ITT : memes you fell for at one point in the past

> drinking salt water in the morning
doesn't seem natural now that I think about it
> drinking lemon water in the morning
lemons don't even grow here
> (extreme) fasting
I used to fast up to 20 hours a day and developed skelly mode and eating disorder.
> (red) meat and animal products are bad for you
no one can deny the superior nutritional content and absorbtion of meat and animal products. I still eat veggies and such but much less
> you need to workout hard and long to gain muscle
I do 20 minute workouts now every other day and I'm much bigger then when I worked out 1 or two hours or more every other day

Attached: falseprophet.jpg (712x797, 56K)

Other urls found in this thread:

esoteric as heck

Noob, dont try to do that towards the beloved prophet. Ilv Muhammad.

im doing it, sorry, stay mad

Attached: partyquinten.png (995x902, 145K)

Kek, Muhammad is a false prophet. The Quran uses the Gospel of Barnabas which is a forgery. A
>christian apostle
Supposedly wrote the true gospel in which Jesus mentions Muhammad, and Adam also mentions Muhammad? It is very pro-Islamic, and has no origin other than Muslims making baseless claims. Jesus also denies being the messiah which contradicts Islam, Barnabas who knew Greek somehow referred to Jesus as Jesus Christ, which Christ = Messiah. There are too many errors and inconsistencies with the Gospel of Barnabas, he was also a Christian not a Muslim. It's a plagiarized/Islamized version of the four gospels probably written by some raghead.

At least the four gospels in Christianity are called anonymous and can be dated.

Keep deluding yourself infidel.

Attached: Chad prophet.png (1800x1200, 205K)

This is not /tv/, we don't like pedophiles here. Fuck off, Ahmed.

that isnt extreme fasting. Also you never even "light"fasted. Fasting is going into ketosis, you don't eat for at least 3 days. I fast generally for 10-12. I'll do it once or twice a year. Fasting is better for losing weight than cutting because you lose less muscle and burn more fat. Just last 3 days, then you don't feel as hungry, but once you feel ravenous hunger again then it means it's time to end your fast/

lol, i did 3 day fasts too,

fasting anymore than 2 days is retarded and extreme.

I don't need to lose weight.
I started it for health benifits, at first it was great but after 6 months I was scrawny, deluded myself into thinking I felt great when hungry. I did not.

I experimented with fasting for 2 years.

later pleb, stay starving yourself!

>up to 20 hours

Again you didn't actually get into a fasting mode, you need to do AT LEAST three days, otherwise it isn't a fast. Again I only do it instead of cutting, so if I get a little too heavy over the winter I'll fast instead of cutting because you lose less strength. I'm unaware that it has "health benefits" so it does sound like you were doing it for the wrong reasons.

The start with a strength routine meme
The carbs are bad for you meme
The cardio will kill your gains meme

this one is actually funny, the OP one is dumb

Fell for the CICO meme without even knowing it. Ate high calorie garbage but kept a caloric deficit of +200kcal, didn't lift and rarely did cardio, lost weight too quickly, lost the small amount of muscle I had and I was left with too much belly fat.
I wish I had browsed Jow Forums and done some research before starting to lose weight the retard way :(

What about salts and electrolytes and snake juice?

>Unironically being conned by keto bloggers and believing meat is nutrient dense

Attached: xgorxiy1z4s11.png (500x500, 61K)

Im not a low IQ retard that fall for memes written by balding virgins

sorry bro, i do my research

yeah i generally sip snake juice and take a few multivitamins when i fast. Otherwise i think you'd be vitamin deficient

The silhouette made me kek, and the OP one is wrong anyways

Kek...whats next beta genghis khan vs alpha richard simmons

....goes to b n fap to lolis

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