If you're below 5'9 you're a manlet

Most kids where I live are over 5'8

I feel really bad for anyone undrer 5'9
poor amerifags and asiafags

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Based and redpilled.

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If you’re below 6’ you’re a manlet faggot

Nice try. If you are under 6' you are a manlet.

t. 5'10/5'11 manlet faggot, get back in the fucking pit cuck

Bump the height up and that is the definition of a real man.

Im a 6'5 viking you faggot

>t. 5’10’’.

I'm a 5'7 woman with a 6'3 boyfriend.

>A woman.

And no, the definition of a real man is 7’6’’. 5’9’’+ just means you’re not a manlet, nothing special.

I have only met two men that tall.

The rest aren’t men then.

>post yfw 5'9''

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If your height begins with a 5 or lower you're a manlet I don't know why it's so hard for you retards to understand

>is exactly 5’9
wew now I can stop wearing these lifts I’ve been using to get pussy and go back to being alone

>be me latino manlet
>mom is 5 ft 5, dad 5 ft 7
>grew up on ritalin which suppresses your growth
>ends up 5 ft 10
>ppl keep telling me im lucky to b 5 ft 10
>i keep feeling i coulda been taller without ritalin

Fuck idk what to think

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5'9, but i'm a pilot so technically a few thousand feet above all the lankies


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>TFW 5'9 and have 5'3 gf

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Average height for men in my country is 1.83m or 6'0.

The rest of the world are just midgets

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Your future son will hate you for as long as he lives