How do I prevent hitting the wall? Or how do I hit it less? Pic related is 64
I’m 26
How do I prevent hitting the wall? Or how do I hit it less? Pic related is 64
I’m 26
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Don't get fat
Don't tan
Eat healthy enough to keep good skin
Have good genetics
Are you a girl or a boy? If you're a boy congrats, you can always push the wall well into your 50s. If you're a girl you're fucked.
Post body
Take care of your skin
Stay in good shape
depends if youre male or female.
If you're a male, don't dress and act like a teenager. Take care of your skin and be fit and hopefully you will become potentially more handsome in a rugged sort of way, but either way it's downhill after 40.
If you're a female you already hit the wall at 18 since the paradigm of female beauty is youthfulness, but you can still be attractive til around age 32 if you are VERY careful with your diet, exercise and skincare.
Remeber; the secret to aging well is to accept it and turn it into a steady, slow decline. The worst thing you can do is attempt to remain youthful as you age.
At 23 I look like I'm still 16
It has it's downsides but at least don't have to worry about any wall
- antioxidants
- sleep well
- excersize
What about spray tans?
And yeah I have food genetics, most of my relatives aged well or better than the average still not like pic related
Please get over this men age well meme while posting Hollywood stars to prove a point, all of them age well
I don’t want to look young. Just younger than my friends and social circle
great example of why women with small breasts are superior. Big titties at 20 + pregnancy + age means insanely floppy droopers at 50
This, it’s genetics. Looking young sucked in my teens and early twenties, but now I love that I look younger than my age.
>Please get over this men age well meme while posting Hollywood stars to prove a point, all of them age well
>Please get over this men age well meme while posting Hollywood stars to prove a point, all of them age well
If you kill yourself while you're young you wont hit the ''wall'' i promise
Same-ish, people get shocked when I say I’m 26. My 44yo aunt could pass as mid 20s
Sun exposure is responsible for 80% of visible aging in your face. So, buy a wide brimmed hat, sun glasses and cream up your face with high sun cream.
Apply hydroluonic acid at 5% (DIY recipe for cheap).
Eat enough organic grade butter and other fats as well as colagenic tissue (bonebroth). Wash with rye+water mixtue to reduse they stress tensides do to your face. Try to not use your mimic if not needed, especially not continuesly in the same way.
Drink enough water and get at least 8h of sleep - on a regular shedule.
And the obvious ones: No smoky, no drinky no druggy. Look at your parents and grandparents. If they look like shit, so will you.
Mine thankfully smoked like a ausschwitz oven and still people thought my granny to be my mother out in public.
>Please get over this men age well meme while posting Hollywood stars to prove a point, all of them age well
It's not a meme it's simply the effects of aging vs beauty standards, as another user put it. Men can look "rugged" and handsome which obviously meshes well with a bit of age. Women however cannot look rugged or handsome as their beauty standard is synonymous with youthfulness.
This is only natural. Women categorically prefer older men in nature because they are more well established and have higher status typically, and a man's sperm is good forever. A woman however has already lost over half her fertility by age 20 therefor men naturally are attracted to young women, as evidenced by virtually every man's preference ever
Tits,or gtfo. Both for proper insight and to follow the rules.
Based and checked
A agree with the sun thing and I’m not saying that other stuff won’t help but like you and others have mentioned, I think it’s mostly just genetic. I’m an insomniac who smokes cigars and was a straight up functional alcoholic for about a decade and I still look young thanks to genetics and my adverseness to the sun.
have a baby before you run out of half of your eggs (usually age 25)
>Women however cannot look rugged or handsome as their beauty standard is synonymous with youthfulness
that's because women have a finite amount of eggs and usually totally run out by their mid 30's. you DO NOT want to have a kid with some of your last eggs unless you want him to be born without arms or legs
Male semen quality might be better at that age than female fertility, but it's not peak performance. Both shouldn't activly try to concieve above 35 and resp. 45 to avoid tards.
Plus, personally, I would say that the attractivess of older women comes from them beeing motherly and less due to beeing sexy in the youthfull sense. That's why a modest and well dressed for her age granny can look so much better than a spiced up "young at heart" boomer. Youthfullness isn't always desirable and it's usualy the childless women which despite looking better physically, are less appealing because they can't accept their biological decline. Gravitas and personal accomplishment through beeing a good woman and mother will make OP look far better than trying to stay 16 forever.
What's your point? You're just rehashing what I just said. Old women are not attractive because men are biologically incentivized not to be attracted to them
tick tock, bitch
Sure, but unlike genetics, those are things you can influence. Sun, Smoking and drugs are the main reasons people look like shit, as rarely genetics are truly to blame.
Male and 32. Recently met a couple of friends I hadn't seen in years and they tell me I haven't aged a day. I can see how I've aged because I've become rather focused on improving and maintaining my appearance - gradually ramping up my exercise and dietary autism over the past five years, in hopes of mitigating some of the damage of years of cigarettes, alcohol, and near-zero interest in moisturising and preventing sun damage.
What kind of drugs? I take modafinil is it ok?
Not even one person I know looks aged at “32”
Haven't seen any studies on it, but it does fuck with your heart, so your problem probably wont be looking old. Plus I would be very careful, considering that it might fuck with your reproductivity as in epigenetically changing wht you give onto your children. Best to stay away from it when you want to convice for a couple months.
how do you know someone takes modafinil, adderall, ritalin, or vyvanse? don't worry, they'll tell you
I knew people which looked like 35 at 17. Mainly thanks to sun bathing and smokes. Deep facial wrinkles and the dry skin of a post-menopause roastie.
>Male semen quality might be better at that age than female fertility, but it's not peak performance. Both shouldn't activly try to concieve above 35 and resp. 45 to avoid tards.
Wrong. There are zero consequences to offspring sired by older men. The only quantifiable drop in quality is probability to conceive (worse swimmers), the difference which is marginal til the male is VERY old. The chances of genetic disorder however in women older than 30 is enormous, comparably.
You can try to refute any of this til your hearts content but all im stating are facts that everyone knows to be true. This isnt a women vs men debate so you dont need to feel challenged by this we are simply answering your question re; the wall. Again to bring it full circle just focus on taking care of your physical and mental wellbeing and I'm sure you will remain pretty.
All the attractive over 40 women I know have been very lean their whole lives. Really concentrate on getting thin while you still have skin elasticity and stay that way. As far as I can tell, fasting seems to delay aging a bit, so probably good to get into that.
Actually train yourself to get gud with makeup. Loads of women think a half-assed MU job is good enough, but the difference a really high-skill makeup artist can make is pretty dramatic.
Also, make lots of money so you can afford cosmetic surgery and HRT later.
Whatever you do, don't get tattoos and piercings. They look fucking terrible on older women (and pretty bad on younger ones most of the time).
Also, live clean, moisturise a lot and avoid UV (but take a lot of Vitamin D).
I know you can do things like drugs, etc. which can make you look like shit, but I also know people who look old simply because their hair turned gray earlier than most. Genetics is obviously the biggest influence on your appearance.
How does that work? Presumably all cells mutate at about the same rate due to the DNA getting hit by random high-energy particles. Why don't mutations in the testes have the same effect as mutations in eggs? If anything, I would think that an egg which has just been sitting there for decades would have fewer issues than a testicle cell which is the result of many generations of copying. Or do unhealthy testicle cells get killed off?
When will I need hrt? When my period stops? Will I need it?
You can dye hair
Everyone saying it's only genetics are uninformed. Genetics play a part, but your youthfulness can be influenced by the health of your diet, environmental stress (sunlight, etc), and fasting for extended periods (helps a lot).
If you want to remain youthful for as long as possible, eat a whole foods plant-based diet, fast somewhat frequently and practice intermittent fasting daily. Avoid high stress environments.
That's a good question and one I cant answer not being a biologist but im sure there's a good reason for this
>You can dye hair
If you’re a woman. There is a lot of stuff you can do to hide the fact you look old, surgery, makeup, etc, but that doesn’t mean your genetics aren’t having the biggest impact on your natural appearance.
You cant.
The simple fact is this. Wrinkles on women is the end.
For men it is not.
Trips of truth
>Please get over this men age well meme while posting Hollywood stars to prove a point, all of them age well
...she says, while cherry picking one 64-year-old woman out of however many millions there are on the planet
I dont believe you.
I have a friend in his 30s that everyone says looks 16. Actually his face looks in his 30s, he is just short and have teenager hair and style.
>plant based tried
It's nutritionally incomplete, especially in regard to all stuff relevt for skin youthfullness like colagen and proteins. That's why vegans look like something out of the cript after a decade.
Take a random 20 year old man and have him do all that age defying stuff and when he is the same age as I am now I can almost guarantee he will still look older than I do now and I’m this guy Genetics are the single biggest factor.
That’s just pathetic
See, everyone knows Asian women age really well.
But those asian women in the himalayas who get constant sun exposure without any sun cream literally look 300 years old by 50.
The sun will fuck you.
>avoid the sun like it's the fucking plague
>drink plenty of water
>practice intermittent fasting daily, do extended fasts a few times per year.
>don't drink, smoke, or do drugs
>sleep a lot
>avoid high-stress environments
>have a cool, confident and laid back mental attitude, like the dude from the big lebowski.
>stay slim
>save money/get rich so you can afford peels and stuff like that once you get older
>dress/act your age
The last one is key. A woman in her late 30s who acts and dresses like a teen looks WAY worse than woman in her late 30s who looks and acts more mommy-like.
That's pretty much all you can do about it. The rest is just hoping that your genes are good.
Best of luck, femanon.
I had this same response in another thread a while back and I actually posted a pic. All of the responses were positivr except for one guy who refused to believe that was actually me. I’m not saying I’m some attractive alpha male, I’m simply saying that I appear younger than I am and hear it often. I have aged more over the past few years though and I’ve finally stopped getting carded for some things. I’ve always looked younger(which I used to hate) it’s just genetics.
>>avoid the sun like it's the fucking plague
Cuckold-tier logic
For women though, keep long hair.
Short hair especially boy length short hair just screams old and looks old
I just think youre probably oblivious to your wrinkles or something.
The sun is the number one reason for facial aging, especially in northern europeans. Might not be that relevant for men, but very much so for women. No two ways about it, the less sun you get the better your skin will look as you age. Plus you need to add vitamin D pills to your diet no matter what as a european, due to the latitude. There is a reason why europeans covered up as much as they possibly coul to hide from the sun. Pale is beautiful.
Nah, I’m not so arrogant that I’m oblivious to any flaws I have physical or otherwise. I finally started to get a line near my left eye this year though.
the sun fucks your skin up enormously. This is a fact.
In fact, staying away from the sun is BY FAR the most important thing you can do when it comes to aging.
>keep long hair
IDK about that, it depends on the age. Womens hair gets really fucked up in their 40s/50s and after. Trying to keep long hair even though it looks like shit at that point is kind of like pretending you are younger than you are. In most cases old ladies look better with short hair.
Femanon here
I’m basically translucent level pale
Found my Vitamin D levels low after taking a blood test (obvious) now on vit D,
Never go outside bc faggot mormies rule the land
Mums 50 looks 35
Prepare for milf me in 50 years
>Clinical signs of aging are essentially influenced by extrinsic factors, especially sun exposure. Indeed UV exposure seems to be responsible for 80% of visible facial aging signs.
Yeah, same here. I love how the more womany I dress, the younger I get classified by others. Keep it simple with make up (brows and mascara tops), keep and grow your hair long, moisturize like your life depends on it, trash pants and jeans for skirts and dresses and work on a more ladylike behaviour. And always wear sunblock and a hat on top. Stay in the shade. That's the true reason jap women stay young, they don't go around riding the party train till they hit the wall and sun bath weekly while drunk.
Yeah by that age just have it shoulder length.
What i meant though is when women in their 20s or 30s get hair shorter than most men. They just look like a granny.
ah I see. I agree. especially when they dye their short hair funny colors. For some reason there's a trend here in Norway of younger girls dying there hair literally fucking gray.
Please tell me she does porn and there is a creampie gangbang of her.
user, that's somebody's grandma
I would try hard in making her a mother again.
I would squirt my potent seed inside her womb, and tell her that i would rather fuck her sterile body over the fresh, supple meat of a teenage in her prime.
Eventually she would offer me her granddaughter, to be bread and to use like a surrogate mother for our children.
i have already planned out everything.
Look up Dermarolling, i developed some forehead lines at 21 due to using too much drugs, they're pretty much gone now after two sessions With a 1mm roller.
all female "eggs" are formed before the baby is born.
Sperm cells are made every 60 days out of stem cells in a process called Spermatogenesis. These stem cells multiply before that to prevent them from running out. The body has systems in place that either repair mistakes that are made during that process or that lead to the death of imperfect cells otherwise you would get cancer which of course sometimes happens.
Since these cells are formed in frequent intervals every damage from e.g.natural radiation is negligible compared to the female eggs that accumulate this damage over years.
However as men age their bodies ability to produce mutation free sperm decreases but that is due to the ageing process that affects all cells and systems that repair and prevent cellular damage.
The reason for the declining quality for women is entirely different from that see above.
Post face
Protip: there is vitamin d in animal fats if the animal was in the sun. Herring, cow, duck, goose, other wild fish, chicken. Fats and organs too
Don't smoke, avoid stress, eat healthy, exercise regularly, don't tan, spend time in nature, avoid make up and other chemicals on your body
>met dad over christmas
>said that I looked younger in the face since he last saw me
>all I did was start to eat slighty better diet, add multivit/5000 IU vit D/omega 3 fish oil capsules, do 16:8 IF, and maybe get slightly better sleep
>for like two months, and last time I saw him was in august
feels good, in a year I'll be like 12 years old again
White women age like milk. There is not much you can do about that, try becoming a more interesting person, since the blonde bimbo gimmick is really time gated.
I think I will. Developing laugh lines and I'm barely 22.
i'm 28 and smoked ate shit and drank every day for years and i still look like im 20
Aging doesn't really sart till 25 and you probably don't look closely enough. Shit will go down rapidly from 35 onwards. If you look wrinkly before 35 you fucked up hard without any excuses. You not looking like shit yet doesn't mean anything.
do yoga every day till death
>spray tan
fuck off normalfag roast
>30 yo and look like I'm 21
God it feels good being a white male.
Couple questions for you, role player
How is this at all related, even indirectly, to fitness?
How are you so stupid as to believe the wall even exists for men or women and is not on an individual case basis?
Why are you so vain as to not quietly research anti-aging and health living habits on your own accord rather than evoke negativity toward yourself and others with your ridiculousness?
>posting Hollywood stars to prove a point
Posts only a single example to prove a point
>I don’t want to look young. Just younger than my friends and social circle
This proves to us that your ambition is simply to spite fellow women, which is more so sad on your account than it is them, even if you were to accomplish this goal.
In closing, begone you rat.
As an old guy who looks at older women, the single most important controllable factor for sex appeal is to stay slender. Yes, fat will fill in facial wrinkles somewhat, but at the price of an attractive figure. A big part of a woman's sexual appeal is in her body proportions arising out of bone structure and fat distribution. Your bone structure won't change with age (absent pathology like osteoporosis) so you can maintain a feminine figure almost indefinitely. UNLESS you bury it in excess fat. Then you look like a wrinkly blob. Follow other advice in this thread, but most of all, for the love of Zeus, STAY SLENDER!
Don't get too much sun, eat lots of veggies and fruits, use moisturizer on face, take it easy on your joints, stretch every day, do cardio and lift weights
>What about spray tans?
OP, the women in your examples has had work done
They did it well, but she's definitely had work done
Most cosmetic treatments don't look like ugly plastic, they look natural and appealing
Shut up old man
Stop spreading thus bs while asking for help u cunt
>A woman however has already lost over half her fertility by age 20
All your points are correct except this point.
20 is peak fertility actually. The egg quality and impregnation chances start dropping at 28 or so and it's free fall after 35.
This is why women should start having kids at around 25 last resort, so all children can be made before reaching 30.
>How do I prevent hitting the wall?
You're going to hit it.
Just get married with children before that.
You're 26, you're already late. You're already past your peak and going downhill slowly. Both in term of looks and motherhood.
Find a good man (among those that are left) and have your children. Really soon.
Well, fat and soft women are ugly, everyone knows that.
Is this how you all cope with rejection? “She’ll hit the wall while I become brad Pitt” Pic related is 43, everyone looks good in Hollywood or they wouldn’t be in Hollywood anymore
Do you have any non celebrity examples? Lmao prince William? Prince of Monaco? They look like shit and they’re fucking royals let alone the average man who has to work and live a stressful life
And bill Clinton looks 20 years older than Hilary while being only one year older, same with Sarah geller and Freddie prinz junior
Also, avoid sun and alcohol. Moisturize.
God I love being black, enjoy your shitty techniques.
Seething roastie.
Fuck off, I'm not even a woman hater, I have a wife, but you sound resentful as fuck and type like a redditfag.
At least we look good at some point in our lives
Don't get fat. Don't ingest poison (tabacco, alcohol, weed). Do cardio every day. Eat lots of vegetables.
Except no good man wants you.
I feel for you, actually.
AAAAAlso. Streigth train. Once your natural skinb collagen levels start do decline, the only way to keep a firm body is to have muscle tone and low body fat. If you allow your muscled to deteriorate, you _WILL_ sag.
>Please get over this men age well meme while posting Hollywood stars to prove a point, all of them age well
Woman. I have an installed instinct that is 4 billion years old. So do you. I feel very little to no desire towards women above 30 for purposes other than a cum-rag.
>I don’t want to look young. Just younger than my friends and social circle
Cope and typical woman. "I don't want to avoid eating shit as long as my "friends" eat more". Women hate each other with passion of a thousand suns.
Not the roastie you'Re replying to but the reason you're not attracted to post 30s is because you'Re pobably not nearly as old yourself. As a unironic neo boomer I can tell you that I get a headace even thinking of dating anyting below 26-28. Looks might be worse, but somedayy will come to realisation that personality is more important if you want to keep that person for life, so quite contrary a pre-25 is mostly a cum rag.
Although most 30 yo women look like shit due to their habits, so you better simply marry young and have the best of both worlds.
Beyonce is 37 and she looks 47. Black don't crack is a meme.