. Since I dropped squats about 2 weeks ago my hips, knees and shoulders already feel like new and my deadlift gone up 20kgs.

Yes, went from 85kg to 100kg. I started my journey of powerbloating

if you went from 140 to 180 in a half year that means that happend due to you having good genetics or roiding or both

+180kg bench is very rare

> and my deadlift gone up 20kgs.
that actually proves that the're very similiar ya dummy lmao btfod yourself there

Lmao. Your bench must be garbage. Pec isolation is useless for bench. Triceps are far more important.

Unless you bench like 160kg, I don't really care for your opinion.

>same in squats
Same problems occurs in both, on top of lift in lockout I feel small pinch in my lower back just above glutes which doesnt stop me from lifting. FMS test, and EPI test both say its my glutes and overextened back. Futhermore Garagebro pointed out some time ago that glutes are my problem

cute, CUTE


Yeah it went up because I'm no longer in constant pain

I wish
today 102.5kg and still twink as fuck

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I did 3 years bodybuilding prior and then started with a strength/pl routine and my lifts blew up(also gained 15kg bw) natty

What a fucking retard, you know thats a meme right?


>movement tests
>my glutes are causing movement issues
lmaoing @ ur lyfe

there is absolutely no objective way that that is the case. however ive seen you do deadlifts and know that you literally have no idea how to do deadlifts(or bench)

Why do my pecs ALWAYS feel tight and shitty ugh

>found out my crush is unironically into Astrology
Wtf? Guess i shouldnt even bother then?
What do I lift for now?

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Stretch between sets

That's like every girl on earth.

Why are girls retarded then

Because they're girls, don't worry about it too much. When she sends you some astrology memes just laugh and pretend it's relatable af.

Are back extensions (with plates or bands) a worthwhile exercise for diddlys?

Thor loves them. He does it with barbell in GHR.

No hex bar here anyway lul

Ye I'd try that if if my gym had a GHR, but it has a flat roman chair only

You can nigger rig pulldown machines to do GHRs

I do my ghr in the lat pulldown machine and it's very uncomfortable on ur knees and calves

GHR are very uncomfortable period