>Questions that don't deserve their own thread.
Am I shooting myself in the foot by eating all my of protein in one meal?
QTDDTOT [to be deleted by faggot mods soon]
Other urls found in this thread:
For breakfast I make a fairly big shake,roughly 1300cal consisting of;
1 hueg banana
80g oats
140g mixed berries
30g whey
40g peanut butter
15g olive oil
450-500g whole milk
and 50g choco icecream
it elevates my heart rate when I can feel it so I'm thinking of cutting out the ice cream to reduce sugar. Anything I can supplement with it for flavour/sweetness (reason I put Ice cream in the first place)?
>TL;DR any good work out routines for a beginner that aren't SS or SL
Do you guys have any good alternatives to SS and SL. I am trying to learn what the best way to get fit. I've seen a bunch of threads calling SS and SL memes and I dont want to waste my time doing something that wont help in the long run. I am 5'10 and 138 lbs with weak noodle arms. Thanks for the help in advance guys.
QTDDTOT is the cancer that is killing Jow Forums if you have a question about fitness don't post it here make a thread.
Might be wrong thread for this, but what solutions are there to become mentally healthy? My weights back under control but losing it might have been pointless as now I have no friends because my ability to keep a friendship is gone. I do work as a teacher, and I am not awkward I can carry a conversation with a student and be sociable when it calls for it with my job. But outside of work I talk to no one, and can't even go the gym anymore because undiagnosed lower leg pain.
The peanut butter, banana and berries should make it pretty sweet already. If you want more of a pronounced chocolate flavor, toss in some 100% cocoa powder. One tablespoon is less than a gram of sugar and cocoa is proven to be good for bloodflow. In my opinion you don't need to buy meme organic cocoa, just baking is fine. I see some people argue that you have to buy the expensive stuff because the cheap stuff is """processed""" in some way that removes all the good stuff, and it's totally not just a luxury.
You got to put yourself out there. You are not going to be making friends with your classmates and their hot moms + most teachers I knew were kind of hags so look elsewhere. Small towns I think everyone just gets married asap and spend all their time with the family so if that's your situation I would find something to do in a nearby city.
What exactly? I have no idea, I'm in the same boat minus the decent job.
> In my opinion you don't need to buy meme organic cocoa, just baking is fine. I see some people argue that you have to buy the expensive stuff because the cheap stuff is """processed""" in some way that removes all the good stuff, and it's totally not just a luxury.
I don't have much skin in this game but organic cocoa is cheap af on amazon. No reason to not get organic if you're gonna eat it every morning and its cheap. Same with organic bananas. Literally 4 cents more expensive per lb.
How to stop cravings later in the day?
I do perfectly fine until nighttime. I have a small breakfast with black coffee, filling low cal lunch with lots of greens and meat, but then it gets to around 9 pm and I always end up eating a handful of nuts, toast + honey + peanut butter, fruits and a bunch of other shit. It's fucking infuriating. I can't drink coffee later in the day to stave off the hunger because then I can't sleep.
Anyone ever have palpitations for no reason? I'm haven't been anxious recently but either way I get them a lot when I sit (started yesterday).
Can it be the cold weather? I'm trying not to panic since they don't hurt, nor does my breath go away. I've had panic attacks where my chest flutters and it steals my breath. This time it's a regular heartbeat, but I can just feel some heartbeats stronger, no pain, no other symptoms.
Can you eat whey powder directly or does it need to be dissolved? I have some culinary creations I want to try
I would assume it doesn't make a difference if it is dry. Considering that it doesn't get cooked in liquid. Although just make sure not to inhale the dry form, think of the cinnamon challenge.
Big dinner after 7 PM.
I didn't know this was what intermittent fasting was until last year. I did this all my life and never had problems with my weight.
I have one pls answer. Can i get big at home with just a barbell?
I can also go to the local park that has pullup bars.
Someone please answer OP's question.
Is there a good app for scanning food nutrition information that integrates with Samsung Health?
Lookin for more of a recommendation than asking a question
Anyone have any good books on cardio? Specifically running. I'm thinking of training to get my sub 5 minute mile back but I'd need a regimen. My coach used to train us in highschool and I'm not sure that I know enough about putting together a running routine
I have a samsung. I don't know about any that integrates with Samsung Health but Cronometer is my go to and its great.
Redpill me on low-fat dairy. I only buy whole milk because skim just seems like lactose water. But things like low-fat cottege cheese and low-fat yogurt have such good macros. Whats the catch?
Nothing. Kefir is good for you too and skim milk has been linked to increase acne.
Awesome app suggestion. Looks great, thanks!
GSLP, don't be lazy and read the pdf (google it.) Get your weight up to the healthy range, slowly.
Anything is going to help you by the way.
Thanks for that user, I'll try some coaca powder.
I started adding cocoa powder to my shakes and its pretty good as long as you have something sweet like bananas/berries with it
do you have plates to go with the barbell??? If so, that's literally all you need.
You should try to space out your protein throughout the day, you can't possibly absorb everything in one go.
I’m 335 lb fatass. TDEE is like 3300kcal. My new diet since 1/1 is OMAD:
>.5-.7 lbs ground beef (85% or 93% depending what store has)
>half cup shredded cheese
>half cup cottage cheese (4%) for dessert
>3-6 shots of jack with coke zeros
>Sugar free red bull in the morning
>bunch of vitamins (animal pak, B, D, fish oil, fiber)
Depending on meet and drinks will be about 1100 to 1800 kcal. I’m in keto consistently according to pee strips
On weekends I might also have a chicken salad or some beef jerky. Never go over 2300kcal or whatever my TDEE-1k kcal is according to MyFitnessPal pal.
How fast should I be losing? Minus 150 when? Am what I doing sustainable?
Most importantly what can I replace ground beef with sometimes that will also take about 5 minutes to throw in a frying pan, throw cheese on top, and be done? Speed/easiness/keto is what matters most.
Can I get some studies on that? I've heard that but I'd like to see some control groups. Making all my chicken at once is convenient and I don't want to give it up if I don't have to.
Thanks :)
I ducktape heavy books on it :D
I have a decently annoying shortness of breath issue. How can I tell if I'm just out of shape or a total asthmatic retard?
Actually, it seems like there's no consensus on the upper limit of protein absorption, but it's still more sensible to try and spread it out some.
Can't put the link in my post but google
How much protein can the body use in a single meal for muscle-building? Implications for daily protein distribution
on biomed central, it's the study I was looking at.
You will probably run out of books very fast, so consider other objects. Having a bar will make it a lot easier though, so congrats.
I wouldn't try and test your max using household objects but you can totally build some muscle if you improvise. Just be safe and use your head, don't kill yourself.
Hey bros, I have the following in my garage:
squat rack
pull up bar
dip bar
flat bench
barbell stuff
dumbbell stuff
What's a good intermediate bodybuilding routine using only these if i've done purely SS up until now.
How much weight should I add every set/workout? Is 5kg too much?
Ok so I didn't really get a solid answer last time, Can I replace a regular deadlift with dumbbell deadlifts or cable deadlifts? I'm poor so I go to planet fitness and they only have smith machines for barbells and the slight angle that the bar is locked into doesn't feel right when I try to do deads.
cut the fucking alcohol out of your life man
Yes you are
You only utilize a certain amount of protein(lets say less than 50grams, more than 20grams) and that is the catalyst for muscle protein synthesis. The rest is most likely being burned as energy. But MPS is only heightened for a maximum of a 4 hours. You need another protein meal to start mps again. We're talking about effeciency here remember. yes you technically "gained" muscle during your giant protein meal. But you could gain more with more meals. Assuming you are eating 150grams of protein in one meal, yeah you are wasting most of it and not benefiting from MPs throughout the day. Your body does not store protein food in the body to utilize in MPS
He could always do jugs of water like that one user did.
All of them minus cable stuff. A resistance band would be a decent investment though, for some rotator cuff work, chest (crossover) work and variations in your lifts like psuedo-assisted pull ups after you hit failure.
I would personally just stick to the leg extensions and leg curls while throwing in weighted back extensions. For your traps try out "the Y" from Athleanx.
>cottage cheese
>coke zero
>red bull
What even is all this? Are you lifting weights?
If you're not just eat salads, drink water, and run. If you are, also get a lot of protein.
Get a bench and rack ffs they're not expensive
I use pic related, it cost me €100. Pull bars are even cheaper.
It's probably better to stick to 2.5kg for everything except deadlifts go with 5kg. Your OHP will go up at snail's pace.
Why not try Candito lp?
What do you mean what is all this? Cokes are just for the alcohol. What’s wrong with the rest
You have tons of options. Your training doesn't change that much though. You still have to train for strength and progress, just with more volume. Also, "aesthetics" isn't the result of any special routine, it's just a matter of identifying weak spots and giving them more work, and that's up to you. If you're coming from SS, you should probably do more back and shoulder work.
Lyle McDonald's Generic Bulking Routine
Jacked and Tan 2.0
nSuns reddit has a bunch of programs you might like
GZCL, also on reddit, is a good way to learn about self-regulation.
Hope this helps
Try the GSLP progression.
Don't want to fuck up the conversions so in lbs.
2.5lbs (meaning 1.25lbs on each side) for upper body between workouts. OHP will stall quick, keep working at it.
5lbs for lower body between workouts
You might be able to get away with 5lbs upper body if you are an absolute beginner. Otherwise if your gym has no microplates, grab a pair. You'll only need one pair.
for general strength/bodybuilding purposes, absolutely. You're still hitting everything. Unless you're training for powerlifting, you don't actually NEED regular deadlifts. Just know you won't be able to max out on weight like with a barbell, cause you'll probably run out of dumbbells heavy enough. I would do more volume instead, since you probably have energy to spare without heavy DL.
How much powder do you add?
One tablespoon should be enough. It doesn't mix that well so you don't want to overdo it.
I got a tub of G fuel for a recent birthday. Can I use this as a pre workout?
Not to be a dick but can I get a source? Otherwise I don't know this isn't bro-science.
Hobby clubs and support groups are good ways to keep your head in order and meet new people.
>I've seen a bunch of threads calling SS and SL memes
They'd be wrong or trolling.
I convinced my (physically inactive) friend who has never lifted a day in his life to do a testosterone test. His results came out at 232 ng/dl.
What can he even do about that . Hop on test and start lifting? Or just fix his lifestyle and see where that takes him?
>to be deleted by faggot mods soon
Not related that much but what's the name of the skinny fuck who's doing diddlys/skwats on the Smith machine? Vid related
These threads are specifically for question that DON’T deserve their own thread. Think before you fucking post.
Stop indulging. It gets easier to the longer you abstain. You don't have to cut them out, you can still eat what you snack on, just do it as part of a meal and track the macros.
If you can, try fasting for 48 hours. It will help massively with cravings, especially sugar cravings. If you crave something salty, eat some straight up salt.
I have a difficult question to ask.
My girlfriend who I've been together with for over 10 years, the mother of my 4 year old son, is getting really fat and lazy.
When we got together she was so sweet and sexy. Even having a kid didn't change that much.
Sadly she ended up in a coma because of something called Susac syndrome a little over a year ago, and the lack of any real exercise combined with heavy medication (like Prednisolone) have made her bloated and lazy.
She has made a nearly full recovery and no longer need day to day medication, but still refuse to do anything to better herself.
She just sits on her ass all day playing Facebook games and watching Netflix. She has no drive to go out of the house and even if I cook healthy meals for her she still stuffs her face with candy and chocolate all day long.
I don't know what to do.. I can't force her to fix her shit, and I don't want to leave my son with a broken family. Any tips on how you guys managed to get your fat SO change their ways?
I'm desperate :'( Pic related. She used to be between 21-26% BF and now she's between 35-40%.. I can't even bring myself to have sex with her anymore.
I've been trying to fix my squat form and it feels like my glutes have gotten significantly weaker, like half a plate on deadlifts and squats. Feels a bit like tiredness but I've given it a few days off and no improvement.
Should I rest more? Treat it like a deload and just do lighter weights until it improves? Focus on stretching for a while?
I am not promoting abusive behavior, but you have to ~~throw out~~ donate ALL of the candy you have and make it clear that she is becoming something else than a woman you fell in love with and that you have standards.
If you have to, rent a remote mountain cabin and chain her to a metal post with nothing but a treadmill in reach.
I even purchased a lot of home gym equipment to make it easier for her to get fit, but she doesn't even want to try.
I've got a bench press/squat rack, pull-up bar, curl bar, hex bar, adjustable dumbbells and other yoga shit.
I gave her a simple 3 days per week program to follow, but it doesn't stick.
The latter suggestion would be illegal and I would lose custody of my son :( I get the idea of tough love, and I'm all for it, but it has to be legal, bro.
I’m a skinnyfat gyno user.
I’m giving up smoking, excessive drinking, and eating chocolate and soda.
Should I do a fast to fix my gut health and kick start trying to get fit?
I got told to but don’t know if it’s worth it.
I'm pretty sure you should try to direct this towards the brap posts and all that shit.
>Or just fix his lifestyle and see where that takes him?
this one to start with
have you tried talking to her about this? try not to turn it into/let her turn it into some bullshit argument
If you've been doing squats wrong and fixed your form, you will lift much less weight as some of your muscles were not lifting their share, treat it as a deload and keep the form. Same with people fixing their bench form to touch their chest every time, they have to take off a huge amount of weight and it stays there. But it's better than injury.
I'm currently creatine loading but I forgot to take my creatine to work. Is it ok if I take 20mg of creatine In the afternoon spread across 2 scoops before workout and 2 scoops after workout?
She gets extremely defensive every time I bring it up. I even tried to be chill about it and take the whole "let's do something together" approach.
I'm at a loss... :(
>But MPS is only heightened for a maximum of a 4 hours
this is complete and utter nonsense
1. Read the sticky.
2. tdeecalculator.net
3. myfitnesspal.com
4. Stay consistent with a program and diet.
doesn't matter when you take it, just take it
tell her you still love her but find it difficult to be sexually attracted to her
report back with results
Can I just stop doing back squats all together, and replace them with front squats? Ive been trying to nail my technique down for over a year but NOTHING feels good with my deep hip sockets and long femurs.
High bar - its impossible for me to keep bar over mid-foot
Low bar - good bar path, but I can never get comfortable, and every rep feels a little different as soon as I do working-weight. I also often feel the weight in my toes after some reps
Front squat - I sit down between my legs, keep the weight on my heel and go back up. It just feels way easier for me, but everyone says its just supposed to be an accessory.
Sorry about the blog
yes you can
differences in muscle recruitment between front squats and back squats is minimal (no matter how much people here might suggest otherwise) and if you're not competing in powerlifting then who cares?
fwiw, you also don't have to conventional deadlift, or flat bench, or whatever the fuck people suggest you have to have in your routine for it to be worthwhile
How do the alcoholics of Jow Forums manage to drink and stay healthy? I really need help with this.
fuaaark, i just realized it's 1 gram of protein for lb, not kilo. I'm basically having half the protein I'm supposed to.
Should I kill myself?
lmao alcoholism aint real, just stop drinking nigga
1.6g/kg body weight
more doesn't do anything (source: science)
Thanks for the advice famalam
You clearly don't know what the fuck you're talking about.
Fuck the sticky, nigger
How do you guys break shit sleeping habits? Is staying up until a desired time the only way?
does it really matter if I do cardio on the same days I lift? It's just convenient and I'd rather do cardio every day, even when resting from lifting desu.
also, how does this routine look? I'm not exactly a beginner, but I got injured around the time I also hit 1pl8 OHP (unrelated) so I had to wait about a year to recover and do physio
A: Squats, Deadlift, Bench press, chin ups, lat pulldowns, Dumbbell curls, planks, sit ups, plate neck resistance
B: Squats, Rows, Overhead press, lat raises, dead hangs, incline bench, planks, sit ups, dumbell shrugs
I vaguely remember seeing a post around here saying coffee is bad for you? Is it bad to drink it like an hour or two before a work out? Also I dont drink it regularly, like once or twice every other month.
just do cardio after lifting and it doesn't matter
routine looks pretty standard depending on sets/reps
mostly just 3x5 standard strength routine for everything. Standard isn't bad, right? Like that's a decent routine for someone at my stage who is still trying to become overall strong, until I have to worry about targetting specific muscle groups lagging behind?
Ok, I'll do cardio every day then. Does a mile a day sound good? I'm an absolute cardio beginner so idk what I'm doing desu.
What is the best way to work the Adonis Belt?
standard isn't bad
for a beginner, sure, you just want to somehow make progress over time by either increasing distance or speed but, in my experience, you don't get faster unless you're actively training to get faster (i.e. sprints)
>ima bang these cymbals right in yo ear, bitch
im not really bothered about speed, all I care about is endurance and the health benefits of improving my cardiovascular system. I've neglected cardio for too long. I also have the option of swimming but that shit's complicated without a teacher
also this is unrelated, but holy shit lads, she's marriage material: instagram.com
I just came to ask about this, is a single espresso a day bad for health/gains in any way?
What % of my body weight do I need to lat pulldown 3x12 to do 3x8 pullups?
how much should i be able to lift in 2 years of training
I did what you said, and she agreed to come workout with me today.
We just got back from there right now and I got her started on an Athlean-X program. Thanks, bro. I hope this is the beginning of something awesome and a chance to get my girlfriend back in shape.
Is it possible alternating between bench/ohp and rowing every session as part of my routine is overtraining my shoulders?