Realistic Goal Bodies Thread

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Im making progress to this body boys

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fuck you bloated faggots

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is this achievable natty?

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Based Iggy poster

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>not going Bowie mode

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I think I'll be Bowie mode when I finish cutting lol

>not going Thin White Duke mode
>not cutting to 5'10" 98lbs with a diet of red peppers, milk, and cocaine

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I think this pic was shooped a little bit. He looked good in the movie but definitely not as impressive as this promo pic

Cutler mode is my goal.

Unfortunately I recently learned he is 5’9” and 280 competing. I’m 6’3” 265 now :(

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>Holocaust mode
No thanks.

But Bowie's physique actually existed.

He was quite obviously on gear but most of that is achievable within a few years natty- the traps being the exception. The hard part without gear is keeping the bodyfat low


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Heh talk about your visible lat syndrome.

I wonder why he started lifting? Was it the face?

The image that gave him the name latsbrah

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Based Sven

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Got a pic of him without a pump without flexing?

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fuck that body but holy fuck at his face. mirin since i saw it first no homo

can't find one, he's flexing in all of them on google

100% doable natty. I'm not on gear and am almost at this level. The only unrealistic aspect is the low water content and low body fat, which i guess could happen in a cut.

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He's 5'3, fyi.

Looks like a Greek god statue and is around my height

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One day, senpai

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>that face
We wut Vikangz n shiied

you can tell hes not just from proportions alone. look at this head to body ratio. look how small the coke can is in his hand

Mirin but doesn’t seem natty

Sorry to burst your bubble boys

Bullshit. Who even is it?

These two are ideal to me. Muscular without being so big that it's not possible without roids, lean enough to have visible muscle definition but not so lean that you'd be unhealthy, and clearly very fit even when clothed.


I don't know what's gayer, the fact that he's fucking a dude or having hair that long. And I'm gay.

Cope due to the fact he'll never get close to his brother's aethetics

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who is that


Alexander Follin, the golden one's brother.

Completely mogs TGO in every photo they're in together.

Pic from literally today

Shit tier

He took the cut too far
But boy could he play guitar

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hes taller but i wouldnt really call it a mog

How so I achieve this mode? I've only been lifting for 3 weeks now and haven't seen much change other than my shoulders, I'm doing 5x5 strongman and I normally lift alot of shit at my work so maybe that's why I'm not seeing any results yet?

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It's all about the face, nigger.

>better posed
>dressed to show his physique better
>doesn't have shit hair
>not really a mog


that's like 6 months of lifting with lowish body fat. I look close to that and I look like shit.


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jesus it looks like he has fucking tumors on his shoulders and biceps

>Alexander Follin
goddamn he is hot

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I'd say him from actors, same weight same height as mine

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>letting reality stay in the way of your gains

Pathetic, just believe in yourself bro.

Are thighs supposed to look like that?

I want to believe he’s natty.

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Pretty sure 3 weeks is not enough to see any kind of change, unless we are talking about temporary post workout muscles.

What body fat % you think this is?

Not natty

unironically couldnt watch more than 5 seconds. is it actually same guy? anyone?

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lol you got some low standards dude

Hed also be the first one to kill you faggots during the boogaloo

what a terrible kisser. dropped


that's it, I have my new bait for /o/

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Look at the rafters of that patio, non-manlets would have to hunch over if that were true

Unironically based


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Tinytrip openly took roids.

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i think left looks better desu


Im gonna do it bros i got wide hips too

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I'm a manlet so this would be quite good.

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were there just zeus tier dudes walking around renaissance italy? who the fuck posed for these statues

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>You don't need deadlifts for big traps

i watched for like 6 seconds and it doesn't look like him.

hey guys irrelevant post here but we wanna make a discord for fitness fans and gym motivation and shit. come join and help us grow members. cheers

simple, but i know if i work hard for a while, i can attain this.

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Or maybe this.

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dyel cope

Have you done your AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHs today?

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