Do these fuck with insulin levels or no?

do these fuck with insulin levels or no?

Attached: sip.jpg (207x500, 28K)

>do these fuck with insulin levels or no?

Attached: thisisyou.png (621x702, 56K)

since it's basically lemon water with sweetener and coffeine, i would say it's unlikely.

i tried this the other day, it tastes like cheap chewing gum

Give me proof that sweeteners have no impact at all, smartass.


Am in medschool and I borrowed some blood glucose testers, tested my blood sugar on an empty stomach, then drank a monster absolute zero and tested again every 30 mins 4 times. No significant change in blood glucose levels.

Monster Zero Ultra* sorry

Not gonna lie they make me hungry

There’s no studies to show that artificial sweeteners have an impact on insulin. Some show that ace-K and one other MIGHT have a small effect on insulin levels in mice but human studies for all the common sweeteners show no change. It’s just a soccer mom myth and the “knowledge” ofcommercial gym shitty trainers that say that it does

While it was previously hypothesized that artificial sweetners could affect insulin levels, due to activating glucose receptors on the tongue, studies since then have shown they have no significant effects on insulin levels, and that the glucose receptors on your tongue are not involved with insulin response

If they did, bodybuilding pros would be pounding down artificial sweeteners

stay away from caffeine, user

Unless you're fat/diabetic you have no reason to worry about your fucking insulin levels

I actually feel weak after

artificial sugars are just as bad as real sugar. believe me, just stay away from it. Your stomach will thank u later

>it’s just as bad as sugar
>believe me
>gives no sauce
>gives no reasoning
I thus give no fucks what you say tard

My gym has a vending machine full of these. White and blue. You think they’re in on the sips meme?

based on experience. you don't have to believe me. enjoy your destruction of gut flora and insane sugar cravings

I’m not OP, but thanks man. It’s rare that someone actually does anything helpful on this board instead of 0 IQ trolling. And I drink a lot of these so it’s relevant to me.

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Just eat some sauerkraut or yogurt

Of course brainlet, that's basically just sugar and caffeine

I have tested fake sugar drinks as well and can agree with this user. No change in Blood Sugar at all (or A1C for that matter after drinking for months).

>no sauce
>muh experience
The calling card of a retard

Also ignoring OPs question to give shitty unsolicited advice, neck yourself retard

is insulin only made by blood glucose?

it just taste like sugar, it doesnt contain any
good grief dude wtf is wrong with you

Diabetic here
If it's zero calories it has zero impact on insulin. Anyone telling you otherwise read what someone wrote about one study in the 90s on a blog and decided to be equally retarded

This is also nonsense. There are several reasons athletes and bodybuilders should and are aware of their insulin levels

>believe my nonsense that makes no sense with no information whatsoever for no reason

It's made in the pancreas as a response to circulating blood glucose

posting in a zoomer thread

Any advice for helping a 6year t1d college athlete to start taking responsibility for managing it better?

I don't get why it's memed so hard here.

Type 1 diabetic here
When I drink these my blood sugar goes from a normal 120 to just over 200. I don’t know why or how but I thought I’d let you know.

Attached: C943D7E0-06A9-49D5-98C9-3B17A2F6D623.jpg (530x531, 39K)

I'm a type 1 diabetic who drank these regularly at one point and now has one every once in a while, they don't do anything to the bloogsugar, however when I've had these and been anxious or stressed I've noticed some insulin resistance.

Focus on a1c, it's reliable, easy to measure and basically a high score that fixes your health, so motivating to correct.
Best tips for improving a1c:
>Prebolus more, and earlier- up to a half hour before for most things is ideal
>Low-carb diet. It's pretty much cheat mode for 24/7 blood-sugar control, and fairly easy to do
>Build muscle and have good cardio- the combination pushes your insulin response way up but the muscle mass also helps blunt blood sugar spikes

Either the caffeine or something else you're not accounting for

Caffeine does that