When you’re 6ft and lean and still can’t get girls
>What is this curse
How do I ascend.
When you’re 6ft and lean and still can’t get girls
Have you tried talking to them?
it's probably because you're a shitty person
It's because you don't try, Elliot Rodger 2.0.
Helps to upright
>Implying personality matters
Too bad you can't be 6'4 like me and enjoy 99th percentile global height
nigger lips
you look gay
just bee yourself
You can easily get fat chicks. But you don't want fat chicks do you?
I want to punch you in your stupid fucking face. That's probably why women don't like you.
Sure thing, Elliot.
Lol you need to be an actual six feet, not made up manlet heights. Back to the pit, manlet
Your father was weak and you took on the qualities of your mother. The emotionality, the insecurity, the Need for someone else to validate your existence.
Go forgive your parents and move on.
Start chewing gum and doing neck work. It will build you face more. You've got a great base.
As far as personality goes I seem to make people go away so I cant offer any advice. People tell me I should not be so critical, like I was told one time I missed a shot at pool and said FUCK really loud and scared everyone. Take hints and try to fix them. Personality is a such a puzzle with me I don't know how to fix it.
You are deadass an ugly goblin that thinks hes handsome
Whats the weather like in Australia?
Never seen an ugly person with classically handsome features before but there you go
Hot as fuck
You sir, are the next Dr Phil with that well thought out advice
You look like a dude that needs friends no offense. Chicks are probably intimidated and weirded out if you’re too nice or sociable out of the blue. Learn to relax and joke around in a friendly but respectful way so you don’t seem scary or “too quiet”.
la creatura
>tfw 6'1 and skinnyfat dyel and can still get girls
I don’t have any male friends
this is how you cope when see a fat dude with a pretty gf