Hey man, you tryin to build some muscle but you're broke?
Thats good man, thats real good.
Join me on another adventure while we discuss how to aquire free gains.
Hey man, you tryin to build some muscle but you're broke?
Thats good man, thats real good.
Join me on another adventure while we discuss how to aquire free gains.
Other urls found in this thread:
Trying this right now. Its pretty good.
i am platonically in love with you
What's this about? Are you eating trash?
How do I do it? How do I get into this? Just go to supermarkets 5 minutes before they close and ask for free food? I admire this
This is your home
>it's a dinotendies thread
Just go around back and look in their trash.
You're doing God's work man gonna try tomorrow I'll let u know how it went in next thread probably
What state do you live in dino? And what store do you dumpster drive behind from the most?
Be carefull with fruit and veggies. Sealed stuff should be ok if it was just thrown out. Things like bananas and oranges should be good since you dont eat the skin.
Posting in based DinoTendies thread.
Endorush are shit
>Things like bananas and oranges should be good since you dont eat the skin.
Is that a fucking tick on it?
Dino, my man. We know you're not Australian, the gig's up; please hold this shit the right way round so we can read it without snapping anything
are you retarded?
Also, beware of hidden gains goblins.
Adopt this cutie and let him play with yougurt
i want to see dinotendies post the gains he's made
>beware of hidden gains goblins
A fucking raccoon
Snack time
Went to my first dumpster dive at 5below, marshalls, bed bath since they are all together.
It wasn't as scary as I expected (I went in the afternoon). I got a new dog toy for my puppy so that was great for my first try.
Going to check out petco and TJ Maxx tomorrow on the way to the gym
where do you shower/bathe if that shower looks unused?
don't think he does user
post a pic of your skeleton again
Marshalls is a good idea and i have seen videos of people going to 5 below, we dont have any here unfortunately.
Pic related
Is this loss?
Could you maybe please write "lift hard, moe chan" on the wall
I thought this wasn't a dinotendies thread and I was about to get REALLY ANGRY at you for stealing his trope but now I realise it's a bonafide DinoTendies thread and i feel a lot better.
>it's my birthday and I am extremely depressed and this has stopped me feeling so bad.
Thanks dinotendies.
if you wanna do a shoutout or something that would be nice but I dont wanna tell you how to do you xx
>Bible page stapled to the wall
that noose doesn't have enough turns
what's with the multiple abortion stick
That's a machete
>the world is yours
Happy birthday user. Lets make a cake
350mg of caffeine is a lot isn't it?
how many people have you killed?
I love you Dino
t.brazilian fan
;-; thank you dino tendies is that revalations on your wall?
Watching this thread, based Dino Tendies
I love how stark clean your cookware and choppingboard is.
I have to go to the gym for an hour, if any jannies delete this thread just know you've ruined my birthday.
>you wouldn't ruin an user's 30th birthday, would you?
isn't that shit gonna give you tetanus or something?
Cake mix
Since this is Jow Forums i added this instead of water
looking good dino
Where the fuck are you?
What happened to raisin?
I forgot i dont have butter, so ill use this bacon grease
>generic watermelon slices sold as edibles
They know their demographic
You dirty rat
Also watch out for raccoon shit because raccoon roundworm can make you go blind and go into a coma
wheres yogurt
We don't want to know, do we?
What is in the cave dinotendies
What the actual fuck is this
Are you gonna cook whatever you catch?
Ok thanks for showing me
During the great rat war on Jow Forums we discovered this entrance to their bunker. We had to use explosives and cut our way in
What's the paper on the wall by the sink say?
Dino, could you write "Wouter" on your wall somewhere? it's my /fitizen/ friends birthday and he'd love it if I show him this tomorrow. Also, your threads are always fucking great: each and every time. I always wonder how you got yourself such a nice shithole to mess around, and if it's actually your property.
what the fugk
If things get a little crazy i still have this loaded and ready
... is that a toilet-grill?
i love you, tendies
4 u
I see your cholula is safe and sound
>real whisk
Oh boy
Please tell us how to make whey frosting.
That looks pretty good
I just use a little bit of milk or water so its like a paste
Dino you crazy son of a bitch.
Do a house tour!
you should throw this lesser whisk into the rat-hole
I thought i had some real pastry tips... need to improvise
I love you dino
pet Yogurt for me
Toasting in an epic bread
Marker is better