Redpill me on keto

Redpill me on keto
Meme fad diet or does it actually work?

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it's the white man's diet

It's mom science.

try it for yourself. watching retards destroy their renal filtration, testosterone, lymph, and adrenals is hilarious.

Keto is unironically 10/10 if you're obese, or if you want to go on a fast cut.Why someone who is healthy and exercising would do it is beyond me

My roommate went keto and claims to have lost ~70 lbs in the last year but he doesn't look any different. He has a desk job and does 0% exercise so idk.

my roommate did keto and died in a car crash

I'm a skelly and I've switched to keto. My energy levels are super consistent all day now, I never have a mid afternoon energy crash, I sleep better, and my poops are super regular.

Recommend to anyone, carbs are literally poison.

If you think about it prehistoric people used to do keto every winter. Don't expect to lose weight onit but it wouldn't kill you. You should eat black olives for fibre though.

>keto every winter

this isn't exactly true. People have always stored grains or corn. The only people to be naturally ketogenic are the Greenland innuits, and they have developed a gene that keeps them out of ketosis even with high fat and no carbs.

Source on these claims?

refined carbs are literally poison*
eat some sweet potato sometime user

Before I switched I had 3 portions of carbs a day, oats, wholemeal pasta and sweet potato. Add in 3 portions of veg, fruit and meat and that was my daily. Terrible sleep, terrible poops, terrible energy. Since switching to keto all of those things have got better and I managed to quit smoking which was far, far easier than any of my previous attempts.

I feel better than I have done ever before.

If you go on keto you also have to eat healthy during your 8 hour window. If not you are going to experience some pretty sever nutritional set backs especially if you go to the gym. Most people who fail on keto simply fail because of the reason most diets fail. Because they didn't adhere to the rules. They start making little breaks in the rules like "I can drink this even though its not in my windo" or "one protein bar won't hurt"

I'm happy for you then, user. Keep doing what makes you feel great.

I've been doing keto for almost a year now and switched to keto+omad/intermittent fasting. Fucking amazing results because I've lost over 70lb-80lb by now.

good for losing weight for a short period
shit for gaining muscle

It works when you stick to the rules. It doesn't if you are from plebbit and you genuinely think you can eat all the bacon you want

Of course it works.

his ass

>stored grains and corn

This is bullshit. The amount of corn and grains you could harvest back then without machines, chemicals or gmo wouldn't nearly be enough to save for the winter. And it was probably fed to livestock.

Are you genuinely retarded?