Cut or bulk fit?

216lb 5'10. Was planning on 240lbs but not sure if getting too fat From all the pizza and junk food I've been dirty bulking on over the months

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Is that you big nig?

haha what's up my nig(ger), lookin' good

Back to the plantation.
(And bulk)

Is anyone gonna say something or am I going to be stuck with dyel racists making weird remarks.

I’d say bulk up 10-15lbs more then cut

>black guy who isn't lotus
How long you been posting here i remember you from 2016.
I mean i would recommend a slowish bulk with some short cutting/fasting day(s) here and there

isnt there a fitness forum for the lesser races somewhere?

I'm surprised anyone remembered me. I gained like 20-25lbs lean mass since then after I turned it in and ballooned up from 175 to 215

Cut what? You have visible abs and veins.. are you competing in bodybuilding? Because if not why would you ever want to be leaner than you are now?

yeah man i remember
every now and then i post my old pic but no one remembers alien kid

Fuck you still been posting here or you left and actually made it

Also, I usually disappear for a few months to make gym and life progress and then see what's new here.

Bulk up 8-12lbs depending on height. Your abs are still visible, there's no need to cut just yet.

How to unlock thuggish nigger mode as a white guy?

you missed pretty good memes but would rather have life gains than Jow Forums meme gains

Miss 5 hundred thousand years of evolution.
Alternatively, get enslaved and bred like a farm animal.

Damn user. I wouldn’t change a thing. You are naturally huge and lean already for your height. Maybe bulk up if you are trying to be an NFL running back or something.

I’m mirin but here’s the obligatory nigger user

*clears throat*

Attached: 3c7.jpg (249x249, 17K)

are you really 216?

and I really would just maintain. no real reason to get bigger. you are already lean.

>same pic of this nigger posted for the 8 day in a row

Attached: aint got time for yo' bullshit.png (1080x1080, 424K)

What did you do to get those shoulders bro, you're more or less my goal upper body.

how much you lifting?

Whats that ? Can't hear you from over here

Keep up the dirty bulk. Go with two number 9s, a number 9 large, a number 6 with extra dip, a number 7, two number 45s, one with cheese, and a large soda.

you look great already my dude ,i wouldnt cut i would just bulk(clean) so stop eating junk and you are good to go

You look good as is but what is the end goal?

Impress chicks? Already there.
Gymnastic tricks? Cut.
Lift bigger weights/NFL? Bulk.

>after I turned it in
What did he mean by this?

What the fuck, why are people telling him to go to the NFL. Just because he is black?

I think he means his natty card. Being that heavy at 5'10 isn't normal

Slight cut then maintance

Get a job nigger

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I’m gonna say it

Perma bulk