nice hearty soup edition
/plg/ - powerblogging general
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Surely you're aware the last thread hadn't reached bump limit yet.
ohp Is great lift hehe
imagine not The Pressing at least your bodyweight
Reminder that men weigh 200 lbs or more.
why should i care what i press? its not a competition lift
Ive done 5/3/1 for 4 months as my First PL program and reached 160x10 DL 110x10 bench and 150x7 squat(kg ofc)... What PL program should i do now?
531 is not a powerlifting program
Better go confiscate his gains!
how do you know he made gains when he said nothing about his progress
5th set
3/5/1 for Powerlifting
I just had a super vivid dream of accidentally meeting my childhood crush again after 10 years. (she had a huge crush on me too, it was very obvious, but I was way too autistic to do anything about it)
She looked gorgeous, we hugged for a long time and kissed, then hung out for the rest of the day. It felt really good.
Then I woke up and looked her up online: she's a literal junkie prostitute, looks nothing like she did in my dream, and is covered in trashy tattoos.
Fuck's sake, way to start my day.
u have gay
Imagine unironically using the phrase "true raw". Imagine being that level of VOLEM.
Big oof. Especially knowing you could have saved her.
tfw passed exam in first term, only 20/80 ppl passed it
tfw smart
image lifting for "competition" not to get stronger
I can easily imagine that
>GDE (genetic dead end)
Exercise low-responder. High injury rate, no sports background, weak willed.
>ASS (arguing sport sperg)
Mediocre lifts. Argues for sport and attention because mommy didn't love him enough. Uses words like "optimal". Lifting for less than 5 years, so no real knowledge or experience.
>GAYS (gay aylien skull)
Weak bone structure, mouth breather. Wastes time trying to be strong. Jewey faced and mad, but harmless.
>CUCC (crying uninjured canadian cuckold)
Identify as injured, without medical diagnosis. Trans-herniated. Purposely do self-destructive programs like PH3, Smolov, etc. They wanted an excuse to quit.
>VOLEM (voluntary evermediate)
Late beginner, early intermediate. Panics when the bar gets heavy. Program hops, works on technique, or sabotages recovery as an excuse to not progress.
>BENIS (Bulking Enthusiast, Not In Shape)
Eats far beyond the maximal lean mass growth rate because Dave Tate did it at Westside.
>PANZR (pussy ass ncelibate zerg rapist}
Incelibate. Angry. Entitled. Weak bench. Should not be allowed to live near schools. High risk of joining isis or raping a dog.
>CHODE (communist homo of dick eating)
Angry, godless little postmodernists who secretly loathe strong, masculine men who won't fuck their boybutt. Some transition into ugly rat faced pedos, others defend said CHODES. Also known as PHAGs (projecting homo ass goblins)
>TCHAD (tries consistently hard all day)
The Isleys, MAs, and other guys with average genes who actually like competing and getting stronger.
>MOG (men of greatness)
When a man has the genes, the durability, the work ethic, the desire, and maybe the anabolics to fuck everything iron or flesh with his veiny, throbbing cockmeat. John Haack. Jessie Norris. Konstantin Konstantinov (rip). Blaine Sumner. Eddie Hall. Brian Shaw. Get mogged.
talk to me when you gonna break some record or become some champion, okay?
imagine not competing because you are too weak
>you could have saved her
That's the worst part
it helps ur competition lift.
gives u joocy 3d delts
it's fun and very cool
>saved her
i have unironically both chiuauaua and tibetan mastiff, this 2 black ones are pups
chiuauaua barks at every dog, barked at some amstaff two weeks ago and he ran to the fence than mastiff just walked to the fence with no aggresion and amstaff fucked off
I'm on a variant of the Texas Method, I can bench 140kg and Frotn Squat 195kg.
Im currently at 16-19% bodyfat. How do I cut to 10-12% with losing as little strength as possible ?
I'm not talking about the diet part but the training part, how do I train for that ?
Lmaoing at the state of Polands education system. Getting my provisional results for semester 1 in two days. What course are you in?
right there mogging USA
I do nutrition science 3 years than additional 2 years
>nutrition science
>3+2 years
What in the ever loving fuck?
Is benching and ohping 3 times a week enough for strong and big triceps?
Why is it tchad when it could just be THAD.
The consistently and all day are redundant imo
3 years to get licentiate
2 years to get master degree
than about 2-3 years if you want PhD
10-20 good sets per week.
Cuckold and Canadian are redundant too, but that's the fun.
THAD sounds like a lispy, queer way of saying CHAD.
gotta shoehorn 'CHAD' there somehow
3+2 is standard for a lot of European countries. Don't know why you'd bother getting a masters in nutrition science though.
I'm financial maths Chad. Starting salary for me will be €55,000 fresh out of college.
beacuse I can work and do my masters at the same time and one will contribute to other
I mean what is there to learn in 5 years
Calories in calories out
Protons carbs fats
Bam, done
post tibetan mastiff
how big is it, average big or legit big?
is it all fur?
Nutrition science is a bunch of speculation aswell. They are always changing their mind on what food is truly bad for you.
Favourite quad isolation? inb4 'front squat' pls
72kg heavier than most fitizens, it has fur around his head like a lion
beacuse mostly healthy pepole or lmao fat look for help from nutrition specialist right
Bulgarian split squats
smaller than your basic mastiff, then?
I knew it's a meme dog
its a girl, so in heavier part
Tibetan Mastiff
Weight: Male: 45–73 kg, Female: 34–54 kg
English Mastiff
Weight: Female: 54–77 kg, Male: 73–100 kg
when powerlift squat bench deadlift in meet how doing? are good?
English one is havier than all of mastiffs, and probably heaviest dogs ever even great dane is only up to 90kg
you just learned this? lol
Post pic and let us unbiasedly assess your real bf%
been doing a front foot elevated variation that's real nice, good idea tho
when powerlift, and squat bench pre deadlift, in meet, are good?
in bench pres squa tdeadlift, in meet, when powerlift, how are good? or below
My grandpa had an abruzzese mastiff, there's one type of them that's fucking huge, the average weight is something like 90 kg. He had his weighed once and it was 99 kg
They're used as sheepdogs in an area where there's a lot of wolves but even more bears, and they do scare the ever loving shit out of bears.
Single Leg Goblet Pistols
I don't need any isolations yet since I can squat more and my squat will increase, but a nice meme I've seen and I might eventually try would be this one:
Maybe try it on a hack squat machine too like Tom Platz.
tons of dogs are over 80kg
Doing ohp right now and there is literally nothing you powerlifters can do to stop me.
post dog pics
Don't ever call me a tripfag. I'm not that hungry for attention.
no i mean just general dog pics
I stopped doing meets but I kept shitposting so someone suggested I take this name as a goof on S*an.
>Big oof. Especially knowing you could have saved her.
Be real. She would have ruined him.
Trust not the Thot Menace. It seems only your destruction.
Thats not really that much average engineer earns double that.
You just signalled how unqualified you were for both tasks (my owl total must be higher than your pl one's).
Nvm I'll do what the JTS crew says, i.e.lower volume on intense lifts.
I learned to deadlift joly fuccccccccccc
In the EU? Where?
>Colored hair
>Piercings besides face
>Loves dad too much or not at all
>Lots of guy friends
Pound pound pass. Pick the real women up at church
*being friends with a girl that you don't fuck is gay, reminder
>Church fag
Youll be cucked by a nigger in no time
Acting like an incel is worse than being an incel.
Nothing says incel than someone waiting for the proverbial miss right from a Church, assuming shes not as slutty as the rest of them nowadays
Incel is a word NPC's cry to shield themselves when they're confronted with reality.
That's the starting salary mate. Average salary is around €80,000 I believe. And a head risk analyst earns more than a head engineer, although they are both among the best paid jobs here in Ireland.
Volcel is a word that incels use because they watch pro wrestling and anime.
Who says I'm waiting? Find them early.
Are you American? Because i can guarantee the average American Church girl is sluttier than the average European girl in general
Essentially this. "Incel" was only a thing on a niche subr*ddit, but that leaf faggot said it once before killing people or something, and the media latched onto it. Now it's become the standard rebuttal for internet """woke""" normies. Anything you say, they just dismiss it as the ramblings of an incel, and in their minds that's a good argument. Doesn't help that they're all fucking retarded.
I'm just trying to torture the poor man even more.
>Anything you say, they just dismiss it as the ramblings of an incel
And what percentage of those rambling incels are incels?
t. Incel
Let me give you some wisdom.
Nature likes genetic winners.
Women are in charge of "crowning" these winners by fucking them.
Men admire winners. Women want winners. Incels aren't winners (inb4 some incel tech fag millionaire).
So when incels act like incels, the whole world cringes. It's fucking gross.
im not an incel, im a mgtow
Good for you. Don't murder anyone.
when bench press are triceps, good? or below
for a natty its impossible
Why is plg full of cringe forced memes?
Mgtow are just incels trying to pretend its a choice lmao
That's fine, though.
In history, incels have used rape, violence, coersion, enslavement, and trickery to get laid.
At least the mgtows will die peacefully.
Blame sean
I'm an incel, probably gona fuck a prostitute once then never get laid again lmao
Do it man, a little red light dirty
this is series question
reminder powerlifting is not going to help you run a marathon
Why would i want to run a marathon?
powerlift melty blood bench press
melty blood and all fighting games are shit
reminder that running a marathon isn't going to help you compete in powerlifting
reminder that only gay fags run marathons