show yourselves failed normalfags

Attached: 123.png (771x539, 126K)

Other urls found in this thread:

INTP =/= Autism

It's like autism but without actual retardation. Learning this saved me a lot of grief in life.

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op here, i get istp on (((16))) all the time

That pic reads more like a self insert. MBT is broscience too

>image describes you to a t
how do I fix myself?

you can stop looking at what boil down to horoscopes

This is me but I'm intj

any of you fags have done this test? geniuely interested.
>inb4 (((psychology)))
yeah no shit but whatever seems somewhat accurate

Attached: assburger.png (941x619, 100K)


I've never called myself autistic though

Attached: Screenshot_2019-01-21-09-56-51-1.png (1440x1084, 429K)

kys normalfag

I'm intp though, as I said.

I've contacted my nation's assburger association for information and for what I gather autism is an actuall retardation with physical manifestation in the brain. INTP is a personality or way of brain wiring.


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okay I guess I won the thread. carry on peasants

r8 my autism lads

Attached: qwertyuiop.png (940x627, 107K)

Literally just find a way to make money and another way to fuck women and you're already fixed and better off than 99.8% of the population. INTP is a gift from god.

Attached: ass.png (600x600, 31K)

the fuck i thought you fags were larping. t-this is larp right?

Attached: rare mcpepe.jpg (750x731, 57K)

>Detected possible malicious code in image file.

Attached: arsesandwich.jpg (1108x784, 106K)

It's a glow in the dark sting

plaese l-larp right just for teh laught and maymays

ESTP and ISTP are superior American Psycho like types

Not really.
But I actually am lawyer, fuck a lot of wynwn and Im like 3 years from being a fucking chairman in my company.
If only they knew.

Also how the fuck its autistic if it irritates you if someone is walking behind you.
Shit test

g-good for you stay in closet based aspie

Attached: froggo.jpg (786x719, 58K)

>isn't actually anyone's bf
well, FUCK YOU, lady
What does it mean though?
I dun geddit

Was the code found on the website or on the image OP posted.

Is it possible to be an aspie Chad? I always suspected I was a little bit on the spectrum but this is pretty high.

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Thank you user-san

I know Im fucked up. Like I have always this urge to hit in the face everyone I talk with. Or the bitches I fuck I sometimes have the urge to strangle them hoes. Or kick my dog when Im petting it. I sometimes cry knowing that my grandparents might die someday.

Okay Im not blogging anymore. Its just tiring

But seriously I make like 4x average wage (always in the suit and my gucci glasses) and fucked over 60 bitches over my lifetime also 1/2/3/4 achieved long time ago

I just copied the image from the editor and pasted it on the quick reply, as per usual

Guess I’m just the typical Jow Forums social autist. Tfw all my points were out into perception& strength

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this is mine comment please lol xD

Attached: aspie.png (643x522, 91K)

can pass as normie but still weirdo sometimes

Nice, wondering what that bump in neurodiverse relationship is (prolly the question about tongue kissing, i love a good french kiss).

Attached: aspietest.png (640x400, 84K)

I'm also an INTP

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>most assburger in regards to relationships

Attached: poly10a.png (640x400, 85K)

I got the same basically. Yet people call me autistic..

stuff in blue means not autist.

i also have a big tittie redhead gf and im still larping Jow Forums

Attached: why am i dis stoopid.png (1127x685, 37K)

Yeah that’s what I said. A Jow Forums social autist is just that. Not actually a fuckin retard but socially inept or in my case social anxiety from being too in my head. If you notice most other areas are barely that spread out, I tend to psych myself out of everything even hobbies too

Because normalfags who sit around and watch NBC all day don't understand having talents and dreams. So they call people autistic. Its like how npc's call smart people like Bill Gates autistic. They don't realize that the real autists are the fat weirdos in the fedoras sending their daughters like fifty friend requests on facebook.

Aint that bad anons right......right....shit.

Attached: asp.png (640x400, 85K)

youre actually quite normal u idiot

fucking normies

INTJ fake-normie
I only have female friends cause of my autism, girls get over my autism cause I'm somewhat attractive.
Lost v-card last week and have gf, I also get invited out every weekend.
Trough it's interesting that yes, I stare at my gf a lot, like a lot a lot, she points it out all the time.
I love tongue kissing even trough I only had one girl that liked it as much as I did, gf hates it.
I play with the hair of girls in conversation without noticing it all the damn time.

Attached: poly10a.png (640x400, 87K)

>stop being a bitch
>realise you have potential
>realise you're better than everyone
You cant conquer what you out above you

Take the narcicisst pill


Attached: poly10a.png (640x400, 85K)

holy shit true as fuck

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Looks like I'm a normie autist hybrid. Makes a sense I always felt like an autist among normies and a normie among autists. Tis a lonely world.

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sorry for you man lmao

>121 questions
fuck off

INTJ fake-normie
I only have male friends and never had a gf.

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t. found about his normie status and has no excuse

You're almost a normie trough.

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Attached: poly10a.png (640x400, 85K)

Being a shut in for 2 years almost made me autistic

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nah you are absolute normalfag

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Attached: poly10a.png (640x400, 85K)

most fags here are just antsocial not full blown aspies

Believing in Myers Briggs tests and actually thinking this chart represents you is a fate worse than retardation desu senpai.

I don’t belong on this site

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Any hybridfags out there?

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I guess I'm more sperg than tist, according to the results.

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what does this mean my niggas?

Attached: Screenshot_194.png (640x421, 90K)

nvm figured it out

>tfw 140 IQ loser
how do i harness my potential FUCK
I'm interested

Socially awkward extrovert

Go to school. Get internships. Segue internships into corporate job. Collect beta bux.

Now for an actual test:

me btw

Attached: k.png (684x415, 15K)

>Aspie score: 164 out of 200
>Neurotypical score: 57 out of 200
>You are very likely neurodiverse/Aspie

I know I'm autistic but I don't think I'm this autistic. Maybe I answered too many YES instead of SOMETIMES.

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I'm a little close to you, give or take ten points

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a-am i fucked bros?

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>tfw not an autist after all

Feels alright, man.

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normieniggers must leave

Average gang who up

Attached: poly10a.php.png (640x400, 84K)

Im on the wrong forum. gtfo aspies.

Attached: poly12c.php.png (640x400, 82K)


Everyone can instantly tell how to answer this quiz in order to be full aspie, it’s plain obvious.
So you will get a lot of these in here.

And then half of these questions don’t make any sense for a normal person.

filthy jew gets angry because Im German, dont worry holocaust is over

I'm the dumbest person I know, bullshit test.

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Later virgins

>diagnosed with aspergers at 12

Attached: poly10a.png (640x400, 85K)

Guess I'm a normie

Attached: notaspi.png (640x400, 85K)

they (jews) got you

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To be fair I fucking hate the opposite sex's attention because it almost always spells groping/molestation.

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My mom had my IQ measured when I was a child and it came back at 142.

Because I am so intelligent, i can tell you IQ is bullshit and you can’t measure a persons intellect.
When a person is actually exceptionally intelligent then you will be able to tell, trust me.

like light from deathnote

Man, i'm a fucking Chad compared to you guys. That's pretty sad for all of us

Attached: Screenshot_2019-01-21-18-55-07.png (1440x2880, 576K)

FYI IQ is not seen as actually reflecting a persons intelligence anymore. Since everyone is good something different. So even geniuses can suck at these tests. Good try though.

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>69 of 200

I see ESTPs superiority has caused some controversy

I don’t quite get this a humour.
On one side you are surely aware of the fact that the quiz does not measure your “chadness” but merely that you are not mentally disabled.
Surely the ongoing joke here is that you/we are all not normal and that if we were normal, we’d get laid, which would also us chads.
But you are also surely aware that just by not being mentally disabled you won’t become what this board portraits as chad. As well as everyone here surely is aware that they don’t actually have a servere mental disease and that everyone just uses autism as social awkwardness.

But then you also strike this kind of serious sounding note saying that the results are “sad”. There isn’t really any joke there so why would you say that? That I don’t get.

>haha autism btw


Attached: Udklip.png (926x595, 106K)

You don't get it because you're an idiot or autistic

The joke was that you're all autistic. Literally just a burn against you and himself

Your neurodiverse (Aspie) score: 46 of 200
Your neurotypical (non-autistic) score: 125 of 200
You are very likely neurotypical

ok but why am I so awkward and anxious in social situations and why do people that don't know me think I'm weird

Not taking an objectively administered battery of clinical tests if you know you have serious problems.

Being this obsessed to take dumb internet tests when you don’t really have anything wrong with you but motivational issues and general laziness.

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