Good morning my brothers, I hope you are feeling well-rested. I hope today will bring you plentiful gains and that the Lord will keep bringing you blessings in the form of clarity, strength, wisdom, and success.

Share your stories about lifting, favorite scriptures, and all things Christ

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Other urls found in this thread:


>abrahamic religion

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Leaving for church in a few, hope you anons do the same.

Though I am weak in the flesh, in Christ I shall be made strong.

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Fix that tie user. Church is no place to look like a pile of ass.

Amen, brother

Just checking in to say I'm 7 days sober. Had the best week of restful sleep in my life and I feel incredible. God bless brothers.

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What does /religion/ give you that you can’t get on your own?

the same thing happened during the collapse of the roman empire
pagans clung to their idols during the collapse of civilization & they were killed alongside their statues


I suck at ties. I think I got it better?

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Maybe you should try praying it better. I hear that works.

Teaching. The humility to understand that there are people that you are meant to love, serve, and teach, and that there are people who can teach you a thing or two as well.

How is that /religion/ exclusive? Do you need the additional hocus pocus that goes along with it?

Woah that’s a whole lot of bullshit. Are you in some new age church?

What does it take to become a righteous man of God?

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It gave me rest. Didn't do anything different than what I was doing and my life completely changed since giving myself to my father God.

Ever since doing so my life has bee so much better. My father blessed me with land, a mansion, and wealth not to mention I'm seeing gains appear for me faster and more abundantly than ever before just because I asked my father for these things.

You have not, because you ask not.

>didn’t change anything
>sudden change in life
>hur dur it was gawd
>taking what you say seriously

A larper from /x/?

Believing in him and realizing you are the blessed son/daughter of God as Jesus took your place on the cross and you took his as the son/daughter of God.

You don't need to believe me but it did happen. I'm trying to think real hard about anything i changed in my life other than putting all my faith and life in Gods hands and nothing really shows up to give me this big of a transformation.

He is the eternal servant and as I sit at his feet he provides for me.

This is what happens when you can’t see the entirety of cause and effect. Just because A happened before B doesn’t mean A caused B.

Also placebo effect from accepting gawd into your life.


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A magic jew ghost you can talk to and make wishes to.

If you're not worshipping our Real Lord and Master, Satan, then YOU WILL NEVER MAKE IT.
>LOL '''Christian"'' cucks BTFO

Posting this

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>i drink, then crash
>no way drinking caused me to crash it was just me waking up 2 seconds earlier today, an me turning on the frontage road instead of staying on the expressway that caused this.

Is it really that alien to you for people to believe God can change peoples lives?

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>Listen to podcast about economics and history while lifting
>read my bible between sets

feels good to make mental, spiritual and physical gains all at once.

>Not worshipping Satan for maximum gains in all areas of your life
Why even live?
>Satanlets, when will they learn?

As a devout Pagan, my daily devotions to the Guardians of the Four Watchtowers (East, West, North, South) and the spells my coven casts during our weekly meetings have had a dramatic, steroids-like effect on all my lifts, I passed up 1/2/3/4 more than a year ago now and am placing well in bodybuilding competitions. Seriously I don't know why it is you Christ people bother, it's not like your Christian 'god' of Blood and Vengeance really cares about You or the Earth, he's all about the 'apocalypse' and stupid shit like that, LOL who wants that? We need to take care of the Earth and Paganism is clearly and objectively the Way to do that.

You should give up your silly patriarchal '''church''' and become Pagan, it's clearly and objectively better, and your gains will come so much easier! Really you should stop allowing yourselves to be taken advantage of.

LOL you should just graduate up to Paganism, then you can have your coven as your lifting buddies, and in your weekly coven meetings the spells you cast will increase your gains like you wouldn't believe, seriously it's like taking steroids but without all the side effects and risks, you should try it today.

Thank you brother

LOL are all you Christfags inbred? Haha I thought so

Meaning- true, concrete meaning.
All philosophy proceeding from an assumption of no absolute/god will tell you that you can make your own meaning, but to what end? The mind is weak, swayed by bestial impulse. To make your own moral system is like building a skyscraper on a foundation of modeling clay.

We are all children of God.

>needing to be LED instead of being a LEADER
>obsessively following some outdated work of fiction with no relevance to the modern world
>'''believing''' that some '''mortal man''' is somehow in contact with an unseen '''deity''' who '''empowers''' them to be he/she/it's '''prophet''' therefore you should '''take it on faith''' that you're supposed to unquestioningly do what this '''mortal man''' tells you to do
LOL who the '''weak minded''' are is pretty obvious to me.

>The so-called '''god''' of the '''christians''' is a ABSENTEE PARENT
great role model you have there LOL

Which """god""" is that? THERE ARE SO MANY TO CHOOSE FROM!

I like the Greek pantheon, personally. Zeus is a pretty cool dude desu, he bangs hot mortals all the time and doesn't give a fuck. xD

>The so-called '''god''' of the '''christians''' is an ABSENTEE PARENT

God is always with us, I can see his blessings all around me, and there are countless more blessings I'm sure I can't see.

I actually listen to audio sermons while I drive to the gym which is a 30-40 min drive. I feel great afterwards. Ever since then I've put my faith in my father and realized as Jesus is so am I and have had great gains.

I don't even feel tired anymore doing the gym and I go all out.

There is only one God.

>no relevance to the modern world
Christianity is the cornerstone of western civilization and continues to inform our "secular" morality. It's woven into everything you think and do, whether you like it or not.
Tell me, if you're "leading" yourself and others, where are you taking them? Is that destination any better or worse than the destination of the stronger leader you're competing with? Reducing humanity to a simple evolutionary game opens up all the same problems of chance that the natural world faces. How does that gel with the "fuck yeah humanity we wuz spartans" idea?

LOL I'm pretty sure that's just how it feels to have your priests' semen in your anus, LOL
>posterchildren for delusion

>Blah blah blah
None of that is real, we'd have the same civilization regardless, you're just swallowing the Kool-Aid your cult leaders are feeding you unquestioningly because you've been brainwashed to do so, LOL, what silly children you all are.

I can't tell is this is some decent cocaineposting or if you're a 13yo third-worlder who actually thinks this is edgy

I will pray for you.

I hope one day that he who calms the seas will calm the storm in you.

LOL trolling you trolls isn't even fun anymore it's just sad so I'm going to go find a worthwhile fun thread to shitpost in, you be sure to enjoy sitting here on Page 10 with your old busted memes from Last Thursday, LOL, religion is stupid and everyone knows it, guess you couldn't cut it on /b/ so you come here. Guess since you can't cut it here either you could always go to /n/ or some other super-slow board where your irrelevant weak troll thread will stay up for WEEKS, LOL. Have fun alone losers. xD xD xD

After recently reconverting I decided to deconvert again
I should have remembered the reasons I left in the first place. The Bible is full of contradictories, prayer felt like talking to myself (which it most certainly is) and maybe most importantly (and something I didn't realize my first time through) Jesus would have been put to death anyway as a false prophet on account that he violated the old testament law that states that any "prophet" who makes a false prediction (in Jesus's case the time of his return) should be put to death. It all just perplexes me. I never believed for any other reason than a fear of hell that was instilled at a very young age due to some church teachings. It's all quite sick

God cannot be understood by men.
His teachings are likewise difficult to understand.
The truth will reveal itself I'm sure, the truth lies within what you believe are contradictions.


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Is going to Jehova Witnesses meetings a good way to meet a trad girl?
I'm no believer but fuck modern women. I'll buy into the scam, take my kids to the cult and all that jazz if need be, it seems like an insignificant price to pay.

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An atheist in the West is like a fish that is skeptical of water.

Good afternoon my friends, let me share my absolute favorite scripture once again

Matthew 14:26-33

>But when the disciples saw him walking on the sea, they were terrified, and said, “It is a ghost!” and they cried out in fear
>But immediately Jesus spoke to them, saying, “Take heart; it is I. Do not be afraid.”

>And Peter answered him, “Lord, if it is you, command me to come to you on the water.”
>He said, “Come.” So Peter got out of the boat and walked on the water and came to Jesus
>But when he saw the wind, he was afraid, and beginning to sink he cried out, “Lord, save me.”
>Jesus immediately reached out his hand and took hold of him, saying to him, “O you of little faith, why did you doubt?”
>And when they got into the boat, the wind ceased
>And those in the boat worshiped him, saying, “Truly you are the Son of God.”

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Mine which helped me just rest was

>Jesus said to Peter? "Why are you worried what I said to John, don't worry about John worry about following me."

Why not try the Mormons?


No Mormons in my area, all fringe Christians I see are JWs.
I'd have no problem with mormons though, I just want a girl that wants children and has a single digit partner count.

Yeah church is the best bet, but you must be faithful otherwise it's not worth it

you type like a moronic 10 year old who shits on everything. your life is sad, bet you got a bunchof holy loads in yourass the way you hate on religion. find something better to do child.

what are some of these truths hidden in contradiciton?

Any fellow Mormons on here? How was church today?

I was a believer years ago, but at some point it just went away.
It seems silly that one of the thousands of religions mankind has had is the real one. I do like to believe there's something higher than physical reality, maybe a force of order that arranges reality, some sort of demiurge. But a god with a mind and a personality seems like something humans came up with.

Proverbs tells us that if we live our lives with its wisdom, then we will have a good life, but Ecclesiastes tells us that life is meaningless on Earth, and that nothing we gain here matters, and that life is beyond our control.

They're both correct. Job rectifies this by showing a story of how a righteous man can have his life destroyed even if he puts his trust in God.
The climax happens when God shows Job the secrets of the universe for only a moment, and reveals that we as humans, even if we wanted to, cannot understand God's plan and its infinite complexity.
What seems like two contradictory books come together to form a penultimate truth about our time on Earth:

We should life righteously, and to do so may give you a good life without suffering, but it won't always. If and when it doesn't, there is no reasoning we could possibly comprehend as to why we suffer, and when the day of the Lord comes, the things we do on the Earth expressly for our earthly lives won't be of much significance in the face of eternity.

Mass was good this morning, I was a bit tired because I stayed up kinda late last night watching God's Not Dead with my gf. It was worth it though, I'd recommend the movie to anyone struggling to find their faith or keep it.

I like both of these. One of my favorites is Philippians 4:13
>I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me.

Fulton Sheen has a great video about that exact topic, look up "comparing world religions".

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This all sounds like a big complex coping mechanism for how shit life can be.
Of course, we need something that drives us forward, and faith is great for that, but eating shit while thinking "heaven awaits" sounds like a scam.
God made us very flawed, and most of life is suffering. He didn't gave us a way of knowing he exists(mental gymnastics don't count, every religion has them), of knowing anything beyond nature exists. But we must adhere to his rules or we risk literal eternal suffering.
Like, picture spending 100 trillions years in Hell, how mad can God be at someone to condemn him to that? Well, it's not 100 trillion years, it's infinite years. And it's not on God, it's on YOU. Even though God created and designed everything ever, you have free will and if you were a dick, a sodomite, or a suicidal fuck, you will spend eternity suffering.
Malice, sodomy or suicide could just not exist, but they do, God allows it, and if you do it, get ready for a torture so cruel it makes me wonder how bad Satan can be if God, who loves us all dearly, sends us to Hell. Oh wait, it wasn't God it was you, the imperfect, flawed, insignificant human. We are all ants in comparison to God, but we still have a responsibility so big and so important that we risk ETERNAL SUFFERING if we don't adhere to his set of rules.
I don't know man, this doesn't make sense.

Completely and utterly based

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God doesn't condemn anyone to Hell.
God gave us the choice; live as he designed for us to live, or choose our own designs for life.

Clearly our designs are evil. When men decide to supplant the intentions of God, they create evil.
But God allows it.

If he didn't, we wouldn't be beings separate from God. We would simply be puppets. Our autonomy makes us something different from God.
As such, God honors our wishes. If we wish to distort what God intended, and direct our own lives as we see fit, then so be it, but when its all said and done, you will join the rest of those who decided not to live as God intended.

On earth we get to choose to be connected to God, but in Hell, there is no presence of God. All is ungood because God is not there to make anything good. And those who are there chose it of their own accord.

As far as his existence is concerned. There is no way for anyone to prove with any weight any possible theory as to why matter exists. Why should there be anything at all?
We all do "mental gymnastics" to see what we can decipher, but at the end of the day, any possible theory of the creation of the universe is believed on faith.

>just got back from church with my friends
>browsing Jow Forums while the chicken and rice cooks
>comfy for the first time this week
Feels good man.

>God doesn't condemn anyone to Hell.
Yes he does. He created reality, every aspect of it. He's responsible for creation and it's workings. He's responsible for how the human mind operates.
If your boss tells you "you must work all day on the tip of your toes, if you don't I'll fire you, but it's actually on you because you chose not to walk on your tip toes" is it you doing the firing? No, it's your dickhead boss making weird rules and blaming you for what he does.
Humans didn't create reality. Humans didn't create Hell, God did. Humans didn't create the way souls work, they didn't decide "there should be a place of ETERNAL SUFFERING". God did. I mean, picture it, eternal fucking suffering. There is no crime heinous enough to deserve such a thing, specially if you are a fucking person. I understand if Lucifer, that was under God's direct command and decided to go against him, deserved such a fate.
But a gay man that fell in love with another man and had sex with him deserves eternal fucking suffering? A stupid loser that fails at everything and takes his own life deserves eternal fucking suffering? I'm not talking about genocidal tyrants, serial rapists or anything like that.
God decided that reality should work like it does. What kind of love does he have for us? He allows us to do whatever we want, but if we don't do as he wants we get a punishment that only the most twisted, evil person would want on another individual. Eternal suffering. Let that settle in. Eternal pain, eternal horror, eternal torture.

>I just want a girl that wants children and has a single digit partner count.

Why not virgin?

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>Why not virgin?
I'm 24, I've already ruled that out.

Quints of sad truth

You didn't need to be so harsh, brother

Care to elaborate?

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mirin' quints

The contradictions that I speak of are more theological and with the character of God.

There are two major contradictions.
The first, due to the transitive property of congruence salvation is a works based system. wherein someone must perform good works inorder to validate their faith and thus be saved. Yet it is more complicated because this doesn't operate on a one step forward one step backward system like Islam.

The second is a contradiction in gods character. Due to gods omnipotence, he already knows who will accept the gospel and be saved. That also means that God knows who'll be damned. yet he still creates man fully knowing because of his divine justice he'll have to damn at least someone. That means he is knowingly damning his creations which is in direct violation of his omnibenevolence. Also interesting to note that hell is eternal because apparently a transgression against an eternal god warrants eternal punishment. Yet in the old testament god is perfectly willing to declare men righteous and accept finite sacrifices for apparently infinite crimes...

Do you know any +20 years old virgin girl? I don't.

>I understand if Lucifer, that was under God's direct command and decided to go against him, deserved such a fate.
There is no difference between man and Lucifer. We are both made in the image of God and we are both liable to choose to be apart from God if we want.

>But a gay man that fell in love with another man and had sex with him deserves eternal fucking suffering? A stupid loser that fails at everything and takes his own life deserves eternal fucking suffering?
Yes, homosexuality is an abomination and suicide is a rejection of the gift of life and all the blessings one is too blind to see if they choose suicide.

>I'm not talking about genocidal tyrants, serial rapists or anything like that.
Sin is sin. There is no degrees of it, there is no greater or lesser sins in the eyes of God.

>What kind of love does he have for us?
If we choose not to accept his love, then we do not get his love. But while we are on earth he will love us, and sometimes love is not compassionate.

>Eternal suffering. Let that settle in. Eternal pain, eternal horror, eternal torture.
God is good. He is the reason anything is good. Hell is the way it is because it is separate from the goodness of God. He did not create the suffering there, it simply exists there because God is absent.
We are told the worst part of hell is not some physical pain. How could you feel anything as a spirit? You are thinking of suffering from a completely animal perspective. The worst part of hell is never being able to be with God ever again.

I do, but she's going to be a nun. Other than her, not really.

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First off, God's rules are not arbitrary, they are absolute. To compare them to the man made rules of a weird boss (who isn't perfect as God is) is a false equivalence. Second, we cannot claim to understand God's plan or His will. He has some plan for all of us, a plan that's bigger than anything we can imagine. Maybe it's part of His plan to have some people be total losers in life, and instead of accepting His plan they go against His will and throw themselves into the lake of fire. And maybe He saves them from it, we have no way of knowing. Another thing that I notice is you seem to be having the wrong idea of hell. Hell is not just a lake of fire, it's a lake of fire that is devoid of God. You can't expect people who reject God to be welcomed to His kingdom, when they remove themselves from His light by their own free will.

>There are two major contradictions.
>The first, due to the transitive property of congruence salvation is a works based system. wherein someone must perform good works inorder to validate their faith and thus be saved. Yet it is more complicated because this doesn't operate on a one step forward one step backward system like Islam.
Salvation is not based on works.

>The second is a contradiction in gods character. Due to gods omnipotence, he already knows who will accept the gospel and be saved. That also means that God knows who'll be damned. yet he still creates man fully knowing because of his divine justice he'll have to damn at least someone. That means he is knowingly damning his creations which is in direct violation of his omnibenevolence. Also interesting to note that hell is eternal because apparently a transgression against an eternal god warrants eternal punishment. Yet in the old testament god is perfectly willing to declare men righteous and accept finite sacrifices for apparently infinite crimes...
In that sense everything is determined before it happens. There will be one winner of a race, but just because only one person will win doesn't mean that every racer doesn't in theory have an equal shot at winning (given they're all of the same skill). Some will go to heaven, and some will not, and God knows who will and who won't, but while we are on Earth, we still have complete autonomy over our own actions. The race has not concluded, we still choose salvation of damnation for ourselves.

men can date younger assuming you have a good job and take care of yourself.
i've taken multiple virginitys the last few years and im 27.

I do, but she's a Muslim

Absolutely based
