If veganism is so healthy then why does he look so unhealthy?
If veganism is so healthy then why does he look so unhealthy?
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Sure hes not dead but he looks like shit
There are vegan people who are healthy and vegan people who are unhealthy.
Just like there's people with typical diets who are healthy and who are unhealthy.
Unhealthy vegans are typically called junkfood vegans, and they're the type of people who don't actually eat veggies, just oreos and bread halo top icecream and shit like that.
He just doesn't eat enough, its harder to do while eating vegan and this guy doesn't give a shit about building mass.
probably because being overweight has become so normalized that you aren't used to seeing someone with low body fat and because you associate balding with poor health despite it being genetically determined in a third of men
he's a jew they're mostly shades of sickly looking
>another vegan thread
>If veganism is so healthy
it's not
Not sure if you have read "How Not to Die," but Dr. Greger doesn't advocate eating oreos and bread halo top icecream. That book is all about vegetables. And he looks like shit, so...
Part of the confusion is that many vegans appear quite healthy in the earlier stages. This isn't so surprising when you consider the fact that many switch from processed foods to a mostly raw plant-based diet. The influx of live foods will undoubtedly improve your health.
However, in the long term, the absence of all animal-based foods can take a toll, as certain nutrients cannot be obtained from the plant kingdom. Carnosine, carnitine, taurine, retinol, vitamin D3, conjugated linoleic acid and long-chained omega-3 fats are examples. B12 deficiency is also very common among vegans.
After six or seven years, the B12 stored in your liver will be completely exhausted, at which point you may start to experience serious neurodegenerative diseases. There are many documented cases of blindness from B12 deficiency, as well as other neurological disorders.
oy vey
Alright then let's break it down. He looks unhealthy because he's super skinny right?
And what is Jow Forums always saying about what causes someone to be skinny or fat? Genetics right?
Wrong, it's calories in/calories out.
It's not just that he's a skelly (not even just skinny) which is UNHEALTHY BY ITSELF, his skin looks like shit too, dark circles, sickly tone. He's also 46 and COMPLETELY bald and has been for several years probably since his late 20s or early 30s. There's a difference between a receeding hairline and not having a single hair on your scalp. That kind of balding that early isn't just genetics, it implies many health issues like poor nutrition, chronic stress, high inflammation etc.
Left: Vegan
Right: meat eater
Also he looks 10+ years older.
He looks unhealthy because he looks malnourished. That includes low calorie intake, but also bad overall nutrition (i.e. macro composition and micro intake). If he follows his own dietary advice, his diet is primarily carbohydrates, some plant proteins and limited fat intake. Since they are plant proteins, even if he's meeting the amino acid requirements, he's not fully absorbing them due to the body's limited ability to process cellulose. His fat intake also likely has a bad makeup due to plants having shit o-3:o-6 ratios without supplementation.
He looks much older than he is, has low muscular development for his age (which will fuck him up in the long run) and unless he is supplementing heavily, he is accumulating more lasting health problems
do I look healthy Jow Forums?
>his skin looks like shit too, dark circles, sickly tone
being white and living in a warm climate will do that to you
>He's also 46 and COMPLETELY bald and has been for several years probably since his late 20s or early 30s.
I know people who went completely bald in their early 20s. It's genetic and it's not uncommon to happen that early even.
>His fat intake also likely has a bad makeup due to plants having shit o-3:o-6 ratios without supplementation.
His diet advice includes taking omega 3 as a supplement and eating flax seeds every day; you can look up his lecture where he talks about how he has a good o3/o6 ratio while most vegans don't
His diet "advice" is eating 80% carbs which is completely ridiculous.
>He looks unhealthy because he's super skinny right?
Wrong. He's weak and frail. He could be very lean and look good.
Also he's got wrinkles, gingivitis, dark circles as sorts of bullshit.
Now, look, I get that it's an ad hominem to claim he's wrong because he looks like shit BUT, he does look like shit.
Flax seeds are a meme, son. Seeds are very difficult for the intestines to digest requiring supplementation. If your diet requires pills for you not to have retarded inflammatory responses, the diet is unhealthy
i feel for the vegan meme for 5 years, of my developmental life too. don't fuck with it bros, i lifted for 4 months on vegan diet with good protein intake and saw next to no gains. switched to a meat based diet and have made massive changes and gains to my old lard ass body. being vegan can work, but it truly requires a lot of money for protein sources and a lot of dedication.
t. 5'10, 18yr old
wtf's up with that picture why are there fucking books in English, Bulgarian, and who know what else
1. post tits
2. men can't be healthy as vegans
He advocates for taking B12 and Omega tablets. I'd say you could of saved yourself some time, but I'm guessing this is a repasta.
>vegan from 13-18 years old
im sorry breh
Because vegans are retarded and ignore the greater issues of not getting the proper assortment of micronutrients, vitamins and minerals; thinking it’s okay as long as they get proper macros and 100% believe they get everything they need from their vegan multivitamin. Also the average person who just eats whatever is more unhealthy than anyone who at least attempts to monitor their input thus making anyone on any kind of diet “healthier” just by virtue of eating a consistent amount calories from healthy foods.
>those shoulders
no not really
you look like early stages of anorexia
Tbh, you rarely see physically impressive doctors. That's not their focus.
>That kind of balding that early isn't just genetics, it implies many health issues like poor nutrition, chronic stress, high inflammation etc.
you are wrong
read this and say it to yourself: "i am wrong."
Your face looks roastie. Are you a boy or a girl?
w-we're all gonna make it... r-right??
yeh but he looks like complete dogshit
If i follow his advice, will i look like him? his book should be
>how to die while still alive
Because while you get "protein" from plants, you still don't get the diversity of amino acids required for proper male functionality. L-Carnitine is a big one missing from the Vegan diet, and it has a huge impact on male vitality.
nigger not eating enough zinc or the right kind of fats has been directly linked to balding don't talk if you're clueless
I dunno user, are you bald and Jewish?
What about male nurses?
Never seen one personally. They're mostly small filipino women.
armchair doctor
you are speaking out of your ass and find fulfillment by talking down to people on the internet
supplements don't work
try raw rotten meat
I don't need to, I already know the earth is flat
I'm 138lbs and vegetarian for two or three years now. Am I fucked?
Do you eat lots of full fat milk and egg yolks? Then probably not.
Anyone eating any kind of supplement is proof their diet is shit, be it vitamins, amino acids minerals or protein. This is valid for any diet type.
tits or gtfo
From someone who was vegan: It is never enough with veganism.
If you are not healthy it is never the fault of the vegan diet, but your fault. You just can't do it right. So you start with veganism, but your health deteriorates. Oh you are supposed to do whole food vegan, but your health deteriorates. Oh but you have to do low fat veganism, but then your health deteriorates. Oh, it should be organic, no, home grown, no, you have make your own fertilizer from crushed shells, no you need to go for fruits only, raw of course, tropical fruits, so you move to Bali - with your medicine cabinet of supplements and your juicer. Anyone who failed on a vegan diet is just ignorant to do the next crucial step. But if they eat meat and eggs again and feel the energy coming back into their lifeless body, satiated from bioavailable nutrients, all vegan community hell breaks lose. But while vegans or exvegans initially might beat them/ourselves up for eating meat again, #exvegans know that animal products are necessary. The vegan diet itself is the problem.
>why does genetic trash that eats healthy still look like genetic trash
you can polish a turd user but it's still a piece of shit
pls b a boy
">i could have been 6'2"
>oi vey goyim be vegan
>it's in muh scoince book
>lose muscle and testosterone
>don't want to fuck women anymore, just play bing bing wahoo on the Nintendo shitch
>millions of niggers are imported from the third World to fuck your women and replace you
Not today rabbi
Pic related, breffis
>There are vegan people who are healthy and vegan people who are unhealthy.
hmmmm but somehow there are an awful lot of people who look like pic related who are vegan >?
And if vegan is the healthiest diet known to man, how come the few remaining vegans are raging this hard because most of them are quitting?
Yes. Short-term vegans, new vegans are healthy and enthusiastic.
It's the long term vegans, when the vegan deficiencies really start to take a toll on the body, where you won't look healthy.
Here's a vegan, or ex vegan, I challenge you to watch the whole video (it's your near term future lol)
but he looks healthy
are you an idiot?
not vegan or anything but that picture isn't really fair. There's clearly makeup, botox, sun damage, etc to be considered and around their age group things go downhill real fast with menopause.
There are better examples of younger women that take on Vegan diets and turn into prunes.
Do take into account the fact that Asians are genetically better at processing carbohydrates than the rest of the world.
she doesn't have any
If there are then post them. Also someone photoshopped Nigellas ears?
>Although they do eat pork, fish and other meats, these are typically a small component of their overall consumption, which is mostly plant-based foods.
>They do eat pork, fish and other meats
You have to dig deep into the article to find half a truth. Okinowans eat meat. Okinawans prove my diet (omnivore) is healthy, not veganism/
Okinawans, ARE NOT VEGAN FULL STOP. Use vegans to promote veganism? (no they never will lol)
> using anecdotes as evidence
imagine being this dumb
Post face so I can see if you have sickly vegan skin you are hiding
Title in other languages is "eat to not die", if you set the so low, it's normal not to look healthy.
So true. Bonnie Rebecca's "I left the death cult" video, while she explained how horrible her Health was under Veganism, she bent over backwards to say it wasn't Veganism. Pure delusion even after escaping.
Meat eating animals can also digest meat, I wonder if humans can also digest meat? That would be a funny little coincidence
But my teeth DO rend flesh
no, Nigella has always had big ears which stick out
Veganism is not the healthiest diet broadly speaking, it is merely the best for heart health, which has been the #1 killer of Americans since the 1918 Spanish Flu. Lack of natural B12 sources may have adverse effects on your teeth, skin and hair, but those things don't kill you.
The true redpill is to eat a diet that is almost vegan but still having meat (preferably fish) once or twice a week.
No such thing as almost vegan. The diet you recommend is called "omnivorous" for the record I am technically omnivorous.
Here is a video of the victims of Veganism....
Here are some more vegans, Veganism appears to be close than or equal to anorexia nervosa.
Are you blind?
He looks sickly, frail, and weak. And old beyond his years
Goddamn I just started the carnivore diet and I'm having mad sugar cravings.
my canines are much sharper than average (almost movie vampire tier) and I'm allergic to several kinds of fruit
should I just go full carnivore
I’m vegan gimme your opinions
>Two breakfast sandwiches in the morning, consisting of three things
>Onions Egg mix, poured over kale onion and broccoli, making an omelette
>Hash Brown
>onions sausage
>All on Dave’s Kiler Bread, totaling at 960cal
>Two PB&Banana sandwiches, about 930cal
>3 cups of Japanese Rice from Trader Joe’s 750cal
>and/or a cup of macaroni with cashewbased and redpilled cheese, ~1000cal
>Broccoli, Onion, Kale stir fry with Lentils and quinoa, with goddess dressing all over it, 965cal
>I’ve been skipping it lately but, Chocolate shake consisting Coconut ice cream, Pb and a banana, ~450cal
A lotta onions in the breakfast but I’ve gained a lotta weight
Question. Who the hell is that and who the hell are vegans?
That's (((Dr Michael Gregor))) leading vegan propaganda specialist. He is (((well funded))), and he convinces white girls to starve themselves and white men to castrate themselves.
Veganism is a starvation cult for white girls.
Literally looks like a reanimated corpse.
>someone who is overweight, covered in makeup, and has plastic surgery doesn't look the same as a normal person
shocking discovery
beware, that discord is full of idiots
You can eat Oreos all day long everyday and still be “”””””vegan””””””. It’s a meaningless label
>I’ve gained a lotta weight
How much of that weight is in your tits
Why not just be vegetarian?
He doesnt even look bad he's just bald and has really low bf
This is the ideal male body. You may not like it, but this is what peak health looks like.
Your life must suck huge donkey dick if your whole persona is defined by the type of food you eat.
You make David cross look swole you’re doing it wrong
Please, keep eating vegan, goyim!