Good morning Californians, getting ready for beach season so let's celebrate some cali muscle beach culture? Where's the best place to surf and best beach to walk around at?
California fucking sucks and the experience you are looking for can't be had without a time machine and I say this as someone from southern california. It's about as inachievable as fucking an anime girl irl. There's your black pill
t. born in san diego, lived in LA until 30yo
What happened? I'm from Europe and it's always interesting to hear from American how those cool places from the movies are in real life.
Lmao I unironically hope the mudslimes fly 10,000 airliners into your faggot state and burn you all alive. Commiefornia is nothing but faggots, beaners, and soibois
Kek you're one of the reasons California has gone to shit, california is great and moreso if you go outside and walk around. Learn to just go outside and enjoy the great beaches we have here, liberals dont even go out to the beach so dont use that as an argument.
No pride is what happened. Come, visit, and enjoy the scenery here. These faggots think just because a little majority of fags are too vocal that they ruin the scenery here which is stupid as fuck. Come to cali its beautiful and great.
>t. seething california fag
don't you have some brown people to suck off?
at least we get visitors to our state. Cope harder fag
T.bitter flyover state
Lmao what state are you in? Insecure faggot post state so I can ridicule you harder
>implying I can afford a flight to America
Also why do you badmouth liberals? Isn't California like 30% white nowadays?
t. (pic)
Because theyre stupid people who make california look bad.
Everyone from shitty flyover states think gays gargle semen in public,and liberals hover around in drones and avoid coming here but they're missing out on a lot of cool stuff like exploring different places, and eating local food. Besides I went to virginia beach and they had the most nannystate shit ever, east coast food is also bland as hell.
That's only if you go to compton like a retard. No one here goes out like that unless if you live in sect.8 housing or in a ghetto, even New York has people like that.
>Because theyre stupid people who make california look bad.
like you lol
Nah fags like you who dont go outside and get jealous of our great state make it look bad lmao you're coping at max I can see
Also nice collection of fags you have on your hdd, your daddy must be so proud.
My daddy taught me not to be ashamed of our dicks
ok gustavo
The democratic people’s republic of California is a socialist state run by an anti gun/anti white kikette
Kek also stop saying my daddy in the south if you're over 9. That shit is weird. You're a grown man
Laguna Beach is alright I guess. I fucked a divorcee sugar mama who helped pay for my roids. Other than that I don't miss it
Whiter than you Jamal. That's funny because my friend has guns and in kern county you can get a ccw if you ask for it.
>have lived in bay area entire life
>autistic worthless shut-in who has never been able to experience all the great things the state offers
>don't even get the very high salaries in this area
Laguna is nice, stil remember it vividly because I fucked my ex on one of the beach cliffs
You can literally go to pyramid lake user and go fishing where no one will bother you, its super relaxing.
Salvadoreans arent beaners btw but theyre whiter than him. Maybe he's jealous?
Beautiful eye, for sure. But you still live in a non white place, so what's the point? Your grandchildren won't be white.
You sound conservative, I'm sure California has great nature, food, and many things, but do you think it will be a good place to raise a family? How do you picture it in 20, 30 years?
Oh wow cherry picking pics? How will I ever recover? Look at all the faggots in my pic too. C o p e h a r d e r
Yeah I see that, daddy gave ya good advice
i get that california gets a pretty bad rap in the rest of the country of conservatives but i dont think most people realize that outside of basically the bay area, los angeles, san diego and sacramento area the entire state resembles middle america political values, hell drive down the middle of the state and its indistinguishable from kansas
the worst feeling is living in california but being a worthless loser who has never experienced anything here. dealing with the shit is supposed to be worth it to have the high salaries and especially great weather and moderate temperatures and all the outdoor stuff to do with national parks, beaches, mountains, top restaurants and museums and all that stuff.... being an r9k incel autist my entire life in the bay area i wish i was just from some "flyover" state
>2nd day on 4channel
I'm conservative sure, I'm not racist either. I just love nature and California offers a lot of it, people think California is shit but haven't stepped foot in it which is a shame. And also to answer your question about the white women, there's some and it just makes them even more valuable onbthe dating market since theres not many. Of course of a hispanic girl wants to sex or anything I wont go against my biology and not nail her lol I just make sure I wear a condom and always treat them nice so that when other liberal women to tell them to hate white men they'll just think they're crazy losers. Ive already converted two latina girls into dropping the white man is evil meme that they picked up from tumblrinas. But for sure I'm going to get married to a white woman since latina women are high maintenance.
kek valleyspic detected
Based Calibro
so long as you don't live in the beaner infested valley or the nigger infested downtown, Cali is pretty great. By the beaches everyone is Jow Forums and attractive, in comparison I've had to work in flyover states and have gone days without seeing anyone who has ever even heard of a salad.
There's some great areas in California. Monterey Bay, Ferndale, La Jolla and towns north of it, Caspar, Big Sur area... Truckee is a nice little town for an outfitter outpost though Nevada side of Tahoe is better... Montecito, Rancho Santa Fe, and Sonoma are resplendent... I also appreciate driving through the farming areas (until you get to the deprived towns) because the vastness of the orange groves amazes me. And I say this as a Floridian!
But California has a lot of bad areas. Sacramento, most of San Fran, most of San Jose, Oakland, Stockton, Merced, Los Banos, Fresno, Bakersfield, all of God damned LA area, Oxnard, south San Diego, all terrible wastelands. Many more besides that. But like anywhere, there's some good and bad. The big time ballyhooed places aren't worth visiting, just like in my state.
Does California suck? No. Is it the best for most people? Probably not. Is it the best even if you're very wealthy? Maybe not, depends on your values. But there are certainly places I see myself buying a house.
1. Beaner invasion
2. SJW soiboi takeover. As being muscular triggers SJWs into remembering men and women look differently it's frowned on. Liberals exercise only to "feel good" and "be healthy". Being strong to bring glory to one's nation, develop self-discipline and defend the weak from invasions on their freedoms and liberty is not.
>Where's the best place to surf and best beach to walk around at?
None, California beaches are filled with homeless, drug addicts, left-wing degenerates, illegal spics, and niggers.
>california is great
No, it's not. We have a insane democrat super majority running the state into the ground, regardless of how much money it makes. Furthermore, the major cities are swelling with homeless and literal shit in the streets. Stop watching the local news, its obviously rotting your brain.
Bro its easy just go on hikes and stuff, if you meet a girl on tinder and you like her take her on the hike, heck you can even go to the beach and just enjoy an ice cream with a girl and enjoy the water, its ok you know crowds are a little shitty, I understand that completely but its going to help with your fitness if you go outdoors and sightsee and stuff, that's the best part of living here, the beach is an hour away and so is the beach, and the parks and its all free.
>By the beaches everyone is Jow Forums and attractive
No shut up fuck you it's goblinas and water that you can't go in and I'm taking right at the Santa Monica and venice beach piers RIGHT WHERE THE OP PIC IS TAKEN FROM THAT VERY SAME MUSCLE BEACH WITH ARNOLD THE GROUND ZERO OF WESTERN BODYBUILDING CULTURE
jesus christ you fags rep this state like it's your fucking job I'm trying to warn a nigga before some autist gets the wrong idea
LA JOLLA the aquarium there is so great. I ducking love petting the baby sharks there. Bakersfield is ok user its just gets HOT here. Lots of cute white girls I pick up to go to bbqs and rodeos here. The women there dress in rodeo boots and butt hugging jeans and its really nice eye candy. Met two girls here who were jaw dropping gorgeous, you know its shitty here yeah but be damned if whenever I stop by here I don't go to the roadhouse or texas roadhouse. Bbq here is on point.
I went to a supposedly prestigious University of California and got Title IX'd out
>Because theyre stupid people who make california look bad.
California doesn't need help in looking bad. Stop lying you soilent fuck.
STD rates are skyrocketing here despite decades of shilling condoms (which nobody uses) and this fucking literal faggot jew has the fucking gall to blame this on racism
>No, it's not. We have a insane democrat super majority running the state into the ground, regardless of how much money it makes.
>merely 8-10 years ago, California was seen as a bankrupt, failed, ungovernable state that should be broken up into multiple states
>jerry brown and a democrat majority comes into legislature and suddenly the state is thriving and doing very well economically running under a surplus
Seriously consider killing yourself with your gun
Seconding this guy. I've noticed Californians, like New Yorkers, tend to have very poor awareness of the rest of the country, especially SoCal people. In their view, they're the only people with beaches and fairly warm weather year round. Florida and Hawaii just don't exist to them. If they have a Johnny Rockets on their block they think it's a local California restaurant. They think people ONLY surf in California.
Yeah it's a chill little aquarium, reminds me of the one here in Miami, a little worn out but charming and you can get right up to the animals. But nah man if you've been to a real farming/ranching town that doesn't have the bum issues like Bakersfield you wouldn't think much of the place, but maybe I'm spoiled.
I'd move to northern california if the State of Jefferson gets created. I'm hopeful for it but doubtful about it's ability to secede.
This same faggot jew, by the way, decriminialized the deliberate spread of HIV.
I'm hopeful, too. But I don't see a way to make an optimal split in the middle/southern ends. I've seen on the ballot they want to loop Monterey and LA into the same state. Those places could not possibly be more culturally different. Jefferson has got to happen, at least. I could see 4 states happening altogether.
Lmao how come I always hear groaning flyover states complain? Not my fault your whole states most visited place is the airport. Also everyone in the east had a pole up their ass because when I went to the convience store to buy some sweet tea or whatever they dont even smile, its like your damned if you live there. Everytime I go to a store here even if it's a shitty place at least I get a hello there and a smile
Oxnard bro here. It's not so bad anymore depending on the part of Oxnard. It's crazy how gentrified it's trying to become with the big ass outlet mall they built and even more fucking homes being built all the time. What really fucking sucks now is traffic on the 101 from Thousand Oaks to Ventura is absolutely fucking retardedly bad in the afternoon. I can't fucking stand it and am just glad I have a gym and a friends' house to wait it out when I need to. I go to school in Glendale so I drive in LA constantly and none of it pisses me off as much as that last stretch when I'm trying to get home.
Even the supposedly good schools are getting torn apart by culture war stuff. Going into le STEM like everybothrr autist is no escape. The danger hair gender theorists fucking have completely ruined it
Yeah traffic here is shitty user
>tfw too much of an incel shut-in to even have the self confidence to drive
>Lmao how come I always hear groaning flyover
You're dismissing the actual Californians in this thread with the same bullshit.
Baby steps bro. I used to be like you sort of
Most of the state's pretty bad, but Zuma is still nice, almost completely white, and has good surfing, if you want that. El Matador is white too, and really pretty, but too rocky for much more than photoshoots. Will Rodgers is nice i think, but I never go there.
Boomer here that lived through the LA riots
FUCK you, kid.
Outlet malls and the striptown setup of most California towns (as well as Florida, we're mega guilty) is exactly why Oxnard sucks. There's no real community. Just an Armageddon of cars. You say it yourself!
Don't worry man, he's probably a transplant like almost everybody else and he drank the kool-aid. He needs to reaffirm his lousy decision of moving to probably some slummy hole in Westmont.
I never said guns were impossible to get in the socialist people’s democratic of Californixicoistan
It’s just that their gun laws are fucking bullshit and they’re spreading across the states, Washington got cucked by 1639 and now 10 round mags are being labels high capacity
Soon enough grandpas bolt action will be labeled as a sniper rifle
I'm pretty liberal and work in San Francisco and holy shit I hate that damn city.
must suck being a poorfag who has only been to the most poverty stricken beaches in cali.
name some better beaches because I'm a homo cruiser looking for some big hunks and I only ever see old prunes and skinny queers!
It's actually the OP that's the sheltered shut in if he manages to live in california and not encounter any of the stuff people are complainig about
The best I've ever been to is Laguna Beach/Corona del Mar and even that is largely old rich retirees but it's real comfy.
How is climate change NOT responsible for more fires?
Yep nice places I'd also add Dana Point
>I'm pretty liberal and work in San Francisco and holy shit I hate that damn city.
thats because you're a liberal.. you retards hate everything.... like literally you guys are the most hateful retards on the planet.
Too many new homes being built which leads to even more voltage on the taxed power grid also contributes to fires, alongside the highly flammable eucalyptus trees not being eradicated still!
if you're tryna get railed by frat bros theres santa barbera
What’s the gay scene like there?
>paying taxes so mentally ill men can look at little girls in the women's bathroom
not gonna make it
Never liked the retarded highway cutting the entire city off from the beach there
>the experience you are looking for can't be had without a time machine
It wasn't so hot even in the 80's. That was largely a media fiction because it's literally fucking Hollywood the progenitor of fake bullshit.
See this? You will never experience it
That's because I mind my own business and dont go looking for homos.
>go looking for
>implying they aren't already living and working among you being loud, bossy, argumentative, ready to pounce on you for a minor pronoun or linguistic fuck up
Fuck you. You did this, California. Don't blame this on the "fly overs" (some of who were actually born and raised here)
If you want to play that game you're even worse because you brought niggers over to pick your cotton
Itt: butthurt retards from shitty flyover states trying to act tough and talk shit on glorious California
Get wrecked fags. California is the best state to live in. Beautiful beaches, great cities, amazing food, tons of shit to do, and the most diverse nature of all the states. You want to go rock climbing in the desert one weekend, snowboarding the next and surfing the weekend after that? Boom, California has all those things within easy driving distance. You want great food? Cali has got that. You want to go see live music? We got tons of that. Yall fags from the flyover states are just butthurt y'all live in such god awful shitholes.
>Get wrecked fags. California is the best state to live in. Beautiful beaches, great cities, amazing food, tons of shit to do, and the most diverse nature of all the states.
Only insanely sheltered transplants talk like this lmao
Nope. Lived in California all my life. Grew up in Santa Cruz, now living in LA.
>Because no other state has live music or good food
Keep coping faggot. Can't even get a goddamn plastic bag in the whole fucking state. Gas is double what the rest of the country pays and you get raped up the ass by shoplifters while the police don't give a fuck as it's not a felony to steal unless it's over $1000
California’s GDP is higher than the United Kingdom’s.
Gas is 3.30 where I live and I can still get plastic bags for free.
Meant for this poster
>cant get a plastic bag
Bullshit. Been to multiple cities and all of them have plastic bags.
>gas is expensive
Fair point but we also tend to make a lot more money in California on average then in other states.
Literally who gives a fuck? It isnt your shop thats being stolen from, fuck it.
>Itt: butthurt retards from shitty flyover states
Yes, another retard completely ignores the people who are from or live here.
Lol it's $1.89 here in TN.
You're such a deluded califag you don't know how much you're getting reemed every day
> imagine being so poor you cant afford an extra 10 cents to pay for a bag. Lmaoing at your life rn.
>move out of the projects to a community next to the beach
>still can't walk to beach without hearing project music
fuck mexicans
t. Mohammad
TO niggas rise up
Jobs pay less in TN. The standard of living is lower.
California is not comfy. This could just be a grass-is-greener sort of thing but my idea of a vacation is somewhere like Hakodate.
1.85 Texas
I like TO a lot. Gonna move in with those friends at that house after I become a nurse.
Forgot my pic
>after I become a nurse.
Cali's a bit of a mixed bag. Only things that are objectively bad are:
>The worst fucking traffic in America. I had no idea it could even get this bad.
>Ridiculously "fuck you" levels of rent. I pay $2600 for a 2-bed 2-bath in a decent area and apparently it's a pretty good deal for what we have.
everything else comes down more or less to opinions. Anyone saying it's a wasteland hasn't lived in an actual shitty state like New Mexico.