/fraud/ - juice and juice accessories

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Mast Edition

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>Reddit link
yeah, fuck off

Don't ask us to help you dose your AI. It's very individual.

Oral-only cycles put strain on the liver and cause a shutdown of natural testosterone production for not a lot of benefit. Just pin and thank us later.

No source talk allowed.

This isn't a medical forum. Stop asking for medical advice and go to a doctor.

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why has /fraud/ gone to shit the last couple years?

there are currently 2 people that have bodies i would mire.

1. masT
2. 47 (minus his gyno)

everyone else looks like dogshit and is unironically >roiding for this mode

how comes?

>inb4 post body

i dont even roid, i just come her since years to mire people that look like they lift

I try user but shit takes time even on roids.

people do not become roid freaks over night

lol imagine lifting for 5 years and ending up looking like testify, id fucking end myself

>lol imagine lifting

your post should've ended there

i looked better than testify does after i lifted for 1.5 years so

yeah testify is a prime example of some roid failure.

Posterboy when it comes to >roiding for this


>i dont even roid
opinion discarded

Not overnight but if you have the right genetics you'll know it in a year or two. Look at Phil Heath for example, he was a basketball player and then BOOM he's jacked and winning shows.

fucking hell, thread barely even started and we already have natties who look better than every roider here and they don't even lift

PS. don't even bother replying faggots, posts like yours are literally a daily thing here

im not natty, looked better than testify after lifting for 1.5 years though

>then BOOM

>spend couple years roiding on high doses under the eye of professional trainer and roid guru
>"boom, just like that"
fucking end yourself retard

post body then, your empty posts are worthless

So you're a homosexual with a muscle fetish?

She is obsessed with this fucking dog...

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>t. been pinning for 5 years and looks like >roiding for this

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I wonder if this dude ever made it

im 99% sure he didin't since he's a NYR

My girl wants the same fucking shit, what I'm in for?

Nah, he bought into the Gaspari Nutrition meme

SuperPump was good until they dropped the DMAA..

You can only hope

An unhealthy obsession with an animal that isn't you...

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Isn't is the same for every dmaa pre-workout? Haven't seen anyone using new Jack or mesomorph anymore.

I don't get it. Who is this?

She already has 2 big dogs back at her house, so it's nothing new, but now she wants one in our apartment. I really don't like animal smells in living rooms, apparently this is unavoidable, that's what bothers me the most.

You will fit perfect here with the rest of the dyels

You are just mad jelly she's not obsessed with you

I hate that dog, but every girl seem to like it because they are just doing what the mainstream is doing and don't have an opinion

That dog looks fucking UGLY af. Nobody can surpass my cat beauty genetics. Mofo looks like irl photoshop and even matches my furniture color


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She doesnt let it lick her face or anything fuck like that does she?

Looked at an old thread and found out some of you niggers live in NOVA as well. This place is fucking terrible.

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That cat is actually pretty beautiful. His fur is perfect.

The only pwo that still has DMAA in it is Centurion Labz Rage God or some bullshit like that.

I used it once and legitimately felt like I was going to die and I've used Clen before lmao. Wouldn't recommend it.

Ultimate orange still uses DMAA I think..

Probably the woman I am fucking or something....

That dog is ugly as fuck. I agree. Whatever makes her happy I guess..

Have you ever met an idiot that didn't?

You can do better.

Of course. Who the fucks want to ugly. I need everything to be aligned perfectly

Not only myself, but EVERYTHING needs to be flawless. Everything should match otherwise i go insane


They match quiet well you dumb ass

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I hope he did.

I really like your cats masT.

Dmaa used to gave me stim dick, dropped it :( I live in a country where you can just buy dmaa powder though.

yes basically

>me and female colleague are discussing things we would look at when we are selecting potential partner
>she is saying that female always look at the following things when selecting; money, looks and personalty(funny,social, charming etc)
>so he can be really good looking and be poor, but also be not good looking and then rich
>oh ok, if the tranny would have been really rich you would date it
>uhhhhhhh.. nooo
>I think you mean that that some can compensate a bit for the other ones, if it still proportional. Like 40% one 30% other one etc
>oh yeah that is it indeed, that is what i mean
They really don't know what they want and always need men to think for them.

Thanks. You also got animals?

>there are currently 2 people that have bodies i would mire.
I'd say I'm pretty damn juicy, and bimbo pops in very now and again.

Even way back then there weren't that many mire-worthy people. More than now yes, but nothing too out of the ordinary.

You hardly post your body. The only thing I remember about you is your old man shoes.

I agree. Why don't you post your body pics here?

I remember there was another guy who also competed and looked pretty good. I forgot his name

You are on tren again? What's the this faggot attitude lately

I'm not on anything.

>I forgot his name

Yeah him also, but another guy also. He was bigger than him.

Albfag showed some crazy shredded pics, but he wasn't really massive.

I convinced my (physically inactive) friend who has never lifted a day in his life to do a testosterone test. His results came out at 232 ng/dl.
What can he even do about that . Hop on test and start lifting? Or just fix his lifestyle and see where that takes him??

No animals for me yet. I'd like a cat one day. Siamese or a maine coon.

Go Maine Coon

Maine coons are goat but they are pretty wild.

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Get a rope

Maine coons are neat as fuck.
You just have to play with them.

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Siamese is more aesthetic. But he's build pretty skinny.
Maine coon got ugly non matching skin pattern

Same with Russian blue. Got too big ears for its head, but his eyes are insanely good looking

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Maine coons are the mogging cats, they are huge and filled with high test.

What would happen if I injected my 100lb German Shepard with Tren?

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Yes, but looks are way more important. Their fur is shitty looking. Shitty pattern, non matching color

It looks way better if it's one color. Siamese is way more aesthetic than Maine coon is every way

What is that fucking furry rat doing with that alpha dog

Get gang raped in prison for animal cruelty. If the trened out dog didnt kill you

It's a cat masT.

But their fur is godtier too

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If looks are more important you would have gone maine coon.
This is objective, you can't argue against high test cat.

Monotone plain cat < nicely patterned killer

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He is her protector

I just ask for science. I’m sure a crazy person did this at some point. I would never harm my buddy

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haha you are so edgy good job being a faggot

Thanks user, needed that pick me up today

No is dog

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So? Who wants to have an ugly animal that doesn't even suit their furniture. That would drive me totally insane. Looking an this fucking ugly animal with his non matching pattern and ugly dull eyes

Ugly non matching fur pattern. Doesn't make any sense at all.

Ah man that couch, the cat and the FUCKING WALL. I don;t even want to be found dead over there.

He looks dull af. Look at those empty non speaking eyes. Shelter cats are always shitty looking because nobody wants them and just throw them in the fucking trash.

Because a pet is designed to be companion not an accessory for your house. You're as bad as the people who dress their animals in clothes and call them "fur babies".

>He looks dull af. Look at those empty non speaking eyes.
Pretty sure my cat is more interactive and alive then yours. You sure you're looking at the picture and not the mirror?

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My white dog is not ugly, she was just dirty in that pic.

She is monotone bright white with very big sparkly eyes. She is also very smart and well behaved.

Does anyone elses cats watch them go for a shit?
If i close the door they sit outside mewing and scratching the door

BIG COPE. but how could we expect otherwise from you

How can love something that looks shit and doesn't even suit the style of your house.

If that works for you then it's fine right. You have make the best of what you have.

I just looked in the mirror but i was still doing fine. You?

HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHHHAHA. Only old people have those dogs. They are annoying little frucking rats you want to squeeze to death

What old man shoes, Are you confusing me with some else bb

>I agree. Why don't you post your body pics here?
The tattoos man. Fuck having people trying to find me like they did with FL or Bimbo and then sending all kinds of weird shit to my family.

I think you're talking about Albfag, yeah he looks insane. He is my fraud idol here

Gives me some serious anxiety for a few days after and puts me on edge like nothing else
Top quality workouts tho
10/10 would recomend using every other week

> old people dog

Idk about that, but wife loves her too much so idk if I can convince her to abandon it because you don’t like it. Otherwise I would papa masT

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Yeah but after several months of every day using I started to get only anxiety from this. Should have used one a week or so.

never procreate, fren

never saw a pic of your body, maybe i missed it.

bimbo is un-mirable because of his trash tattoos and the fact that hes literally an aids infested cock sucker.. looks disgusting, i imagine he smells bad too.

>I'd say I'm pretty damn juicy

post body

Do you have social media? Bimbo has gay porn spread everywhere, it's easy to be found

Also you can cover up your tattoo's with paint

I knew it. A man would never get a fucking shitty dog like that. Men only go for alpha dogs like shepherds, tibetan mastiff etc

Who the fuck cares what she wants. She should be happy she could be you in the first place

Thats what they also said to your ugly parents. but here you are, managed to put your ugly genetics through and now we are fed up to look at your ugly existence

I wish we could invent a sort XRAY scan that could see in the mother wombs whether someone has shitty looking genetics like you and preventively get rid of before it can breathe

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No need for x-ray in most cases. Shit parents = shit child.

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You view cats more a part of the interior and reflection of lifestyle then a family member correct?

I'm never fine looking in the mirror but thats life. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

Not always. I have seen a lot of cases where one child get all the beauty genetics and one gets the shitty ones.

True, if i pick an animal it should look good. Personality is way less important

Me too. It is what it is

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>True, if i pick an animal it should look good. Personality is way less important

That is the single most tragic thing you've ever said

okay 3 stages of natty cope. you ready?
>if pic related looks "small"
r-r-roiding?? for this?
>if pic related looks just right
w-w-well i could do that natty! just give me 20 years!
>if pic related is beastmode
w-w-w-w-whoa okay well have fun destroying your body

just say you're afraid of needles and go.

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Post body

>Doesn't even suit their furniture
>That would drive me totally insane
>Fucking ugly animal

Imagine being this shit of a person

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Brohatma Ghandi iirc

ive posted physique in /plg/ before, where i absolutely mogged the fuck out of them. i told them that the pallet jack rendered them obsolete. anyway, here you go. hope you're not a natty coper though

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>This is how my penis feels when watching gay porn on tren and viagra

>Guy was talking about why there are no people to mire since natty lifting is a joke and if there are people to mire they are in fraud
>"N-n-natty cope!"
Are you ok dude?

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i dont understand why you guys need to fight lmfao. the war is against the fat people, the seething misinformed natties and the powercopers. they're gloating like jews whenever we quarrel over dumb shit. just stop

Que? Hablo Espanol?

170/100 dot jpg

No way. 85-90 at max.

what is 90


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What is the second most tragic thing i have said.

At least i am not coping like all you delusional faggots over here. Everyone will judge everything based on looks. NO FUCKING ONE cares about personality. Stop this fucking cope now

I don't get it. What wrong that?

You are like those woman that don't want to sound ''shallow'' when they are mainly caring about looks. Buttt the inside it also important,. Just be yourself


This exactly. Also JM looks massive.

I don't know, i dont keep a list.
Nah for people yeh i agree, but not pets.
I mean no one wants a mangled pet that looks fucked, but 99.9% of everyone prefer an ok looking pet with a good personality to a great looking pet who is boring af

lol go ahead and try. I have multiple IFBB pros tell me I need to compete because of how close I am to having a pro physique.

do I really base my life around competing? no. I lift to stay sane and because I enjoy it. anyway almost 5 years of lifting and less than 1 year of juicing you aren’t even going to fucking come close. maybe in pictures since you’re a fucking manlet, but not IRL like i’ve done 150lbs to 235lbs 6’1. good luck

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Costco is a god send.

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Why bother responding bro?
Just coper b8


That's a huge money cope. Because good looking animals(mostly special breeds) are way more expensive than shitty looking shelter animal.

And then people cope with muhh personality. No you are a fucking cheapskate.

Over here they have the same shit

I love basmati.

nice timestamp.

what is worse then natty copers is people like you posting images of random dudes to win an argument
