Will someone please tell me if my workout is good? I'm looking for an aesthetic physique focused more on a combination of endurance and power.
>inb4 brosplit
Post Your Jow Forums Routine
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some1 pls help
All those accessories and no calves?
>db flies
>to failure
>all this accessory work
How long have you been lifting, OP?
This is my 3rd week and I've kept this program since the beginning, but I'm not sure if its good.
I do get a hell of a workout though.
I do cardio for calves.
Unless you're a real fatass and are trying to burn as many calories as you can with high-rep sets, I would recommend sticking to the big compound movements like bench, deadlift, pullup (weighted), squat, and OHP.
Once you've built a solid foundation of strength, you can expand into more exercises to target specific muscle groups (e.g. bicep curls, etc).
I would recommend keeping workouts short (40-60 mins) and *not* overdoing it with "training to failure". Nothing wrong with using a static hold to finish off an exercise, but don't exhaust your body to the point where it does not recover by the next training session.
Since you asked for others' Jow Forums routines, I personally use a modified version of this: t-nation.com
>I do get a hell of a workout though.
no you don't you just get tired
Thinking about running something like this after I run out my LP. Any thoughts or suggestions?
>This is my 3rd week
good lord, you should be doing something way simpler. all that shit you're doing is overkill at your level unless you're on gear. Read the sticky you moron.
The volume on your compounds are too high; less reps, more weight
Too many accessories
Don't work to failure
What routine for this body?
Newbie lifter question.
I'm going for a push/pull routine 6 days a week, should i do my squats on a pull day or a push day?
veteran Jow Forumsizen here. i've been running this the for better part of 2018 and its fucking glorious. stall? just switch the movement for another and come back to it in 3-5 weeks.
>2/15 exercises are for lower body
>compound movements are all in hypertrophy range
Just do someone else's program
So the first set for 10 and the rest for as much as you can do? Or incresing weight?
google double progression. U gotta feel it out a bit at first but then u just ride that momentum.
Thoughts please.
Why do you think that?
Constructive criticism is always helpful.
wasted trips. Anyway, if you dont know why its shit then you havent read the sticky
So because it isn't one of the 5 compound only power-lifting programs outlined in the sticky its automatically considered trash?
>he skipped straight to the program section
>he missed Jow Forums harsh sticky underneath the main one
kys newfag
What lol..
I've read the sticky. How about say what you think is wrong with it instead of acting like an autistic version of the Riddler?
Lmao. All workout programs work, there’s just good and bad ones.
Candito Strength/Hypertrophy and Coolcicada P/P/L are solid routines. Try those out. Your current program looks really sketchy.
Basically 5/3/1 for beginners, except I removed the dumb high-volume deadlifting and squatting in favor of bootybuilding accessories (uwu).
Squat 5/3/1
Front squat 3x8
Bench 5/3/1, 5x5 FSL
Hip thrust 3x10-12
Back extension 3x10-12
Chin-up 3x8
Deadlift 5/3/1
Hip thrust 3x10-12
Bulgarian split squat 3x10-12
OHP 5/3/1, 5x5 FSL
Pendlay row 3x8
Also for
>Incredibly weak man doing everything else right makes unrealistic schedule to see if he can get out of his stalls
Feel free to laugh.
Power and fun.
Plus my row numbers are way ahead of the rest of my lifts for whatever reason.
this is just a list of exercises...
don't mean this rudely, but can you explain what are your goals are and why you picked these things to achieve them?
The main thing about gaining size is increasing volume over time, don;t do the exact same set and rep ranges week to week, add a set or two to each muscle group over a couple of months and then take a deload and restart with new exercises.
Variety is super important for hypertrophy, if you do any static list of exercises for the same reps and sets week to week for months (let alone years) your gains are gonna come to a halt reeeeal quick
What are your tought on my full body workout? (3xweek)
Dumbbell press A(4x5) B(4x8)
A Squat/ B Deadlift (4x4)
Dumbbell shoulder press A(4x8) B(4x5)
Weighted chin up A (4x6) B (2x6)
Bent over row B (4x6)
Am I missing something important?
Alternate each workout.
Flat Bench / OHP 3x5
Incline Dumbell Press / Arnold Press 3x10
Pullups (Weighted) / Barbell Row 3x5
Squats / Deadlift 3x5
BB Curl 3x10
Lateral Raise 3x10
Face Pulls or Rear Delt Fly 3x10
Weighted Decline Situps 2xF
Add whatever the fuck you want for additional accessories. Run program AxAxAxAxx or AxAxAxAxAx depending on recovery/how much food you can shove down your throat while bulking.
add a barbell bench exercise and something to work your mid delts
the fuck is a mid delt you moron
literally all of this is shit tier
very similar to what i do
this is all pounds ye?
Yeah all pounds, 85%tm
I ran bbb for 2 cycles and I made some progress
Not entirely set on accessories but I definitely want to do lots of back work
pullups bbrow and dbrow is all i do usually
really struggling with 5x10 deadlifts, feel absolutely drained after it
SLDL at those percentages might be a bit optimistic for a medium pull
personally, I'd do the heavy lift first in the day (just go HLM)
add any accessory work you want and it looks 10/10 to me
are squats a push or pull exercise?
if you figure this out, you have the answer
I believe in you!!
I think it's just cool to say things are shit.
Personally, I'd move deadlifts to your C day because doing 5x5 deadlifts after 5x5 squats, assuming the intensities are somewhat near your 5RM, really sucks. Then I'd move calf raises to B1 and just remove B2 entirely.
If you want to keep rowing twice a week, maybe alternate deadlifts/rows and do either a variation of the movement of change rep ranges on the second day (i.e. C1 Deadlift 5x5/Rows 3x8-12, C2 Rows 5x5, Deadlift variation 3x8-12).
Similarly, doing OHP 5x5 after all that triceps work and on the same day is going to suck. Think about doing something similar here.
There's not a whole lot of biceps work, so maybe switch pull ups to chin ups and think about swapping another one of the back exercises on C to something more focused on biceps.
Just a few ideas.
>(weighted) squat
Gee thanks, I was going to do body weight squat 3xF
doing just the 5/3/1 sets for any lift makes the volume so low that it's difficult to progress for long; why not just do the 5x5 FSLs as it's written? 5x5 at 65-75% of your training max is a lot of very easy volume and is going to be more effective than the replacement exercises you've put in.
looks fine to me, it's basically a 3 day texas method
I ran something similar but Mondays started killing my recovery and I found that a lot of added lower % volume did the trick to keep progressing
medial (middle) delt
maybe r/fitness is more your speed, zoomer
Can anyone recommend a 1-2 month strength routine? I've been lifting for years as a fatass, fasted down to a reasonable weight and want to start bulk to recuperate/surpass previous strength.
Candito's LP programs are pretty good. The Bridge is meant to be good but it's RPE stuff so can take some getting used to.
Anyone have experience with GZCLP?
Weighted chin up 5x5
Deadlift 5x5
Bench press 5x5
Gripper 3x10
Planks 3x1 minute
Barbell rows 5x5
Squats 5x5
Weighted dips 5x5
OHP 5x5
Planks 3x1 minute
Thanks, gives me some hope. Not sure why it took me so long to actually read how to deal with stalls. Jow Forums generally just parrots "well you probably aren't eating/sleeping/etc enough"
Coolcicada PPL. Is it good?
Hack squat
Leg extensions
Hamstring curls
Bench press
DB incline bench
DB seated press
DB side raises
Rope pushdowns
Weighted pull-ups
Face pulls
Chest supported rows
Incline DB curls
Hammer curls
Any specific accessories that you recommend?
looks solid, i personally do 3x5 for everything, some tips maybe
- weighted dips (my objectively favourite exercise) can go over to the A day to be honest. or you could do them both days. I personally don't get sore for shit anymore from dips even though I add 100lb to them
- dunno if the order you wrote is the same as you actually do, personally I suggest doing the most heavy stuff first (everyone does this) so deadlift-bench-chins and squats-ohp-rows-dips.
- also i personally do rows on same day as deadlifts. come to think of it, my A day is loaded and B day is pretty little but whatever
Deadlifts working up to 1rm though I guess ima go for 1x5
OHP 3x5
Weighted dips 3x5
Barbell Rows 3x5
Weighted pullups 3x5
Squats 3x5
Incline bench press 3x5
Weighted dips 3x5
Weighted chinups 3x5
Power cleans if i feel like it, 3x3
Pic related with few adjustments.
Front squat->ssb squat
Clean and back extension->pause deadlift
Added 250+ lbs to total in four months but gains are starting to slow down in everything except squats and Didlys. Propably going to change to something more PL oriented in a few months if i find some actually interesting program.
Yeah I just switched around bench and deadlift as well as rows and squats. My reasoning is, I want to be fresh on the exercises that can crush me to death.
A. Zercher Squat 3x10
Bulgarian split squat 3x10
Row 3x10
Weighted chins 3x10
Curl 3x10
B OHP 3x10
Bench 3x10
Incline 3x10
Dips 3x10
Doing 5/3/1 variations until I get my 1400 total then coasting.
PPL Nigger
Rate my routine? I need pointers
Flat bench 5x5
Incline bench 5x5
Decline 5x5
Flies 3x8
Dips 3x8
Skull crushers 3x8
Cable pulldowns 3x8
Back/ biceps/ shoulders:
Standing OHP 5x5
Shrugs 3x8
Lateral raises 3x8
Pull-ups 3x8
Lat pulldown 3x8
Facepull 3x8
Bent over rows 5x8
Preacher curls 3x8
Reverse grip ez bar curls 3x8
Legs/ abs:
Squats 5x5
Deadlifts 5x5
Split squats 3x8
Leg press 5x8
Hack squat 3x8
Calf raises
Weighted decline sit up 3x8-10
TRX mountain climbers 3x24-30
Cable oblique twist 3x8-10
Usually it’s PPLxPPx and I pick up where I left off last week. So following week is LPPxLPx and so on.
rate my routine:
squats 5x10
leg extensions 10x15
leg curls 10x15
dumbbell leg curl 5x15
leg press calf raises 5x15
seated calf raises 5x15
forearm curls 5x20
reverse curls 5x15
lat pulldown 10x10
cable rows 5x12
t-bar rows 5x15
dumbell pullover 3x15
cable pullover 3x15
shrugs 5x15
incline bench press/dumbbell/barbell 10x10
cable flyes 5x12
crossovers 5x15
overhead tricep extensions cable 5x15
tricep extensions cable 5x15
legpress calf raises 5x15
seated calf raises 5x15
forearm curls 5x20
reverse barbell curls 50x15
shoulder press 7x10
lateral raises 5x15
rear delt flyes 5x15
21's 5 set of 21s
incline curls/bicep curls 5x15
forearm curls 5x20
reverse barbell curls 5x15
legpress calf raises 5x15
seated calf raises 5x15
I change it up, vary the exercises, do some dropsets, change order, do more reps less weight sometimes, less weight more reps, focus entirely on the movement for the reps. don't give a fuck about weight.
Fuck, I thought I had a lot of volume. Why the fuck are you doing so many sets/ reps? Stick with 5x5 or 3x8-10. How is this even separated out? What do you do on which days? Is this bait?
December marked 7 years lifting, and this is the finest schedule I've ever conceived. Very safe, too, due to the bifurcation of machine and analog exercises across different days for the same muscle groups. Oh, and I'm, like, super-duper strong and huge now.
will try this out but substitude some exercises, thanks dad!
>Monday - push power
Squat 3x5
Bench 3x5
ohp 3x5
incline bench 3x5
tricep/lats movement 3x10
>Tuesday - pull power
3x5 deadlifts
3x5/f weighted pull ups
3x5 barbell row
3x10 curls/facepulls
>Thursday - push hypertrophy
same shit as monday but lighter weight and 3x8-12 everything
>Friday - pull hypertrophy
same shit as Tuesday but lighter weight and 3x8-12 on everything
also do yoga a few times/week and try to hit core once or twice a week
r8? is this an ok routine?
Definitely the worst workout routine
post yet.
Your an idiot. Your mid delts are your mid delts dyel.
Best comment yet.
Haven’t done it personally but it looks shit tier.
Way better then any of the previous routines.
Any ideas on how to develop a well rounded routine for rock climbers?
Nobody here knows anything about rock climbing. Search up a good reviewed program.
chin-ups and dips would be obvious ones, just do them bodyweight
curls, triceps stuff (pushdowns, extensions, whatever) if you feel you have the energy, back extensions, reverse hyperextensions are good
personally, I usually pick two opposite accessories, do them in a superset and set a timer for ~10 mins, just do amrap in that time and done - gets a lot of volume in without dicking around but I'm also usually pretty strapped for time
run alot
lift heavy weight and lift light weight fast
>This bastardized texas method
just do
>5rm squat-5rm bench-rdls
>light bench and squat- 5rm deadlift
>volume squat and bench-rdls
>leg press
>trap bar deadlift
sub 4/5 spotted
it's a pretty standard HLM program
not even Rip recommends the vanilla TM any more and most SS coaches have also moved on from it to something like HLM or DUP, so...