Quick reminder that Jow Forums, Instagram, bodybuilding magazine roid shills...

Quick reminder that Jow Forums, Instagram, bodybuilding magazine roid shills, and social media in general are giving you body dysmorphia and shoving unrealistic standards down your throat.

99% of you who actually lift are probably more Jow Forums than the average dyel and look good enough to impress any normie/girl. I mean come on look at fucking James bond he fucks shit tons of girls (makes them cum) and probably only like 6 months into lifting. People who look at these guys and think "oh wow he looks like shit" are a niche like 1% of the population of autists that spend all their time on bodybuilding forums. A lot of hoes don't even like the roided up look. Look at Justin beiber. Swimming in pussy. His physique is achievable in like 6 months from non-fat ass.

Attached: rpttmuzpssuhvjxdkg8i.jpg (590x350, 31K)

Pic related, the pussyslayer bod

Attached: Justin-Bieber-Shirtless-Pictures.jpg (683x1024, 56K)

post body

Not relevant

this is what happens when you give a dumb canadian white boy a lot of money, shit tier tatts, a fucking cross in the middle of his chest to try to escape his pre teen music. literal gaylord

Virtually every Hollywood celeb that goes shirtless in an action movie is on gear. Celebs are lazy hedonists who spend maybe half a year at most preparing for a role, and they'll work with trainers every day, get the best gear stack pharmacists can cook up, and they'll go off the cycle as soon as the movie is over. Without exception. Even Beiber there has likely been on one or two cycles in his short life.
Regardless of what these men look like, women would fuck them because they're famous, and they're rich. Women will fuck absolute chuds if they're rich and famous.

None of what you wasted your time writing there is relevant or even remotely factual.s

So you think Jonah Hill or Danny Devito creampies as much shit as Justin Beiber? Doubt it

>"oh wow he looks like shit"
Well, they're not wrong

I bet devito could get all kinds of pussy

Jonah Hill 100% could walk into any club in LA or NY, lick a random thots face, pull out and suck on her tit, then get blown right there in front of the entire place. Every day of the week. On demand.

Danny Devito has a huge cult following and I guarantee you that some of those freaks would kill each other just for the chance to smell his nut from across a busy street.

buncha fucking cookie cutters

Danny Devito probably has a short but thick penis

Already destined to never make it

I was at a festival with some friends and this hot girl we were with matched with this fat fucking DJ on tinder, easily 300 lbs and when we left we literally dropped her off at his house, said hi to him, and then let him fuck her. When she came back the next day she gave us an ounce of weed that he gave to her

Gym thot here with a fairly popular insta (not saying who, but i got posted yesterday in another thread)

I can honestly say that the only celeb body that's turned me on is Tom Hardy's while he's Bane or Bronson. Too bad dudes don't want to look like this because they think it's fat. I would literally become a loyal housewife and drop everything i've built if it meant i could be with this

Guys DM me often, but they're usually the kind of buff that gives off gay or insecure/ narcissistic vibes

I just want a soft, but insanely powerful man to hold me in his arms. Too bad guys like that don't really talk to me or exist near me. I'm content making my money, i guess.

Attached: 313ceab0b37a8f7299332f3b5c5053c6--tom-hardy-workout-top-villains.jpg (488x750, 87K)

When will you fags learn?

Shit larp

Believe what you want, but you're a dummy if you think fitness instagram girls don't go on here or related reddits

You are the best source of knowledge for keeping with competition and making sure my demographic is happy. I make $8k off of one sponsored post doing this and i've only grown. Plenty of other girls in my network have said the same thing.

You're pathetic lol

I am Bane mode, but I am only interested if you look like this

Attached: 1526991724577.png (193x173, 45K)

Attached: 4cc.jpg (500x137, 13K)

prove it with a screenshot of sponsorship DM, or guy trying to hit on you.

devito is a cocksmith for sure

lmao i'm not revealing my sponsors, believe it or not you make more to not announce them to the high heavens

Someone post the Twitter thread of roasties wishing they could fuck attractive homeless guys

Harvey Weinstein got all the best pussy in Hollywood, and those whores gave it up willingly, because of the status and power he had. He isn't the only one either.
Women marry for money every day that goes by.

This will never change.

you cant even prove a DM while blocking out your sponsors? Nice LARP

I look like bane but am not a manlet
Is it ok if I’m balding I’m rich if that helps

You mean pusslayer face, wealth, fame, and face. His body has nothing to do with it.

I sure as fuck am not risking my sponsors because some dude on Jow Forums doesn't believe me lmao
I got nothing to prove

Don't care about the rich or balding, but i feel like you're lying just to see my reaction
Color me interested

I’ll post bod first if you post yours larper

No good ones o my traps
Now post ur benis

Attached: 529E637E-04F6-41EE-8205-E81B73D1FFBA.jpg (600x800, 74K)

t. False flagging powershitter

What if I want a woman who looks like bane

She's a big girl

Attached: gabi.jpg (972x512, 98K)

Holy fuck what are her stats
Can you imagine her pinning you down and rubbing her steroid enlarged clit on your face haha

Do you think she groans like a man when she cums? lol haha

>look good enough to impress any normie/girl.
>Lifting to impress girls...
You faggot

Attached: 1547749740694.gif (442x242, 1.42M)

for you

>he fucks shit tons of girls

That’s because he’s rich and famous. You can be an ugly fat fuck but if you’re rich and famous you’ll still be able to fuck a ton of chicks.

>tfw husbandus body type but taller and with hairy chest
This is what peak male performance looks like.

Attached: peak male body.jpg (400x240, 17K)

nice b8 faggot


Fucking kek

Actually pretty good story dude. Wish I could upvote this

You are perceiving this wrong. These guys are swimming in pussy mostly because of their STATUS, not looks. Obviously their looks help but woman would pretty much fuck any famous actor or musician, even if they don't look like the ones that you've mention.

If you are a poor, unfunny guy with no charisma and you get your body to this level, you won't swim in pussy, my friend.

pls be in London

>probably only like 6 months into lifting
>giving you body dysmorphia
lol post body and lifts

Actually normal people have very achievable standards and it's only Jow Forums where people go "hurr brad pitt looks like shit two weeks of pushups i'd totally look better if i wasn't bulkmaxbearfaggoting".

With a little more effort, you could have turned that squiggle into the mask.
Impressive arms though.
