How many of you still live at home?

How many of you still live at home?

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I still live in a home yes.

commute to school, saves me 12,000$
My dad is never home anyway so it's not like they were anxious to "get me out of the house"

haven't lived there since 18

I spend half the week living on my own in college then the weekend at home so I dunno

High school drop out and a homeowner at 25.

I’m still at home at 23, should be out in a year. Almost moved out a year ago but shit happens. If I could do things over I’d have gone straight into EMT out of highschool, worked towards paramedic/firefighting, stayed home until 20 while saving and then move out into my own apartment. Oh well, I have another 50-60 years left.

my parents keep fooling with the "it's more affordable for you to live here" meme every time i bring up moving out

19 is fine. Start thinking about moving out around 23. If you are 30 or older it's an emergency and you need to get your life on track.

Moved out at 23, prior to that parent's paid room when i was studying abroad.
Nowadays, given the price of housing in large cities where most of the jobs are, it's not uncommon to live with parents but godamn it's nice to have your own place.

Its not a meme, for people well off with well adjusted families the best course of action is buying a house and then renting it out for ten+ years. Let the tenant pay off the mortgage and then move in. Unless you are making bank moving somewhere for work I wouldn't recommend renting just for the sake of moving out.

t. 30yo living in his parents house, ama.

I have my emt cert and this was my plan but im so unconfident whenever I go out on calls, I've been precepting for like 6 months just because I'm too nervous to mess stuff up. Do you have any advice or is it just a matter of accepting I'm gonna make a lot of stupid mistakes and get made fun of for it?

Haven't lived at home since I was 16. Dorms, boarding houses, communal houses all suck ass, but are still better than living with family.

Bro I’m in the same boat and I haven’t even started academy yet. I get super nervous about low level entry jobs in retail but I recently realized it’s okay to fuck up. We will probably make a fuck load of mistakes at first, and will probably even get a few shitty people talking down to us over it at times. Just prepare as much as you can and recognize the mistakes you make, study and read up in those areas. But yeah man I’m nervous as fuck. I’m fine with gore and shit just the general theme of emergencies and social situations fucks me up.

im about to graduate from my commuter school and im 21. i need to save up for grad school so i probably won't move out until im 23 or so (same age as my brother)

Why do you all hate your families so much? I actually enjoyed living together with my parents. It’s a lot cheaper overall and I enjoy spending time together with them.

Sure if you have a wife, kids or living together with your gf it’s different but I don’t get what’s so cool about living by yourself?

Had to move out 2 years ago because taking 1.5 hours to get to work was just rediclious but coming home after a working day to an empty place sucks.

I’ve been living in my van for two years now. 25 years old.

how is your romantic life? my only concern with continuing to live with my mom, but I'm only 19

Moved out at 19, just moved back in at 27 to save money. It kinda sucks but its saving me a fuckton of money to save up for a house

20, live in an apartment off campus of my uni. i pay for it myself tho

I"m 21. Not sure what you mean, where else am I supposed to be right now? LMAO tf

26, full time employed, living in one of my parents house until I have enough for a down payment for my own home.
The amount of money I save in rent in socal is ridiculous

28 in March still living at home.

At least 75% of my friends do. The simple fact of the matter is it's an absurd luxury and barely affordable to pay rent let alone a mortgage around here on a single persons wage.

Some long term couples move out other than that we're pretty fucked. My parents will kick me out before the end of the year so I've been enjoying my 20s for as long as possible before I have an extra 20 quid at the end of the month for entertainment.

At 19 you can just screw in a car or under a bridge. Or whatever. Nobody will judge you for living at home until you’re like 22-23 at the earliest and even then most people will overlook it as long as you’re finishing up school or education. Being poor af is worse for your romantic life than living at home (or living with a bunch of roommates, which is possibly even worse than your parents).

I'm 24 and working and I live at home

Saving money to buy a house because I can either pay off my own mortgage or someone else's.

Parents will chip in a big part of the initial seed money too.

>tfw good relationship with my parents

>tfw one day they will unfortunately pass away but on the same day inheritance will make me a millionaire

29 still at my parents
beat me

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23 really fucking eager to move out. Almost landed a good contract but it messed up last second

plan right now is finish work, travel for a month or two then get into uni and move

lets get it

>Why do you all hate your families so much?
I love my family. But I share my room with my brother. I'm 26 and he's 21. I'm studying and it's much cheaper that way but I will move out when I'm done and work as my first priority. If I had my own room that would be another story.

Well you're Jow Forums so at least not a COMPLETE fuck up, pops

I live at home with my wife and child. We will have it paid off in one year. Thank you for asking

>Lived at a house renting with my friends for last 3 years of college
>Moved back home after I graduated in May 2018
>Worked myself to the bone at my restaurant job until I had enough and quit in October
>25,000 saved up, could definitely move out

>Don't have a job currently, hard finding one that isn't a restaurant
>Nutrition degree is pretty much useless unless I become a Dietitian
>Required to go through a 9-12 month internship
>No salary or wages, working 40+hrs a week
>Have to PAY "tuition" for the opportunity to get the internship (anywhere from 5,000-15,000$, most don't have any stipend)
>Most likely have to pay for relocation purposes

My choice ATM is basically waste all my money moving out and getting an internship (assuming I get selected), or wasting MOST of my money on an internship while living at home (I'll be 24 by the time it's over) or moving out and getting a wageslave job with no future

As opposed to living in the street?

Got you beat by a year. Bonus: no change in sight.

>selected), or wasting MOST of my money on an internship while living at home (I'll be 24 by the time it's over) or moving out and getting a wageslave job with no future

live at home and internship bro.

>tfw more expensive to live at home than get an apartment
>paying nearly all of the $2200 house rent to avoid eviction
>crazy electric Bill's 1k-3k overdue frequently.

Gonna ditch em and get an apartment, but I'll have to spend 50% of my monthly income on rent alone. Fuck poor people that have kids.

Where are you? San Diego? Seattle? Christ that’s high

I would rather kill myself than become a Dietitian, being forced to work with fat people all day is my worst nightmare

They're right. I'm not moving out until I've saved up enough to buy my own place. Renting is a huge waste of money.

I do. 21 years old commuting to university. I start medical school in the fall and I'll be living alone for the first time. Pretty excited, but I know I'm going to spend most of my time studying desu.

i moved out, never went to college. I work a blue collar job but i kind of wish i could go back home, just to save some extra money. in my mind though im already gone and doing my own thing in life, I cant justify returning when theres a whole world to get lost in.

I go to her place


Moved out at 18. Second worst financial decision I've ever made, first being uni. 25 now, trapped in the rat race until LINK mainnet.

I'm not from the US.
I'm 31 and both my parents live in my (big) apartment because they were completely unable to manage money and get a pension. The alternative was having them living on the street. Been like this since I was 24.
My dad is also an hikkikomori, I'm not joking. The only thing he does is reaching for food and insulin in the kitchen while watching tv. At least my mom is still active and goes out to do things.

This is not a good arrangement for me, since it looks like I'm over 30 and still live with my parents. Which is true, but not for the usual reasons. Even if I were to explain, it's not like I would be believed. It also doesn't help that I make money from freelancing and I work from home.
It's also not a coincidence that I haven't even kissed a girl in the last 7 years.

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I moved out as soon as I could because I couldn't stand my family. Had a job since I was 11.

i would toss my leech family to the curb bud

I'm 23 and moving out this year. Paid 50/50 with my mom last few years to build credit and savings. I can't stand her anymore though, or I would have continued for a while longer

Tfw stuck with toxic parents in a tiny apartment. I live in burgerland and im 23

I've been a ff/medic for about the last 10 years. I was a lot like you with the anxiety of fucking up, and I did, and people basically made me feel the size of a spec of dust for it. That's kind of the culture. Its fucked up because it's about the only job it's "ok" for co-workers to talk to each other like they do. It's all an ego game. You better figure out a way to not give a fuck what others think of you real quick or the shit will eat you alive between their words and your own mind's self-deprication. I'm on disability now for mental issues largely because of this job. Trying to get myself right. Not sure if I'm going back or not. Not trying to discourage you, but it truly is not for the weak spined and thin skinned, I.e. those who can't take criticism well and tell someone they perceive an equal or higher than them to eat shit. There's a reason twice as many first responders commit suicide a year as die in the line of duty.

27 still living at home, but it's normal in my country, people move out after they're 30 years old so you can pay for a house before you move out
People moving out before 30 are living on the paycheck and rarely buy a house
They're also in deep shit every month because of the lack of money

I turn 25 next month and also graduate from college this year, still at home

the big question is when I get a big boy job, if I should stay at home for another year or two. Honestly when I think about it logically, that's 15k+ savings/year... Easily enough to get my first property to rent out. I don't know if its worth the stigma if living at home at 26/27, though

nah, I'm thinking about moving back in so i can go to school full time tho. Moved out at 18, now 21

Thanks for the input man, I appreciate it. I hope you do get yourself right again. I’m still going to try this

nah, my dad would still work if he wasn't almost blind due to diabetes and my mom is a woman so you how it is. They're not leech and they were always generous with everyone, they're just stupid with money.

I have a job that I'm trying to ditch and then I plan to move out after I get a new one. But if these next few jobs don't pan out, I think I might just move out because I fucking HATE living at home

I find it interesting that this is a prevalent attitude only in English speaking countries, people in the rest of the world don't tend to attach so much (does't mean any) value to the idea of independence, at least in the form of moving out.

I have a farm to inherit, not leaving my home.

Good luck man. I loved the job when I worked with people who treated each other with respect. Sure it had its issues just like any job, but overall, your crew will make or break you. I got stuck at a station my last 2 years with a crew that harassed me constantly and it led me to break because I had poor self esteem as it was and didn't like confrontation. I claimed harassment and asked to be moved stations or shifts and got told I didn't know what harassment was even though I got cussed out and physically threatened or intimidated regularly. The first 8 years were overall pretty awesome though. There's a few crews I worked with where had I stayed with them I think I'd still be happy and healthy. But the last 2 years led to a vicious cycle of drinking and sleep/staying awake issues and calling off that ultimately led to them sending me to a doctor picked by them and the doctor saying I wasn't mentally fit at this time to return.

>if i e-explain nobody believe!
wanna know how I know, that you're a cuck?

Literally every graduate I know lives with their parents. You need to stop caring about what others think

28 living with parents.Biologically boomer mentally zoomer romanticly doomer.

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I wish because I would save a lot of money, unfortunately I am from a single mother home and she drives me absolutely insane and there is no chance in hell I would be able to get any work done or have any peace and quiet if I lived at home. Love my mom but she's absolutely out of her mind and completely manic. I 100% cannot deal with it.

Just give her that dick bro solve her mania and your stress/inability to deal with her. Let her suck that cock and beg for that cum in mommy's throat while you do your daily regimen. Did you ever think she might just be dick crazy not crazy crazy?

For real bro just fuck her regularly then tell her to fuck off outta here or you won't give her that D anymore

Gotta agree with Anons, user. Give your mommy that deep creampie and make yourself a baby brother. That should chill her out.

43 living@ home yo.gona make it soon

Homeless here. Feels bad.

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Moved when I was 15.

Im 21, almost 22. Moved out of my moms house 12hrs after HS graduation. Currently living with my wife in a house with her parents

>Currently living with my wife in a house with her parents

You traded your parents for her parents. Even worse imo.

Plus you're married at 21

What if my mom lives with me? She doesn’t make much money but she makes up for it in cooking and cleaning so she lives with me.

yeah sure

My wife decided we'd move into her boyfriend's house to save money. It's been going great so far.

fookin jej

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26 this year. Good think it's more or less acceptable to live with your parents until your get your own family over here. Which will probably never happen, but still.

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I live at my girlfriend's place which is really her dad's other place. Meaning we both live here for free.

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This. I’ve been living at my wife’s boyfriend’s parents place for the better part of three months and couldn’t be happier

27 at home reporting in.

>Falling for the properties meme
Just invest

Real estate investing is GOAT, as you get 1) rental yield 2) property appreciation.

Did you know that quite a few happy merchants get a house for their bar mitzvah?

That's a relief, I was starting to think 20 was a late age.

You also get
1) A lot of expenses, which will make your investment actually a cost if you don't get tenants
2) Property devaluation if you didn't buy in the right place or any of your risks actually manifests
3) Middlemen cuts unless you're already well versed in real state
There are way better ways to invest, but of course, they require that you actually put some effort into it. Properties are basically the PT meme workout of investing.

Perhaps sharing a room is worse but not sharing a house
If anything having flatmates is good for your love life cause you meet tonnes of people without having to put in fuck all work
Moved out of home at 17 and it was the best thing I could have done
For sure am spending appt on living costs but I'm also living a pretty sick life most of the time, and I'm someone who would do fuck all socialising if it wasn't thrust on me

I do and when my mother passes away I'll be getting the house.

Fuck living in a apartment

Flee while you still can

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24, been trying to find municipal employment after finishing my Master's for about 7 months now. It's okay though, get to spend lots of time with my old grandma and my parents supply whatever food and protein powder I need.

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I do. I am 30, saving money for a rainy day fund. When I reach about 6 months worth of rent/bills I'm out of here. It's just not healthy for someone my age to live with parents.

I'm 23 and moved back home after graduating college last year. I saved up enough money that I could move out if I wanted to, only problem is I quit my job two weeks ago so I need to wait until I find a new one to move out. I don't really mind it too much. Haven't had sex since college though, anyone else having trouble getting laid after college or am I just autistic?

Properties is the best long-term investment. You will always find tenants as long as you don't live in the middle of nowhere and when the house is paid off you can sell it for more than you paid for it. You overthink it, it's as simple as putting together a craigslist ad with "$2000/mo, here are all the utilities, payment for first and last month necessary" You RARELY need to do anything like repairs, maybe $200-300/yr at most.

It's harder to meet people after college, tinder was pretty much a necessity for me.

I’m 25 and live at home. Work full time as an engineer and I’m going to school part time for an MSEE. Most of my coworkers wish they werent pissing away absurd socal rent.

We're both gonna make it. I'm feeling more confident now that I'm more fit and I've taken some boxing classes. It's just intimidating at first, so many people at my station were born into it (parents and brothers/sisters are medics or ff) so they know all this shit when they're like 14. Gonna study on my shifts instead of dicking around in the gym.
thanks for the advice. I've already noticed how much disdain there is for certain people at my station, and ive gotten ribbed by a couple medics for not knowing where stuff is/not being prepared. But the older emts at my place are really nice and helpful so i try to just ignore the medics, but take advice if they aren't trying to just be insulting.

Why are you posting this in Jow Forums? It has nothing to do with lifting. Your self loathing is a loser attitude

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moved out at 18 with ~10k saved up, (not that much in the Bay Area).

Jesus H Christ the lot of you are fags

How are you an adult man and live with your parents?

I'd literally pay NOT to live with my parents at this point in my life. I'm 21.

Yeah, I left school and had to move back in for a time to save up for a car and an apartment, I'm not trying to come off as if im invincible

but it's really not that fucking hard. If you're paying some dipshit amount like 1.2k for rent and working at chipotle, move, I live in the midwest, the rents relatively cheap, currently paying 840/month with my live in girlfriend 50/50 and I make probably 35k a year. 420 a month for rent? I make like 2.5 or so? It's not fucking hard bros

I even move around the country and shit just to dick around, and avoid year long leases like the plague.

Stop falling for all the full retard finance ideologies that your pathetic insecurity and social media obsession has locked you in.

Buy a used car, literally you save 5k+ automatically with this decision in whole coverage insurance and interest from the bank, that's excluding the 100% markup you pay retail for the car to even begin with which is full retard

Keep your consumeristic bullshit to a minimum, you like to eat at chipotle twice a week? Fucking eat at chipotle twice a week, but do just one, don't eat at chipotle twice this week, panera once, then spend 50 dollars at the bars on the weekend,

Pick one hobby at a time. Like colognes? I got literally 900$ worth of colognes. Retard finance right? Sure, I don't disagree, but what do I also not have? New golf clubs, the newest iphone, a new television, new ikea furniture. I just keep it at one. If I'm into running, I'll go cop some 130$ nikes, but this lasts. My house isn't full of dipshit dabble hobbies spread acrossed the board. I invest in the one or two things I genuinely like to do and nothing else and there's ample money for that.

it's really not that hard. But i do agree with abusing no rent as long as possible

Some of don't live in bumfuck nowheresville where the average iq is 80.

I help my mom by paying half the bills so my younger brother and sister get a better quality of life. Don't see what's wrong with that. It's still cheaper than living on my own and allows me to save money for when my siblings are older

I'm 26 and still with mom and pops. Did 3 years of a TV broadcasting course out of highschool, barely even looked for a job upon graduating. Worked for like another 2 years and now I'm back in school again for Industrial Electrical technician and this should land me an apprenticeship somewhere at the very least. I want to move out after I get a "good" job. Been working at a warehouse case picking and it's not bad but it's low pay and doing forklift isn't much better. Low prestige, low paying job will just make me depressed in the long run. inb4 electrician memes, they make good money.

19yo,first year of college,20 minutes away by foot from my house
Still,in my country it's quite normal to stay at your parents' until 21,sometimes even later than that,as colleges here do not have campuses and dorms and shit like Northern America

>be 23 years old and moved back home after college because you couldn't get a job with your worthless humanities degree
>brother is a worthless druggie and mom spends 30 weeks a year traveling to avoid him
>spend all day in full r9k mode hiding in my room pissing in bottles
>once every two weeks, drag myself to the gym in the middle of the night when I know no one will be there
fucking kill me please

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