Pic related is the average 15 year old rower. Why don't you row with your bros?

Pic related is the average 15 year old rower. Why don't you row with your bros?

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Is this in any way supperior to bent over rows?

if you can call not being fucking retarded any way superior, then yes very

Well it's different, I did a lot of bent over rows for many years and I felt like dying after my first rowing class.

Rowing is full body cardio, super good for you.

So is swimming. But swimming is kinda less repetitive, and you don't sweat, so overall, yeah I'd take swimming over rowing.

36 years old and I still have no clue with rowing is other than in a boat.

I nearly did. The i found out about the 5am training. I regret not rowing a bit. The master in charge of rowing at my school specifically tried to get me to as my dad rowing (although he was a cox).

I kind of regret it but if I'd rowed i probably wouldn't have got into hurdling.

>bent over rows and erging

Can promise that is not the average 15 year old rower, they're usually pretty lanky until late in high school/college

that dude is national team-tier. If you need a sport in college to get you laid rowing will for sure do it.

A fellow hurdler?

110m master race. I ran national level. Lost interest after i fractured my pelvis. By the time i was cleared my competition was like 0.5 faster than me

>Why don't you row with your bros?
What bros? I don't even have any nearby river that isn't polluted to hell and smells like shit

I actually said they were different you double retard.

>Tfw approaching sub 6:40

Attached: FatErgos.png (302x167, 9K)

It's one of the few endurance sports that encourages strength

>you dont sweat while swimming

I'm guessing you never swam.

I do row and I'm getting good at it and I see a future in it.

6:36 2k but sub 6:30 as soon as a hamstring injury recovers

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Why? B cause you can spend just as much time as in other male centric sports with only other dudes? Then you can go straight to the gym and train more efficiently there.

The only thing the rowing machine works for me is my hip flexors. They’re like the first thing to tire out every time. Am I just doing it wrong or what?

I row, row, fight the power.

Your hip flexors may just be your weak point, since you have relatively low training volume for them without rowing

this kid is clearly on something. Not even olympic rowers look like that. Inb4 bait

>fat erg
>north of 6:15 2k


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chlorine in pools is unfortunately very harmful, especially for thyroid health

bro bro fight the powaa!!!

I've seen Olympic rowing teams and they're usually less buff than this kid is

range rover?

Rowing is not so forgiving on your beck. Let's say that it's not the most easy conditioning to do after your deadlift day.

But i love it. I switched from stationary bike to rowing machine and i'm so happy. I was SO FUCKING BORED with biking. Rowing is requires 100% of your attention, always. I consider it almost a form of meditation.

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NOICE PURSES you have hanging there.

it isn't
your average rower is stronger than dyel normies, weaker than rugby players
>t.live near nz rowing team train
they are lanky dutch men senpai

He ripped though

That’s not true Ash. I want to get to know you. Spend time with you and learn about your passions and hobbies.

Dat sprint


You feek rowing more in your legs than back

This. I tried hitting rowing after squat day and my quads felt like they were ripping apart.

Depends if you row like a mong

I don't row because I'm a manlet. I gave it a shot, but it's just not for manlets. I took up the airbike for cardio. Tabata intervals. Efficient.

I'm not driving to the gym specifically for cardio and I'd rather spend my lifting days...lifting rather than rowing. It's cool tho respect for this over runner losers

i want to be suffocated by those thighs


I'm a manlet and ill row every now and then. Don't compare yourself and just go for PRs its still a fantastic burn even if my times will never match a 6'+ chad lol I'm never going to run like an african or sprint like a Jamaican either.

t. KV that rowed in college

Would anyone be interested in a Jow Forums regatta?

>Agree on distance and date
>Everyone who wants to participate posts timestamp and erg results

>implying Jow Forums has enough money to buy boats and oars

Haha what are you, poor?

Anyway, I was thinking, we'd just use ergs at the gym.

/oats and oars/

>Pic related is the average 15 year old rower.

No it's not. I rowed for 6 years, 11-17, and coached for 2. That's what world championship level 18 year old rowers look like.

It is a great sport with the camerarderie of rugby/football without being gay.

>makes you taller
>at races hang out with super fit lycra clad girls with your super fit crew all weekend
>tanned all year
>travel all over country racing on beautiful rivers in historic towns
>brutally competitive

I have a problem, when I row on ergo it starts moving backwards and it gets to the point where I travel like almost 1 meter and hit the other ergo with mine. How do I fix it? Also does a 5'9" manlet have a chance to ever reach 2km/6m or will that be forever out of reach?

Is this considered good?
I have exactly the same stats when I row

How much is good for beginners? I have an erg but my lower back always hurts if im on it for more than 20 min twice a week

Why would I learn to ROW a physical BOAT when there are BRIDGES and fucking PLANES to cross the water?

Literally makes zero sense - ya'll dumb.

Make sure you're getting your form right. Maybe do a 10 minute row every day at a low intensity and slow pace to start. Just focus on your form and ignore the split time.

air rower or magnetic rower home machine?

>tanned all year
i hope you're wearing spf50, otherwise enjoy your wrinkly ball bag looking face at 35

Air, magnetic feels off

What exactly is rowing? I thought it was like barbell rows? or rowing a boat?
What the fuck are you all tlaking about

Give tips on a rower to buy for my home gym, I need to do some cardio.

only if you think a 1,80+m tall, heavy-weight German guy on PEDs is average.

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you don't look natty

Concept2 PM3, PM4 or PM5 (depends of how much money you want to invest).

they're the best ergometers/ergs/ergos/rowers out there. they can last for YEARS if take care of properly and used every once in a while.

Looks cool, costs quite a bit though, and i never quite tried rowing seriously.
I'll think about it, thanks.

MEIN GOTT or bait
A sub six 2k on a Concept2 Ergometer is near world class.

Ok I am not so sure if I have my stats right
Although I push 2k with 31-32m/s on average
I dont understand the concept thing though. Thought all rowing machines are same

A six-minute 2k generates an average of 480 watts of force. There is a wattage setting on most ergs, if you want to see what it is.

Are there any good videos on form/technique?

I did it for about 20 minutes a few times and didn't really feel tired so just switched back to Jacob's Ladder, which felt like a better cardio workout.

you have you be retarded if you think the average rower looks like this

>31 to 32 m/s
That's 111-115 kilometers an hour
I think you mean 31 to 32 strokes per minute

Most snownegros that are built like that can probably achieve that natty desu. Unless they are poorfags.

>be Mediterranean
>pretend I'm rowing a massive trireme to full ramming force
>get pumped
>2 minutes later be gassed
>fuckin nailed em lads those Persian cunts won't be fucking with us again

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I wish I can be 15 again
It hurts bros

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>gym has only ONE rowing machine
>its one of my favourite non free weight exercises
>machine had an OUT OF ORDER sign when I went there today



Rowed in college. That is now what an average rower looks like. It's cardio. You'll still need to lift and eat over a surplus if you want to add muscle.

3.5 years training, of which 2.5 were bodybuilding. plus slightly above average genetics. That pic was right after rowing camp, I got so lean there

Back in high school we had to lift in the winter when water was frozen.

>Back in high school we had to lift in the winter when water was frozen.
>We didn't have skate sculls

Hahaha what are you, poor?

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Yea but what difficulty setting? 10?

It wasn't thick enough for that. Looks cool though.

>that fucking last 1km.

If he'd taken a stroke off during the last 500 he's over 6 minute.

1-10 is a measure of resistance; not difficulty. Turn to the power setting to see how much power you are generating per stroke. A lot of gym bros put the resistance to 10 then do short, choppy strokes which generate sub 150 watts/stroke. Meanwhile, my novice rowing ass has the setting at 7 and is steady stating 240 watts/stroke @ 20s/m for 12km.

But I do row

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my gym doesnt have a rowing machine unfortunately

I live in a place that has snow 250 days of the year

any eastern sprints rowers in here?

Delaware is going to take Dad Vails this year

Pace yourself, my guy.

Not true you just have to drink beet juice, yank hard, steady state all day boi, +higher stroke rates compared to taller people will help (in a test like a 2k obv)

>tfw not sub 7

Good rowing routines?

assuming you are a complete beginner, the Pete Plan is great.


I am, thanks.

I'm gonna use this too. Thanks for the share

>Pic related is the average 15 year old rower.
I assure you that is not the average.

>Pic related is the average 15 year old rower.
It's not.

Wow nice bro you’re sexy af
No homo

I also don't like swimming in a cesspool of random people's body fluids

Even with the bacteria killing chemicals, no thanks

Today was today's workout
I steady state at 2:07

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oh shit me too whats ur 2k