How do I become passionate about something, Jow Forums ? How do I put more points in willpower ?

How do I become passionate about something, Jow Forums ? How do I put more points in willpower ?

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Stop jerking off, think before you do something about how it will benefit you, and reduce idleness.

Be curious, talk to new people, get out of your comfort zone. You'll eventually find something.

milk truk just arive

Sauce on her photo gallery.

If you have to ask, you'll never be passionate about it. You can't force passion, it just is. Passion stems from a true, almost neurotic desire to achieve something, or having a strong emotional connection to something. You can't just force that - it has to just be.

Imagine the smell brahs
scroll down a bit for the apron pics

Are you fucked at night?

Passion is a pitfall. In order to succeed you need to implement a routine instead since routines are not based off of energy or mood.


I would also like to know how to give a shit about literally anything. I go to the gym but that wasn't the magic bullet I was anticipating it to be

Not sure if I buy it senpai. A lot of times I think passion develops out of some inner need. This is why autists get hyper-focused on a discipline (gives them the sense of control they crave) and so many talented musicians have some horrible story. Expressing pain through art that can't be expressed otherwise is probably one of the major reasons humans engage in it.

She goes by “Joy from Sweden”, search that on Reddit

both of those populations are typically medicated or have some sort of chemical imbalance in their brains - not exactly fair comparisons to your average person trying to get fit. A lot of times their obsessions are born from some underlying illness or condition

also, your example validates what I said
>passion develops from an inner need
these people don't control that, it just happens bc of their personality - autists don't "decide" to be hyper-focused on something, they just are bc they're nuts

you have to seek something that goes higher than yourself, that is to say you have to find the discipline for your passion. only you know what you want to do, it falls upon your own shoulders to actually do it.

just stop giving a fuck and do whatever you want

What would make you consistently happy?


J-Just imagine coming home from work everyday to that making dinner for you with 3 adorable little blonde kids running around the house, haha would hate to have that right guys? they'll all be gains goblins right guys? You wouldn't have time to snort cocaine and go to Thai saunas right? You wouldn't have time to play vidya and live life haha who would want such a thing?

Attached: Shocked.jpg (226x249, 6K)

wtf so many

Noone gonna witness this?

Imagine sniffing her asshole haha

Serious answer? Four magic words: HAVE FUN WITH IT.

This , set some early achievable goals and have some fun. By the time it get's tough you'll be hooked.

Step 1: Leave your house.

Sweet mother of god.

Make it fun. Get a partner to go with you, and compete to see who can make the most improvements

Thank you guys for all the advice. I'm going to put thought on them and use them on my life
Hope we can both improve it, damn it I just feel dead inside
not much at the moment, but I'm going to try to figure it out, just like some other posters told me. I need to stop being a coward and try things

Start by cutting off bad habits you have.
No fap.
No shit food.
No drugs or alcohol.
No other self-destructive behavior
Listen to Jordan Peterson.
Do the Self Authoring Program.
Get a job.
Get a wife.
Get children.

And if you still have energy after that, help the community around you, do volunteer.