What's your mile time

You DO train cardio, don't you Jow Forums?

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i did a mile in 15 minutes the other day

8 minutes

Like 9 minutes haha xD
I'm going for a respectable distance before I start working on speed

Havent ran in awhile due to shitty knees but my 5k time was usually around 24:30 give or take depending on the day. Now my cardio consists of climbing (fuck you, that shity is cardio) and cycling.

around 4:50 is my best. Its awkward distance for me. I've done sprints and Ive done cross county before but its neither an endurance event or a sprinting event so I'm never sure how to pace it. Just bolt all out get tired job then bolt again repeat until its over.

Fastest ever was 4:44 but now I can only muster a 5:20ish.

5:30-6min as a swimmer, now whats your 100m free time, you do swim right user?

Nope I don't do cardio. I'll start whenever my yearly eccodoppler tells me I should

I can get to 3:00min/mile or less speeds for 35-45 seconds. But I realistically would hit 6:00, maybe 6:30 since my endurance for higher speeds is so so.

6-7 minutes, haven’t timed my mile in years but I ran a 5k in ~21 minutes a few weeks ago so

7:42 is my average, which isn't too bad for a big boi at 6'4 220

14:28 was my last 2 mile time

7:11 lol

trackfag here
4:42 mile

About 5:30
Resting heart rate is only 65bpm though. Not sure why it's not lower


How am I supposed to know what a fucking mile is I don't count yards as I run you goober.

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Last time I ran a mile to time myself I was at 5:43. Of course that was prior to my acl tear, so now I just bike for cardio As well as get some shots up(basketball) and unironically suicides for every 3 free throws missed.

peaked at 4:30 when i was a hs sophomore, all downhill from there

In HS I got 5:03
Pissed I never broke 5, but I just wasn't that good I guess. Right now I'm trying to train for a marathon so I'm not concerned about mile time

My best so far is 7:00. It was on a treadmill. 6ft 230lbs and getting better

>Hey user want to cone to the trail with me and run 5k? I'm sure it's nothing for a strong guy like you. We can go get something to eat and hang out afterwards.

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Is it bad to train for a marathon and also lift for strength?

I've only been doing sprints. I'll do 20 sprints, hit the sauna, 20 sprints, sauna, 20 sprints, sauna

nobody here are actually athletic. The reason Jow Forums so obsessed with getting bigger and stronger is because they have nothing else. I doubt half of this board could even do a proper cartwheel.

10:48 mile and a half

How do I get into swimming? Can I iron out my form by watching YouTube/doing drills, or do I just need to sign up for a class?

My best ever was 5:15 but I could probably run a 6:15 pretty comfortably I bet.

Delete this fucking shit. Now.

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and what is the purpose of doing a cartwheel? to look like an imbecile in the gym? to make a girl awkwardly laugh at you? or just to be an arsehole in the private confines of your own home? a wonderful array of options is opened up by a grown man learning a fucking cartwheel indeed


10:16 mile and a half, cum in me

>tfw probably still not getting a job offer though

how else are you going to make an exit when grill in park says "tell me about yourself mr fitness"?

Haven't ran in forever but I could still do a 7 minute I just start to cramp, I don't even get winded.

6:35 but it drops to 8 or minutes or more for anything over 5k


I don't know about a mile, but I can do 1500m in 4:50.

5km in 22:30 but I dunno about time per mile.

5 km in 27:30 idk burger units

By the end of High School 4:40's or so . Just remember is was sub 5 minutes . Now good fucking luck . Age 40+

Was casually able to run 5km in 18:50 when I was 13 and had the endurance from swimming. I barely ever ran at all at that age and did it without maxing out so I wonder what it could've been at if I did.
But I can't say that I'm able to do anywhere near that time now, lol.
Decided to get some of the endurance back and started running again about 3 months ago, currently at 22:30 so it's still a long way to go.

18:50 5k with 13? And when you were 16/17/18?

Right now it's fucking shit, but around june it was about 6:30 which was great for me. Want to get a sub 6 min this year.

Class, or get a swimmer friend to teach you its much easier that way

Meh like 11 minutes, but I'm a recovering fatty

>And when you were 16/17/18?
It got much worse. I was at my peak endurance at 13 before it started going downhill because of health issues and not being able to swim as much until I quit at 16. Didn't have the motivation to do any cardio training after that so I only went to the gym to lift weights while the endurance from the swimming days faded away.

Weightlifting is cupcake-tier shit compared to swimming, lol.