Hodgetwins are natty. Change my mind

Hodgetwins are natty. Change my mind.

Attached: the-hodgetwins-flexing-their-arms-at-the-camera.jpg (850x867, 152K)

Dios mio. El goblino giganto doble

i like hodgetwins but lol

They've admitted to not being natty lol

>Change my mind
No. If you want to be wrong, why should I care?

ex are pee $1000 dollars in twenny nieteen a cone

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Their lively hood depends on being lean and muscular. They dont need to pass drug tests. Why wouldnt they spend a couple hundred buck on steroids a year to at least make their job a lot easier?

because it fucks their health and will reduce their life span

Mhm yeah? Well they're millionaires because of it and are probably on we regulated TRT with HGH. You think they'd be natural when they can juice up and become millionaires as they did? Guess Mike Chang was natty. Oh wait he deflated after he made 10m+ from guys like you and retired OOPS



They are older than Jeff now, right?

op they have gyno so they clearly roid

Sure they are buddy

Attached: 1547287159301.jpg (1708x974, 370K)

>my gym plays Jeff Seid's videos on the TVs
Should I switch gyms?

>in their 40's
>still have full heads of hair
>no health problems

They're most likely natty, any roid user would be a balding heart attack victim at their age

Yes, go to a gym that plays Info Wars

Yeah, 100% natty, breh.

Attached: Digital_Coloring_by_JeffieB.jpg (598x446, 106K)

>Matt Ogus

DIdn't he get outed as doing gay for pay a few years ago? I totally forgot about him.

>because it fucks their health and will reduce their life span
>meanwhile in reality

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Wait a minute.... Stallone is a known manlet and Arnold is barely taller than him...


Arnold has legit fucked back bro. He shrunk a looot. He was 6'1" prime

Stallone wears huge lifts and Arnold ha shrunk a lot with the years but he's still taller.

Attached: Sylvester+Stallone+Arnold+Schwarzenegger+70th+YIM1I-1zJgnl.jpg (594x435, 59K)

What bothers me most is that there’s 5 arms in this picture for 2 guys

>Believing Arnold was as tall as he says

>tfw you went to highschool with Jeff Seid
>tfw the most successful guy from your graduating class isn't the Amazon software engineer or the guy in medical school but the dumbass who's only famous because his dad started pinning him when he was in middle school

Barefoot Arnold is the same height as Jeff Bridges wearing shoes. Jeff is 6'1. Arnold was 6'2 in his prime which was 40 years ago.

Attached: x1080-VJ2.jpg (1920x1080, 153K)

How do I age as good as Jeff?

>43 years old
>bitch tits
>did photoshoots
>had managers in the past
>made money for most of their lives with their bodies
Not natty.

>hurrrnurmrrnur they have hair so they be natty
>humnrurrmnrummmmm they not dead yet so they be natty
Pic related still has a full head of hair.

Attached: Jay_Cutler_bodybuilder_2008.jpg (2592x1944, 1.93M)

>that hairline
virgin natty vs chad Juicer

How many open heart surgeries has Arnie had in the past five years?