How long did it take you to realize the bodybuilding physiques built by lifting a bar up and down like an autist look...

How long did it take you to realize the bodybuilding physiques built by lifting a bar up and down like an autist look like complete and total shit aesthetically compared to the beautiful, athletic, functional bodies built by training for and playing actual sports?

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also work on your bait newfag

Weight training is a basic part of most professional athletes training regimen.

Obviously, but that's besides the point

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I have also been wondering about how going to the gym and lifting requires no effort compared to training for Track and Field, Baseball, soccer, football etc. This makes those sports respectable than just your average guy who lifts.
Where I disagree with you is that I think the average guy who lifts will have a "better" physique than someone who only trains for their sport(excluding short sprinters and football players).

All those athletes do some form of resistance training. What a stupid post OP

I'm not an idiot. I know they lift weights as part of their training, that's beside the point. I'm talking about the aesthetics of the bodies they build through training.

It's more like high level athletes have good genetics and look good. Whereas average joes who play sports look like shit and bodybuilding is where it's at in terms of aesthetic muscular development.

They look like weak shit, dude.

>athletes don't lift weights

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>actual sports
oly weightlifting and powerlifting are sports

I wouldn't fuck any of these guys.

This is literally the hardest possible mode

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U know u thirst 4 tiki

Yeah, shame is it makes you a super manlet tho.

But the two best looking guys in that lineup are also the two who do the most weight training.

But they're also black.
Ok bait

That's just proportions. You could look look like a swimmer with the right exercises.

The people in that pic have world class genetics, are coached by world class trainers, and devote their entire lives to their sport. Just like the average person here who lifts will never become Arnold or Klokov, you're not going to build an impressive physique by playing pick up games at the rec.

I'mma fly over there and kick your ass lanklet

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Make way for hawkman

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Only aesthetic hovering ITT

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Gymnastics don’t make you short, retardーit’s just that manlets are built for success for the sport so a lot of them flock there.

Except for competitive gymnastics you start before it's known if you're going to be a manlet or normal?
Or are you saying there are a whole bunch of gym kids who wash out because they got tall?

I don't think most people are trying to get roid big. The guys on the left are a good size. I already look like the guy holding the bike. I just want to look good in clothes. Big arms, not skelly.

Hawk fu comin thru

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real men have entered the thread

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Yeah but so is cardio which most of Jow Forums is allergic to for some reason. This is the fitness board but simply putting on muscle for aesthetics isn’t good fitness.

Why dont black people have feet arches?

The latter mate.
I know a girl who stopped gymnastics around the end of puberty because she was simply too tall to compete with the others. She was pretty good, too, just didn't have dem genetics™

Sprinters and football players build most of their muscle from weight training